President — Tom Mulea, Oxford, NJ; 908-453-2922
Vice President — Rick Moore, Ewing, NJ; 609-882-5848
Treasurer — Bill Guiles, Belvidere, NJ; 908-453-3536
Field & Ed — Jay Staudt, Stockton, NJ; 609-773-0470
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $25
• Junior membership with subscription to T&PC — $20
• Senior (65 & over) with subscription to T&PC — $20
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $325
• Senior lifetime with subscription to T&PC — $175
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Box 115
Newfoundland, NJ 07435
I hope everyone is having a good and safe season. With the high prices expected this season it seems like there are more and more trappers out there. This is causing some people to do things they would not normally do. Remember we are out there to have fun, help manage the populations, and after that maybe get a few dollars back for all the work and time invested. The main reason we trap is because we love it. The challenge is my high. Everything else is a bonus. So please do not take chances.
While I have not heard anything definite, there is some rumbling that prices may have to be adjusted downward to remain competitive. Nothing concrete, just a rumor. We will see after the first few sales, once the buyers see how the catch goes. I hope not, it is about time we got a decent return for all the hours and work we put in.
Remember our sale will be held Mar 22 & 23 at Space Farms again. We are expecting a big sale once again. Keep an eye on this column and our website for more information. Man it was a strange feeling to write website. I guess I am being dragged into the new world whether I like it or not. No one ever said I was a metro man. Whatever that is.
Alright enough for this time. Remember, be safe , have fun, and take a kid with you. They are our future. — Jim DeStephano