Minnesota Trappers Association September 2013 Report



President — Shawn Johnson, 6122 McQuade Road, Duluth, Mn 55804; 218-525-4970;

Vice President — Dave D’Aigle, 29765 Holly St NW, Isanti, MN 55040; 612-366-2748

Secretary — Linda Johnson, 6122 McQuade Rd, Duluth, MN 55804; 218-525-4970

Treasurer — Tricia Coons, 8747 Tranquility Ln. NW, Bemidji, MN 56601; 218-444-8244;

Membership Coordinator — Mitzi Heavirland, 31301 County Road 67, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Director of Trapper Education — Shawn Johnson, 6122 McQuade Road, Duluth, MN 55804; 218-525-4970; mcquaderoadfur@msn.com

NTA Director

Education Coordinator — Shawn Johnson, 6122 McQuade Road, Duluth, MN 55804; 218-525-4970; mcquaderoadfur@msn.com


Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription — $25

• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $15

• Lifetime membership with subscription — $400


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

MTA, Membership Coordinator

Mitzi Heavirland

31301 County Road 67

Grand Rapids, MN 55744


Hi Trappers,

I hope everyone is having a good summer so far. How time flies, it seems like I just completed my report for T&PC and now here we are it’s Aug. 1 and deadline time again.

It will probably be old news by the time you read this but Aug. 1 was the first day to apply for Minnesota’s second wolf hunting/trapping season and site validation tags became available for otter and pine marten/fisher. Some very important things to remember are the total wolf quota is 220 animals, a reduction of 180 animals from last seasons total. Also very important — the marten/fisher limit is now two animals total with a six-day season. I know most will not be happy with this, but rules are rules and we must obey them. Above all, take the time to read and understand the small-game/trapping regulations. If you are in doubt on anything, contact your local C.O. and have him or her clarify your question. It’s a lot easier to ask the question now than have it answered with a ticket during the season.

District 1 will have it’s fall meeting Sat. Sept. 21 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cotton Community Center in Cotton. Elections for district director and co-director positions will be held at this meeting. I’m hoping to have John Erb there to talk about the marten/fisher season and to answer any other furbearer related questions you may have.

I had 37 degrees one morning in late July — too early for that! On the bright side, just think by the time you read this, only two months till we’ll be trapping again! That’s all for now. Till next time, take care and stay safe. — Bert



Hello everyone,

This is an election year for Director’s and Co-Director’s. We will do this at our fall meeting.

I will send out reminder cards for the meeting in September or October, not sure on date yet.

I will also be doing a field training class this fall. Watch the MTA website. I will also put out flyers for this.

The Minnesota Trappers Association Summer Convention will be behind us when this comes out. It should be a good one with the lineup of demos and the large number of vendors and tailgaters. — Pete



Hello fellow trappers! There is not much to report on at this time. This report will be coming out around the time of the Minnesota Convention.

The District 7 Fall Meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 21 at Schmitt Enterprises. This will be there annual Open House. The doors open at 9 a.m. The district meeting, elections, and raffle will be at 11:30, with lunch to follow at 12:30. There will be Demo in the morning and afternoon. The schedule for the demos is in process. Postcards will be sent out to all members of District 7. For anyone else interested in attending, please be sure to watch for future publications or the MTA website for the full schedule. Hope to see you there.

Until next time. — Leon Windschitl

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