President — David Leibig, 1375 Warren Rd., Delhi, NY 13753; phone: 607-829-6813; e-mail:
Vice President — William Ballou, 4 Noth Street, Camden, NY 13316; phone: 315-245-0960
Secretary/Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196
NYSTA Newsletter Editor — Angie Berchielli, 3861 SR 85, Westerlo, NY 12193; phone: 518-797-3747
NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071
FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, Rt. 3. Box 259, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453
Executive Director — David Miller 11311 Gay Rd., Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 3-year individual with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• 3-year family with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $56
• Senior life member (65 or older) — $100
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033
President’s Report
Cattaraugus County Trapper’s Association Report
Cortland County Trapper’s Association Report
Eerie County Report
Oswego County Trappers Association Report
Independent Fur Harvesters of Central New York Report
Hello fellow NY trappers. It’s been a formidable season so far in the western Catskills. Land trapping started on Oct. 25 with 2 inches of rain after three weeks of no rain. Then three days later we were hit with 2 feet of snow on the mountains and 6 inches in the valleys. When water season opened on Nov. 25, we were hit with heavy rains and or snow then it got cold and froze most still water. Besides the aftermath of the deep heavy snow, most animals run before and after a storm. Some people say we have to be a little crazy to go out in that weather. I say God willing.
The election results have me little concerned, both nationally and state wide. With all three houses Democrat, I wonder how many Anti’s bills are going to be passed this year. Once again we might be looking for you to make calls to our legislators either to support or oppose a bill. These are critical times and we can’t do it alone. We need your support to preserve our rights. In some instances, all it takes is a couple calls from someone in their constituency to sway a vote in our favor. The reality is, with the city politicians, they have no clue about what we do and need a little guidance on how to vote. If they know someone in their district traps, then they might do something to help us. If they think it effects no one in their district, they will vote unfavorably. We have two options, either sit back and watch all your rights be taken away from us or you can take action and fight for what is right. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for your children and grandchildren.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the rest of your season. Catch lots of furs and most important, take a kid under your wing and mentor them.
— Dave Leibig
The Cattaraugus County Trappers Association held its regular meeting at the Catt. Co. Cooperative extension building as usual on the third Thursday of November at 7:30 p.m. After the usual opening ceremonies, we got down to business.
John Milks got info on the DEC camp for next year. It seems that the price has increased some but we still plan to send a camper as usual. We even have a youngster who wishes to go so we should be all set there.
We got a letter from the U.S. Sportsman Alliance asking for a donation to help them do the things they do for us. With the election of Obama as President, we decided it might be a good idea to make a donation. This new administration might not be very sportsmen friendly.
We have contacted Bob Hughs to be our auctioneer for our fur sale. Hopefully the weather will break so the trappers can get out and get some fur. It’s been very cold and wintry for a while with no break in sight. (Whatever happened to global warming?) At least the furs should be primed up well. John handed out flyers for our fur auction so we can do some advertising for it. It’s Saturday, Jan. 17 at the Hinsdale Fire Hall. Auction starts at 10 a.m. with the doors opening for checking in at 7:30 a.m. For more info contact John at 716-557-2523 or Andy at 716-492-0432. One of our local dealers has set up a schedule to be at different locations, mostly sport goods stores, to buy furs. This is handy for trappers all around the county as they won’t have to drive as far.
John Milks and Derwood Say recently held a trapping class. The unusual thing about it was that they only had one young student. The rest were all adults.
Here’s wishing everyone happy holidays and a great New Year. Take a kid trapping with you. Being a mentor is very rewarding.
— David L. Allen
Meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m., Nov. 16, 2008.
Nine members were present. Mike Veery won the 50/50 and then proceeded to win the door prize donated by Marie Shea. Nice going.
Presidents list: IFH fur auction will be Dec 13 at the Pompey R & G Club.
Scholarship committee still needs one member, any volunteers?
Marie Shea has made a donation to the Solon Club to help with their heating bill. Marie also thanked the Club and everyone else for their kind support at the time of the passing of Pat Shea.
Trappers Association voted to support the Resolution proposed by the Cortland Federation Resolution would open early archery season on Oct 1.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as corrected. Mike LaFond made the donation to the Club, not Al. Sorry about that.
Mr. Howe discussed the possible expenses coming up before the Maple Festival. Will we get a new canopy? Will we get new tables? What else?
Club will send another card to Loren Sigman; he is recovering but is still in therapy. Get well Loren.
Les Wedge is updating membership list for the newsletter. He will double-check some membership expiration dates.
Les will also bring food for December.
Motion to adjourn carried at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
— Art Manz
At our November meeting, we welcomed a new member, Stanley Zydel. He said he just got back into trapping after 20 years, and heard about the club through his nephew. We all enjoyed meeting and talking with him and hope he enjoys his membership.
The club sent in our yearly BAM (Buck-a-Member) contribution to the New York State Conservation Council and our yearly membership dues. The Council is a non-profit organization that works at a “grass roots” level in conservation to protect fish & wildlife with legislation that is vital to New York sportsmen. We receive the Grass Roots News to keep us informed. Visit their Web site at
We also renewed our membership to the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance. The USSA is a national association of sportsmen & sportsmen’s organizations that protect the rights of hunters, trappers and anglers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. Fore more information, visit The club receives e -mails along with the Sentry newsletter.
We are in the early stages of selecting our DEC camper. We need to make the selection by Feb. 9. Applicants for Camp Rushford must be between the ages of 12 and 14, when they attend the camp. If you know of any boy or girl that our club can sponsor, sign them up at our next few meetings. Check out the camp information at The price of the camp went up to $325. We also need to note that Hamburg Rod & Gun Club will act as our co-sponsors. Rick Walton said that we should not give the club our usual Christmas gift and instead put that money towards sending a kid to the camp. Thanks Hamburg R&G! The club has been more than generous to us in opening their clubhouse for our monthly meetings.
Elma Conservation will be hosting our annual Fur Handling Seminar on Saturday Jan. 10. Join us to learn better techniques for preparing your pelts. We will have several stations set up and you can watch and learn about pelting, fleshing, stretching ,drying and sizing. We will have informative handouts and even some trap setting demos. We will start at 9 a.m. and go to about 1 p.m. Come, watch and learn! The address is 600 Creek Rd. Elma, NY. Call Frank for more info (716) 681-5690.
Our Fur Auction will be on Saturday, Feb. 7 at S&S Taxidermy & Archery Pro Shop, Rt. 219, Springville NY. (1 mile south of Rt. 39). Graders will be on hand to get your furs into lots. Sellers will be allowed at the buyers table when their lot comes upon the table. This way they if they wish to no-sale their fur they can let the buyer know. Check-in is at 8am and the auction begins at 10 a.m. We will need help, if you would like to volunteer call Patti at (716) 337-2556 and for other information.
We still have a few of the NYSTA lottery calendars available and the proceeds benefit NYSTA’S legislative fund. Our club purchased one and used our same lucky numbers #328. Other meeting news, Mike Monin donated a nice bag of raccoon tails from furs that he had a blanket made . Thanks Mike, we will us them at the sportsmen show in the spring. Video librarian Debbie reminded us about the sign-up list . She asked if we can mark VHS or DVD along with the video name. Any member is allowed to sign the videos out and we ask that you return them promptly.
Our meetings are held the second Tuesday monthly at Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in trapping is welcomed. For club correspondence send mail to ECTA 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons NY, 14091. Our next meetings are Jan. 13th and Feb. 10. See you there!
— Patti Wattengel
The Meeting was called to order.
The newsletter was accepted as given.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Old Business: The Convention was a big success even with the few issues we had. Next year we will not be having the boy scout troop as food vendors as there were many issues with there participation.
I announced that I was donating MY 22 mag to the club on account I won the new one at the rondy.
New Business: The elections of officers were held and we had one office being contested and after a vote the officers stay the same for two more years and president Anderson announced he will not run again in 2010.
It was discussed about political offices and who was running.
The next meeting will be Dec. 2, 2008 at the Leatherstocking club, Route 104, New Haven, NY. This will be our annual Christmas dinner. The club will provide the meat and coffee. Please bring a dish to pass and a place setting for yourself and something to drink if you do not want coffee.
Respectfully submitted.
— Charles L Lamb Jr.
Minutes of Meeting
November 9, 2008
8 Members present
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of last meeting were read.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
We still have not heard anything from NYSTA. President Liebig was a now show at last meeting and this meeting.
We received a Thank You from “Hunt of a Lifetime” for our donation to help handicap hunters.
We purchased 5 Arctic Fox pelts, 5 Coyote pelts, and 100 Coon tails from Tom Gebo. Harvey will mail out a check to him.
Remember we have Bear Hunt tickets for sale. They make a great Christmas gift or thank you to someone. For tickets, call Al at 682-2050.
The Club will sponsor an Ad in the Trapper & Predator Caller magazine to support John Rockwood for NYSTA President & Wayne Jones for NYSTA V.P. in the up coming elections.
Al LaFrance went to Oneonta for the NRA Grant Committee Awards.
NRA Grants were received as follows for Madison County Clubs:
1. Affiliated Conservation Clubs of Madison County – $3,800.00
2. Madison County Coon Hunters – $1,541.00
3. Peterboro Conservation Club – $1,100.00
4. Oneida Rifle Club – $1,837.25
5. Madison County 4H Shooting Program – $2,500.00
6. Independent Fur Harvesters – $915.00
Total Grants received – $11,693.25
These Grants are made possible by the Madison County Friends of the NRA Banquet held each year. Remember this when you are asked to attend or support it.
There was a suggestion to broaden our club name to include predator calling or hunting in our name. Mostly because the NRA grant committee keep looking at us as solely trappers. A suggestion was made to change our name to: The Independent Fur Harvesters & Predator Hunters of CNY. Comments will be discussed at the December meeting.
We voted not to attend the Turning Stone Sports Show this year.
Remember our Raffle for the Predator calling package or the Alpaca Blanket. Call Al for tickets – Let’s get some sold members!!!
Al LaFrance and Ed Wright are checking into holding a Predator Calling Seminar open to the public on Nov. 24 or 25th with donations going to the Friends of the NRA. Watch for further notices in the paper for location.
The Trap door prize was won by lucky dog, Gary Stoddard.
The Northeast Sports Show is Jan. 23, 24, 25 at the NYS Fairground in Syracuse, in the Center of Progress Bldg.
Call Al at 682-2050 to schedule a few hours to help out.