President — Joel Blakeslee (Sherri), 4905 Jackrabbit Rd, Reno, NV 89510; 775-742-1308
Vice President — John Sullivan; 702-493-8342;
Secretary/Treasurer — Judi Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; 775- 867-2239
Fur Manager — Jim Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; 775-867-2239
Membership Options:
• Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $20
• Husband & wife with subscription — $22
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Judi Curran
4170 St. Clair Rd.
Fallon, NV 89406
Hello Trappers,
Trapping season is here at least. Well almost.
The amount of prep work I do every year seems to be more and more. You would think it would be the opposite, I must be doing something wrong. But for now all of the gear is about as good as it is going to get. New supplies are here and ready. Now for some serious scouting.
Speaking of which, when I am looking for a new area to trap I mostly look for the right type of country and the access to it. Versus looking for specific sign. Sure I love to find a fresh toilet or dropping right under that big boulder at the base to the ridge. But better yet find an entire mountain range with those kind of boulders. And an access road that parallels the ridgeline that is right where the valley vegetation turns into mountain vegetation. And not finding an old tie-off wire under every juniper.
One more thing I look for is hawks and eagles. The presence of the winged predators is a good sign that the cats and fox are there as well. Nothing worse then spending a week setting up in a dead area.
The summer rondy came and went in Elko. Thank you Randall Stoeberl for putting on a good show. The vendors who attended were very pleased with the sales generated there.
And by the time you get this magazine, the fourth annual Trapper Education day will be in the history books as well.
On the not so pleasant topic of new regulations, the Wildlife Commission and the trapping committee of the commission are scheduled to meet the weekend of Sept. 21 in Las Vegas. So by the time you receive this magazine, we will probably know more about where we stand on proposed new regs for both subjects.
Unfortunately trappers have been the pinata to get whacked around now for the last three years and many of us are getting tired of it.
If you would like to contact some of the people making the rules and enforcing things than here are a couple of names and emails: Trapping Committee Chairman is Dave McNinch at And NDOW director Tony Wasley at
Remember these men are not anti trappers and are tasked with wildlife management policies that serve the interests of wildlife and the citizens of this state. I have always thought that being polite and professional is always the way to go. But it sure wouldn’t hurt if decision makers started to here from our side more than they do.
The 96 hours rule for visitation is very important to most of us. I would argue that NV has one of the best furbearer managment programs and harvest data in the whole country. Lets not try to fix something that ain’t broken.
Till next time. — John Sullivan