President — John Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd., Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Vice President — James C. Schmerker Jr., P.O. Box 1166, Bethel Island, CA 94511; phone: 925-684-3855; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Rita Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Secretary — Leona Hencratt Treasurer — Walter Hawering, 900 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle, CA 95912
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription — $15
• Lifetime membership — $300
• Subscription cost for life members — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA, Membership Secretary
Rita Clark
907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569
The California Trappers Association held their drawing on the Hunts from the raffle for the Lawsuit Fund. The following were the winners: #1 Dan Campbell of Laytonville, Ca. (He took the bear hunt with Jim Pierce of Edna Valley Outfitters), #2 Beth Hamil of San Luis Obispo, Ca. (She went on the Tejon two-day pig hunt), #3 Butch Carley of Novato, Ca. (He took the one-day pig hunt with Dan Davis of Open Hills Outfitters), #4 Vern Berglin of Bodfish, Ca. (He will go on the turkey hunt this spring on the Johnson Ranch in Booneville, Ca). Thanks everyone for your part in this drawing to help the Lawsuit Fund. We will have an update soon the Lawsuit progress. Keep the donations coming as we can use them. The California Trappers Fur Sale will be on Feb. 14, 2009, at the Eagles Hall in Willows, Ca. For more information, you may call John Clark at 707-722-4259.
Mail your donations for the Lawsuit Fund to Calif. Trappers, 22058 Brundage Road, Palo Cedro, CA 96073.
Thank you for all the donations we have received so far. The response has been great. — Leona Hencratt