President — Joel Blakeslee (Sherri), 4905 Jackrabbit Rd, Reno, NV 89510; 775-742-1308
Vice President — John Sullivan; 702-493-8342;
Secretary/Treasurer — Judi Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; 775- 867-2239
Fur Manager — Jim Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; 775-867-2239
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Husband & wife with subscription — $22
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Judi Curran
4170 St. Clair Rd.
Fallon, NV 89406
Howdy Trappers,
I wish I could tell everyone what to do about trap registration for this coming season, but I can’t. The law was passed in the last session of the state legislature, but the regulations on how to do it haven’t been written yet. As of today, August 1, anyway. There is a three week or so delay on when I write this and when T&PC shows up in your mailbox, so there may be regs by the time you get the magazine. But as of right now and probably for the next several weeks, we don’t know how this is going to be implemented.
My guess is we will need to make a one-time application and pay $10 for a permanent (yeah right, it was permanent 15 years ago too, then it went away) number, then have to engrave that number on each trap or have a copper or brass trap tag engraved and put on the chain somewhere. But as of right now, the details have not been worked out between the Wildlife Commission and NDOW.
The NVTA is lobbying hard on every detail of this. We have asked to put a one-year grace period in place for enforcement because the process has just about run out of time. We have also asked that wardens are not to disturb the sets (against the law in itself) while looking for the registration number, unless another violation has occurred. But we will have to wait a little longer to see how all of this plays out.
Speaking of wardens, I do want to say that it is very important that we trappers maintain what I consider to be a good relationship with the wardens. They have a job to do and it isn’t an easy one. I have been checked four times over the years, including last year while out hunting, fishing and/or trapping. All of these were pleasant and professional. A warden even gave my son and I a ride back to our truck one time while deer hunting, which saved us a long walk.
On another subject, the long hot summer, we had record heat in early July, and it has turned to rain now, at least down here in the Mohave. Very glad to see it rain too. It always bothers me when it goes month after month without a drop. Just doesn’t seem like plants and animals could survive. But somehow they always do.
Haven’t done much scouting yet, too hot. Waiting till Sept. But have noticed an upswing in road-killed rabbits, both jacks and bunnies. Jacks have hit a low in their cycle the last few years in this area. It will be a good thing when they bounce back. Up to a point of plugging sets. I think trappers are like farmers, we are never happy. It either rains too much or not enough. Too many rabbits or not enough.
Back to business, the NVTA rendezvous is still on track for Aug. 24 at the Spring Creek community campground just outside of Elko. Randall Stoeberl, our District One director, is sponsoring it. Lots of demos and camping and family fun. Randall’s email is:
And the Trapper Ed Day is still on for Sept. 28 in Clark County. We may or may not have a location change. Prospect Ranch had some fire damage during the huge Carpenter One fire that just concluded, so we may have to change the location. Tracy Truman is running this excellent program as before. He and I will get the word out in this magazine and on the NVTA website when we know more.
Breaking News: Tracy has confirmed that the Trapper Ed Day scheduled for Sept. 28 will still be at Prospect Springs Ranch off Kyle Canyon Road in the Spring Mountains, same as last year. There was some fire damage, but there is a lot of property that escaped too.
Adios for now. — John Sullivan