Tennessee Fur Harvester Association August 2010 Report

Tennessee Fur Harvesters Association

President — James Lord, 19 Mallard Lane Lexington, TN 38351; phone: 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; e-mail: jlord2003@aol.com

Vice President — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com

Secretary — Lora Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-227-5704; e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Nancy Rogers, 235 Burke Lane, Dayton, TN 37321; phone: 423-570-8467; e-mail: nrogers03@bellsouth.net

State Organizer — Paul Antczak, 843 West Millers Cove, Walland, TN 37886; phone: 865-724-4569;
e-mail: predatorsandprey@comcast.net

FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; phone: 931-935-5602

Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354

NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0986;
e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com


Hello TFHA members and trappers. Summer is in full swing and it sure is warm. Hopefully all of you are staying cool. There isn’t a lot going on right now in mid summer. The Trailblazer event in Clarksville TN is just a couple weeks away at the time of this writing, and I will have a report on it in the next issue. This is an outdoor event with a lot of kids activities and adult entertainment as well. We will have a booth set up as well. Also, the Quails Unlimited Covey Camp is soon. This takes place in West Tn at the Ames Plantation, and I usually give a presentation to the youth group and then we set out an actual trapline and run it the next morning. This is usually a great place to get our youth involved.

Although our Fall Convention is a few months away, I would like to mention a few things pertaining to it. John and I was talking, and he brought up an idea to put together a scrap book so to speak of TFHA’s events and members. So what I am asking of you, our membership, is if you have any pictures from past years events, such as Conventions and Fur Sales, or any other “get togethers” that you would be able to let us use to put in this scrap book it would be very helpful. We are also, looking for any articles that may have been written by or about members of TFHA to use as well. We are wanting this to be a book to pass on to future members to go through so they can see what TFHA was, how it started, and what it is today. So any stories that some of you may want to jot down, or maybe even sit and talk to someone that can take notes at Fall Creek Falls this year, would be helpful. If you can bring something with you to Fall Creek Falls that would be great, or you can go ahead and send it to our Secretary, Lora Daniel. Hopefully we can get this together in time for our Spring Meet, to be available to view by everyone. If you have anything to add to this please let us know, as this is “your” scrapbook. It can be anything from a picture, article or even fur sales receipts or fur auction results. I will mention this again in upcoming issues, but wanted to get the idea out there to draw a little interest early or in time for things to start coming together by Fall Creek Falls.

At the time I wrote this, I forgot about last month’s issue being a two month issue, so I sent in a little more information. The Trailblazer Event went well, there were a lot of people that came by the booth. Hopefully we can do this again next year as well.

Also we will are adding another “get together” in September in Middle Tn at Shelbyville Park Pavillion on Sept 11th. Everyone is welcome and we will have a cookout also, so if you could bring a dessert dish and/or some soft drinks that would be great. For more information contact Jerry Bowman or myself.

Thanks and hope to see a lot of old and new faces there.

If anyone has any questions or comments don’t hesitate to call me at 731 614-2531 or email at jlord2003@aol.com.

Have a safe summer and see you in the Fall.

— James Lord


Hello everyone I hope this report finds you and yours doing well. The summer heat is upon us.  T.F.H.A. is getting ready for it’s summer meetings if any one would like to do a demo, or would like to see something speacial be sure to contact Paul , myself or James. Some of you may already know but Alicia McMillan had back surgery in april, from what I know she is doing well. Mike and Alicia have done so much for t.f.h.a. over the years and continue to do so. We wouldn’t know what to do without you guys.I spoke with Grey Anderson a couple of weeks ago.

He siad there is nothing new coming up on trapping in the TWRA. He gave a very nice presentation at the s.e. leadership conference in in Calhoun back in april. The presentation was on the decline of the muskrat population in tenn. After doing some research and a graph the findings show a definate pattern. He plans in the future to do more studies to try to find the reason for the decline. Be sure to contact Laura Smith and find out if she needs anything for the upcoming meeting at Cherokee state park in july.

Hope to see every one at the summer meets. Have a good month.

— John Daniel


Hello T.F.H.A Members,

How is everyone doing? I have here a list of summer events that you all need to mark on your calendar.

Cherokee meet will be in July 17th 2010. We will begin at 9:00 a.m and if you want to bring a side dish or dessert, it would greatly be appreciated

Directions:Take interstate 81 just east of Knoxville ,off of interstate 40. Take the White Pine Rd. exit ( the second one if you are driving from west to east highway 25E) north toward Morristown. After you over the intersection of Highway 11E, turn right at the first traffic light (if you cross lake, backtrack and take a left at first traffic light) . Then left at Park’s sign and go to the first shelter on right, it will be staight across from where we use to have the meetings

District 5 meet will be Aug. 14th 2010. It will be at the Rogers place again this year. We appreciate the Rogers and Betty Stroub for hosting our District 5 meeting. We will begin at 9:00 a.m . Call Nancy Rogers for further info- 423-570-8467

Directions: From Knoxville, take I-40 W to Rockwood / Harriman exit, go left on 27 S, follow it until you hit 30 W, Go up Dayton Mtn. Once on top the mnt./ go approx. 3 miles to Riggs Rd. it will be on your left, from there follow the signs.

From Chattanooga: Take 27 N to 30 W, go up Dayton Mnt. ( very winding) approx.3 1⁄2 miles look for Riggs Rd. on right and follow signs from there. Contact Allen or Nancy for any questions

The Smiths Trapper Training Day will be Sept. 11th 2010 and will begin at 9:00 a.m. Call Laura  For more information about planning side dishes and meals, 931-261-8727
For info on directions call Mark Smith at: 931-261-8727

 Fall Creek Falls will be October 22nd – 24th of 2010. There will be a news letter going out in early September about our featured guest and other events.

— Lora Daniel


When I took the position of state organizer for the Tennessee Fur Harvesters my life was different. Since that weekend my life has changed in this way. First and foremost my relationship with Christ has grown. I’m involved with The Church of The Cove in the men’s ministry. My walk with Christ is rewarding and is very important to me. Second as you know I got married. I have a wonderful supporting wife and a new daughter. Third my business Predators and prey is growing fast and so is Sue’s Dog grooming business. Also I put in a lot of hours on the farm we live on. On the weekends I been giving speeches at campgrounds and I also visited the Wear Valley ranch. My priorities in life are God, Family, Business #1, Business #2, Fur trapping, And Then TFHA. I have found myself this past spring putting TFHA at the top. I missed soccer games with my boy, I didn’t take work because of TFHA events, And just recently I found myself scheduling men’s events with the church around TFHA. This puts my priorities out of line. And it’s not good for my walk with Christ, family or business.

This decision was influenced by no one but God. I’m called to glorify God in all that I do. If you’re a non believer, you won’t understand. If you believe, you will thank God for my decision. There is someone in TFHA that can give more than I’m willing to give so I’m writing to say that I’m resigning my position as state organizer. No hard feelings no regrets. We have a strong organization and I don’t want to slow it down. I will be an active member and help in anyway I am able to. I have to see where the Lord is taking me. Feel free to call me and talk. Please don’t start gossip or hold a grudge. All this will do is tear apart a great organization.

God bless.

— Paul Antczak


It’s almost time for the N.T.A. National Convention in Wi. I know it;s a long ways from tenn., if you can make it it promises to be a good convention. THe membership drive is in full swing , if you have’nt signed up your three new members better hurry. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to win a trip, as well as strenghthen the ranks of the nta.The nta. has been busy over the last month getting ready for the coming national convention in wis. The Maine Lynx appeal. the Montana petition,as well as finishing the regional conventions. A situation has came up in Wis. in wich the Wi. dnr. partnered with the HSUS. on a public service campaign to educate the public about disturbing baby wildlife. The Wi. trappers assoc. along with many other sportsmans groups in wis. are rightfully concerned over this partnership. A strong message has been sent to the wis. dnr cautioning them on any such future partnership. The nta. has already sent one letter in protest and is in the procees of doing a joint responce with the fta. the wita. and other sportsmans groups.

I will be attending meetings all week in wi. remember as your tenn. dir. I will be representing you at the b.o.d. meeting so if you have anything you would like discussed or proposed be sure to let me know.

Until next time keep your boots dry.

— John Daniels


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