New York State Trappers Association August 2010 Report

President — John Rockwood, 114 County Route 30A, Williamstown, NY 13493; phone: 315-415-4946; e-mail:

Vice President — Wayne Jones, 9152 River Road, Marcy, NY 13403; phone: 315-768-8115; e-mail:

Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:

Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196

Legislative Liaison — Dave Miller, 11311 gay Road, Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707

NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071

FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, 41 Apple Ring Road, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453

JTI Chairman — Al West, 5 Hillcrest Ave., Queensbury, NY 12804; phone: 518-793-3662; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Junior Membership – under 16 years of age with subscription to the Trapper & Predator Caller and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $15/yr

• Basic Membership – any age, NYSTA Newsletter, no subscription to T&PC — $15/yr

• General Membership – any age with subscription to the T&PC and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $25/yr

• Family Membership – One magazine subscription to T&PC and the NYSTA Newsletter — $30/yr

• Lifetime Membership – any age with lifetime subscription to T&PC, NYSTA Newsletter, special membership credentials and placque, etc. ­— $750

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033


Greetings Fellow Trappers,

First off I’d like to sincerely thank all who worked so hard to ensure the success of our recently hosted NTA Northeast Regional Convention. Everyone did a great job and all went off without a hitch. I would especially like to thank all the volunteers from the Mid Hudson Valley Fur Harvesters who did a top notch job of keeping everything running smoothly. I did not hear a single complaint from anyone. We all had a great time and enjoyed the time spent with old and new friends alike. Thank You All!

NYSTA’s next Directors Meeting is July 17th. Hopefully the DEC will have a report for us regarding the outcome and final language of the proposed changes in trapping regulations for this upcoming season. If so, I’ll have a full report next time.

Our Executive Director, Dave Miller, just informed me that both Houses in Albany just passed our trap tag bill that will allow trappers to use their DEC ID number on their trap tags in lieu of their name and address. We now only need the Governor’s signature and this bill becomes law. The idea for this bill first came from the Oswego County Trappers Assoc. Dave Miller has diligently worked with our elected officials in Albany to gain passage of this bill for several years. Let’s all hope the Governor gives this his blessing soon.

NYSTA’s Annual Convention is rapidly approaching. The dates this year are September 2, 3, and 4, 2010. VP Wayne Jones has said we are already starting to fill a third big building with inside vendors for this year’s event. Last year we filled two buildings and someone said there were nearly 90 tailgators ! Our Annual Membership Meeting takes place at this time as well as the many demos, trapper training certification course, etc. It’s certainly one of the largest trapping events in this country and a great place to shop for supplies, learn new techniques, gain helpful information, meet old friends, and make new ones.

Dave Miller recently attended the FTA National Convention in Indiana. As you all are probably aware, NYSTA is hosting the FTA National Convention in Dunkirk, NY in June of 2011. While in Indiana, Dave solicited vendors for the 2011 event and said that he secured deposits from nearly 60 vendors already. It has been over ten years since NYSTA hosted an FTA National and we are all very excited about working with the FTA and hosting this event for them in 2011.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and looking forward to fall when we can once again enjoy the pursuit of New York’s furbearers.

Yours for trapping.

— John Rockwood


The regular meeting of the Catt. Co. Trappers Association was held on the third Thursday of June at 7:30 p.m. at the Cooperative Extension building as usual.

Tables and chairs and also a tent have been rented for our Sportsman show. The tent is for the food court and the tables and chairs are for the inside vendors. John Milks said that he has one teenage hired to help at the show, but needs another. Howard has a grandson who he thinks might be able to work and will contact him right away to see. John is going to send out newsletters with some raffle tickets and fliers for the show. He also reported that he is getting lots of vendor money and reservations coming in. He also reported that he sent money to the 4-H for trophies for the county fair. This is something we do every year. We also discussed the schedule of events for the show. John said he would get the auctioneer for our Saturday evening auction. He also needs to contact the gun dealer about making sure we have a gun there to show for our raffle.

The Wednesday before the show we will need helpers to get the tent and tables set up and some on Sunday to help tear down. John also needs help setting up the display in the Conservation building for the fair.

We reminded the members about the Erie County Trappers Association picnic at 2:00 p.m. on the 19 of June as we have been invited to attend.

Derwood Say gave the CANY and Federation report and that was that. Anyone wishing to join can call John at 716-557-2523.

— David Allen

The Cattaraugus County Trappers Association held its club dinner in April at the Cattaraugus United Methodist Church dining hall. A few members from the Erie Co. club came as did David Miller our lobbyist. David gave us good information on proposed trapping regulations and bills that might affect us. We had two short videos that were enjoyed by all. The Erie Co. club invited us to their picnic in June. Should be a good time.

Vender reservations for our Sportsman Show are coming in steadily with some new ones added to the list. It’s always fun to see new venders and what they have to offer. The members turned in their ad money and ads for our show program. We may have a new place to get them printed at a better price. Will check out. We received the results of the Envirothon that we financially support. Hinsdale school won this year. Well done kids!!

We moved to give $75. to the church for the use of its hall for our dinner. Next year’s dinner is already being planned for.

We passed out the raffle tickets for our show raffle. Now get out there guys and sell’um. We’ve got some great prizes this year so we should do well selling tickets.

We discussed the needs of our new and old venders to try to make everybody happy (is that possible???). We also discussed where to put the Mt. Men display this year. Last years spot was good, but not the best. All in all the show is shaping up very well.

Anyone wishing to join should call John at 716-557-2523.

— David L. Allen



The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm. June 20, 2010 by President Bill Howe.

The 50/50 was won by Joan M. (again).Greg Schmidt won the jig donated by John Hahn.

Shirley Howe has sent thank you notes to all who donated to our Club in the name of Mike LaFond. Art took care of the other stuff and we received a thank you note from the Kids Trapper Camp for our donation to them in Mikes name.

Bill still has raffle tickets for us to sell.

We discussed the NY Trappers Fur Rondy. It is July 10 & 11, 2010.. Consensus indicated it is a great Rendezvous and all enjoy it. We will take out a full page as in the Rondy Book. Art will get in touch with Wayne Jones to take care of this.

Discussion on the Maple Festival fur inventory. Bill will try to purchase a herd of available Possum pelts.

Lee Stockton just stopped in. He still does not feel great but the Club was glad to see him here. Lee would like to do a demo at the Rendezvous teaching all about the history of trapping in the area. Who better to do this than Lee? He will work out details and will get any help we can give. His idea was well received.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Round table:

Lee S had passed our library to Butch Jenks to take care of for a little while. Butch can handle it. Lee noted that he (Lee) is not healing as fast as he would like, we all know that feeling and wish him well.

Dale Beckwith noted that he just read a trapping book by Wes Carmen that mentioned Lee Stockton in it as a trapper from days gone by.

Butch Jenks read a note from Marie Shea donating to the Club in Mike Lafonds name; Mike and Pat were old friends.

John Slocum: John verified the fact that the Rendezvous would still be a joint venture with the IFH. Bill said it would still be both Clubs working at the event.

Food next month will be by Richard Beckwith.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm

Respectfully submitted.

— Art Manz


The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm, May 16, 2010, by President Bill Howe.

The 50/50 was won by Joan M, the Palin pin by Butch J, the old trap donated by Les W was won by Mark Slocum and last but not least Les W won the lures donated by John Hahn.

President’s list:

Raffle tickets are still available to sell before the Rendezvous, see Mr. Howe.

We have the rest of our furs from T Zebo, the treasurer will pay the bill.

We discussed what we have for an inventory of furs.

Bill discussed the passing of Mike LaFond and read obituary from news paper. Secretary will send same to T &PC and NYSTA Trap Lines for their info and publishing.

Mikes family requested that donations be made to the CCTA in Mike’s name.

Thank you notes will be sent by Shirley.

We will donate to the new Youth Trapper Camp in the name of Mike La Fond.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.

Minutes were accepted as published. Art noted Change in Pheasant Hunting Regs proposal and the fact that the bills for rifle hunting in Cortland County were on the floor of the Legislature.

Senate Bill from J Seward and Assembly Bill from B Lifton. Let them know how you feel.

Les Wedge thanked the Club for their support and thoughts at the passing of Diane’s Mother.

Les and his Committee went through all the applications for our scholarship and decided that Dennis Gallagher from the Cortland School District would be our Scholarship winner this year.

It was also noted that Dave Morse resigned as our Regional Director for NYSTA, any volunteers available?

Concern for Lee Stockton. Butch Jenks will check it out and make sure Lee is doing OK and let us know.

Dick Firshing donated some stuff for the Rendezvous; I think he is jumping ship for a little while.

John Slocum discussed the passing of Mike La Fond.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.

There was a birthday cake baked by Shirley Howe with two elderly gentleman’s names on it. Bill and Art seem to have been born pretty close in days but Art could probably pass for Bills son. Bill claims to be older than dirt.

Respectfully submitted.

— Art Manz


This year’s theme for the Fair is “Fair FeverCatch it! We still need some good ideas for our booth. Remember, there is extra premium prizes for incorporating the theme.

The dates are August 11-22. We will have no August meeting . We set up at the Conservation Building on Tuesday, Aug. 10th around 6pm. Please plan on attending to help set up our booth and to receive your admission and parking passes. We need help daily from 10-5 and 5-10pm.(except on the 11th opens at 5pm only, and Friday the 13th is judging , opens at noon. ) Call Patti (337-2556) to sign up . We always need plenty of helpers, please call today and join in on the fun! Deadline to enter mounts is July 30th. Check out for downloading entry forms . The cost is $20 which includes 5 admission passes, and you can enter several mounts for just one They are currently soliciting donations and looking for sponsors to help get started. If you would like to donate items or cash, please call Pat, or look her up at the NYSTA convention in Herkimer over Labor Day weekend.

At our last meeting, we mentioned the good efforts of NYSTA in regards to their out reach program. Their goal is to connect with local clubs by attending meetings or special events. Rick went over the latest proposed regulations. There were some changes pertaining to setting on beaver dams which would allow the use of 110’s, foot encapsulating traps, cage and foot traps measuring 4.75 inches or less and allowing to set within 5 feet of a muskrat lodge, to name a few. Check with the DEC website or the NY Trappers Forum for the latest updates. We are also hopeful that 2 law changes would be voted on soon for a 48 hour check in our area the and use of cable restraints.

With everyone’s busy schedule, it was brought up to condense our monthly meetings. Patti will organize our typical meeting dates for the year, to see what we can come up with, noting our yearly events. We will discuss it at our next meeting. Harold mentioned that a good idea would to have a calendar sheet to give to members, listing meeting dates and special events.

Our 2nd trash pick up was on June 3rd. Thanks to everyone who helped especially the kids, Ben, Jake, Andy, Jason and Hannah. Our final date is slated for August, sometime after the Fair.
Our club has been asked to help participate in the NYSTA’s 1st Annual Youth Trappers Camp on October 8-11th at DEC Camp Rushford in Allegany County. The camp is designed to enhance the trapper training for 12-15 year olds. Up to 25 kids will be selected. Trappers are needed to help the program by mentoring the kids with actual trap setting and pelt preparation. A few of us have already committed to help out with pelt preparation. Let us know if you would also like to help in some manner. Pat Arnold, Region 6 director is coordinator and can be reached at (315) 644-4643.

Our summer family picnic was held on June 19th at the Wattengel’s. It was well attended with some new faces and plenty of kids. Thanks to all for the delicious food that we all shared. Our mini-swap was fun with lots of giggles attached! Just to note, all the dogs behaved.

Trapper Training classes are July 19 & 24 at Elma, call 681-5690. West Falls, Sept 25, 652-8025. Wood & Brook , Alden Oct.2 ,683-0419.

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday monthly at 7:30pm Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. Anyone interested in trapping should attend. For club correspondence, send mail to ECTA 12580 Jennings Rd, Lawtons NY 14091.

Next Meetings: Fair set up on August 10th and Sept. 14th.


Minutes of Meeting

June 10, 2010

9 Members present

• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

• Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.

• Treasurer’s report read and accepted.


• Tom Gebo sent more tanned fur to us, there were no tails available.

• Al and Gary received very colorful “Thank You” letters from the kids that attended Camp Woodland, very nice.

• Pat Arnold got back to Al regarding the Trappers Youth Camp and can use money for purchasing food for the campers. We will send a donation.

• For the Turkey Contest: Al took 1st & 2nd place no 3rd place. Now don’t grumble, I was one of the few that shot a bird and didn’t enter it thinking a bigger bird would be shot, no one to blame but ourselves. Good job Al.

• The NRA did VERY well this year along with our table. Sid Evans won a nice 30-06, and I won a S&W m&p 15-22, Al won an expensive gun case (lets see if the airlines damage this one) others won nice prizes in the Chinese auction and live auction. If you didn’t go, you missed a FUN time. Mike Kraus’s wife, Cindy, had us all laughing.


• We’re planning another coyote hunt the 1st weekend in October, nicer weather and nothing else to hunt. What are your thoughts?

• There is 2 crossbow bills out that need our support, A 924 and s6793. Contact the NYS Conservation Council by e-mail, which is It’s a start and only takes a few minutes and will make a difference.

• Al submitted receipts for reimbursement and money collected to Tim.

• The County submitted a new lease for the club house, there were a couple of items Al needs to negotiate, such as the County wants us to pay for utilities, yet there is no meter on the building and the lease states they can kick us out with only 1 days notice. Hopefully they can amend our lease.

• Ken Rushey won the 110 conibear door prize.


• None.


• July 10th and 11th – NY Trappers Fur Rondy at Nichols Pond in Fenner.

• December 12th – Fur Sale at Pompey Rod & Gun Club.

• December 19th – Christmas Banquet.

• Possible dates: Oct. 1-3 coyote hunt. Oct. 9, trap class.

• THE NEXT MEETING IS JULY 8th at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted.

— Rich Palmer

Minutes of Meeting

May 13, 2010

14 Members present

The Supervisor of Pratts Falls, Bernie Feldman as Guest

• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

• Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.

• Treasurer’s report read and accepted.


• Al talked to Tim Gebo about the current fur prices and the availability of getting more tanned fur to sell, the cupboards getting bare, we will get what Tom has left

• The dinner at Al’s Village Diner went well again, we had a few no shows. The door prizes were won by the following: Men: Rick Weslowski, Women: Jim VanMeters girlfriend, Girls: Rick Weslowski’s daughter, Boys: Ron Frodelius’s grandson. For future dinners we will implement a list and if you say you are coming and don’t show you will still be charged, it’s only fair to the Club and Al.

• I was voted Trapper of the Year and I appreciated it very much, thanks to all. Rich.

• Carlton Holdridge was voted into our Trapper Hall of Fame. Much deserved.

• Al submitted the invoice for the plaques and was paid.

• Al and Gary did a show for Camp Woodland, There were 35-40 students in attendance, thanks to both for promoting our sport.

• Tim paid for the insurance for the club, we also voted to carry and Inland Marine policy that will cover the contents of the trailer.

• Bob Evans is in his new house. Finally.

• Jim Dougherty is up and getting around and feeling better.


• Al met with Dave Miller and John Rockwood at the NTA Eastern Regional’s to discuss the Bear Regulation 187-1 changes. NYSTA is opposed to the changes and will contact DEC.

• Chittenango Falls and the Moose River Plains are closing among many others, more State fatalities due to irresponsible spending by our politicians.

• Al read the letter from NYSTA about their Youth Trappers Camp in October held at Camp Rushford, we will sponsor “something” whether its students admission or equipment for it.

• New State trapping regulation proposals were handed out, by the time you read this the comment period will be over. At least the State DEC is working positively with us.

• We paid the rent for the clubhouse for the year and I was paid for the new Beaver mount I won on E Bay, now we can retire Bucky. Al was also paid for the club expenses.

• Al is the only one to get a turkey so far, come on we can’t let him win that easy. I think his “guiding license” needs to be revoked, ha ha.

• I brought in some pulled pork from the hogs I shot in Texas, who says wild isn’t as good as domestic, they never tried my cooking.


• Bernie Feldman from Onondaga County Parks, gave us updates on Pratts Falls and other local parks, he was very informative. Thank You.


• June 3rd – NRA Banquet. Call Al for details.

• December 12th – Fur Sale.

• December 19th – Christmas Banquet.

• THE NEXT MEETING IS JUNE 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted. — Rich Palmer


MAY 3RD, 2010

Called to order 8 pm

Newslettter was accepted as given.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

Old business: The highway pick up had 10 members show up to help out. Andy said it seemed to have less trash this year as compared to the past.

Howard’s mom passed away the club sent flower’s and Andy and George added the services. The sportsman’s march on Albany was well atended with the bus filling up for 3 counties.

Jim P gave a breakdown on the money being spent on stupid things as oppsed to spending it on wildlife issues.

The federation dinner was a big hit. Jim said the traps that Bruce Hyde donated were split into 3 groups and were well accepted.

The USSA Boy Scout camporee will be coming up and we needed help @ the Oswego County Fairgrounds.

New business: There was a breif discussion on the NYSTA board of director meeting and tghwe general membership meeting this past month




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