President — Paul Kelley, P.O. Box 75, Hudson, IL 61748; phone: 309-726-1443; e-mail:
Vice President — Mike Gragert, Box 20, New Douglas, IL 62074; phone: 314-713-7976
Secretary — Dean Corgiat, 620 Clarksville Rd., Pittsfield, IL. 62363; phone: 217-285-4984; e-mail:
Treasurer — Timothy M. Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd., Petersburg, IL 62675; phone: 217-632-3521; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Treasurer
Tim Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd.
Petersburg, IL 62675
Last day of 2008, and I welcome the New Year, 2009. Looking back, I guess 2008 has been alright, but many ups and downs. Planning for the activities of the association was not unlike a roller coaster ride.
Just a few happenings to fill this space. Early in the year, I was informed that the camp we use for our Young Trappers Camp would be closed due to budget shortfalls, on the dates we previously had booked. We changed our dates, only to find out the weekend we were starting camp was double booked. What to do with everyone showing up in a couple hours?
With the greatest of gratitude, I wish to again thank Dick Conner for his professionalism with handling our dilemma. The Army Corp. moved us to another camp site and had four travel trailers hauled in from miles away, to accommodate our needs. Being flexible and willing to work through adversity, and having friends like Dick Conner made our YTC a success in 2008.
Our plans for another Trapping Seminar, our third to be exact, never materialized. Funding from the Fur Bearer Fund, with matching funds from ITA, was awarded, but too late to accomplish our task in the time before the season start. Neal Graves informed me, he sent a request for an extension of the contract, and we will proceed to get this accomplished in the upcoming year. The seminar consisted of IDNR site managers, CPO’s and other IDNR personnel, coming to Jim Edgar
Panther Creek State Site for a 2 1/2 day educational course on trapping. The exchange of ideas both from our viewpoint and theirs, makes for a much better understanding of methods, laws and regulations, and the needs of trappers with the many new IDNR employees. Clarification of some methods and needs makes for greater understanding from both entities.
On another topic, the Youth Trapping Area at Lake Carlyle is now open for use. ITA partnered with ACOE on this project to make a wetland area for just youth trapping. The project actually started a couple years ago with Andy Brethorst of Carlyle bringing a proposal to the ITA board asking for an amount of money to be supplied from our association to partner with the Army Corps of Engineers to provide the building of a small beaver pond and a shallow wetland area dedicated just for trapping. No, this isn’t another waterfowl hunting area, it’s for trapping. I was there to observe some of the initial dirt work being done, but I didn’t check it out this past spring to see the final project. I guess this will have to be on my agenda this spring when I’m down there for Earth Day, to drive out to the area to see just how well we invested our money. Mike Gragert indicated that the area had signs posted for the sites purpose, and list benefactors.
To address our fur auctions, yes we are planning for both, one in Odell, Ill. on Jan. 10 and another in Fairfield on Jan. 24. It might end up being a crap shoot, but never the less, this is for the membership by providing an outlet for their furs. With depressed prices, and the worldwide economy, about anything could happen.
Remember this is for you as a member, and hopefully you can see fit to bring at least a token amount to support the ITA. I made the mistake in the last issue of T&PC to fail to list the date for the southern auction, which if you would have read the previous months issue, I listed both correctly. But here is another source of information on the auctions. Go to our Web site at for complete info for the auctions.
This being the last day of 2008, I would be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to all my board members, ITA members and everyone that works to keep trapping alive in the state. Keep your eyes and ears open in the new year for any anti or negative attacks on our sport. Please, if you should hear of something, contact one of the officers or directors with this information as quickly as you can. Best wishes to all in the NEW YEAR.
Take time to look up, God Bless!
— Paul Kelley