President — Mike Gragert, 511 S. 5th St., New Douglas, IL 62074; phone: 618-637-9061; e-mail: gfur@madisontelco.com
Vice President — Carroll Williams RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; phone: 618-516-2275; e-mail: Carroll.Williams@gmail.com
Secretary — Wes Johnson, 700 East Locust St. #25, Fairbury, IL 61739; phone: 815-674-8004; e-mail: Coonhunter1963@yahoo.com
Treasurer — Timothy M. Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd., Petersburg, IL 62675; phone: 217-632-3521; e-mail: tmkelley69@warpnet.net
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Treasurer
Tim Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd.
Petersburg, IL 62675
Hello trappers,
I hope everyone is doing there best to deal with the heat and humidity that has come our way this summer. The summer heat is a sign that colder days ahead are not far off, and that trapping season will soon be upon use. I hope to see everyone at this years fall convention in Henry on Sept 30th-Oct.1st at the Marshall/ Putnam county fairgrounds. The demo list should have something for everyone, plus we are moving our white elephant auction to Saturday evening to go along with our hall of fame banquet. We are also going to have the general business meeting on Friday night Sept. 30th right before the chili supper. We are moving to this time in hopes that more of the membership will attend the meeting, and not be distracted by all that is going on at the convention during the day. The membership needs to take an active roll in what is going on in our association, and attending this meeting would the right start in that direction.
The Youth camp will take place on Set 16th-18th at Carlyle lake at the lotus amp ground on the east side of the lake. If you have any youth interested in attending this amp please contact me Mike Gragert 618-637-9061 or Paul Kelley 309-726-1443. This is a great opportunity for young trappers to obtain their trappers education certificate ,so they may purchase their license this coming season. The youth trappers will also be exposed to trappers with a wide range of experiences that are will be willing to share information and knowledge with young trappers. This is always a great weekend.
I talked to Bob Bluett with IDNR and like we thought the otter season and the extended muskrat season will not be until next year. The cites tags issue has to be worked out with the feds, plus the IDNR needs to make an ad rule change before the extended muskrat season may take place. The digest for the upcoming seasons has already been printed and issued by this time also, so it would be hard to get the information out to all the trappers by seasons time.
I have a tentative demo list below for all to look over, and please remember to bring something for the white elephant auction to the convention. I hope everyone has a safe trip , and I hope to see everyone in Henry on the Sept. 30th until next time take care and stay cool.
— Mike Gragert
Friday Sept 30th
8:00 am – convention opens
8:15am – Joe McCall, IL – Livetraps
900am- Doran Miller, MO. – Otter Fur Handling
10:00am – Jim Bethell, IL – ADC trapping
11:00am- Scott Welch, OH- Roots
12:00 – Tom Olson, MN. – Beaver
1:00 pm – Neal Graves, IL- Coon
2:00 pm- Ryan Ruhle,IL- Trap modifications
3:00 pm- Frank Daughenbaugh, Pa. a.k.a (2sox)- Coyotes
4:00 pm- Don Robinson, MO- Otter
5:00 pm- Paul Antczak, TN. Otter
6:00 pm – Building closes
6:15 pm – ITA General Business Meeting
7:00 pm – ITA Chili Supper
Saturday Oct. 1st
8:00 am – Frank Daughenbaugh, Pa. a,k,a( 2sox)- fox
9:00 am -John Wilson , IL – coon
10:00 am- Gary Armstrong, IL – Beaver
11:00 am- Tom Olson, Mn – Beaver
12:00- Paul Gaddie, IL- Coon
1:00 pm- Kyle Kaatz & Scott Welch, IL,OH- Coyotes
2:00 pm- Paul Antczak,TN- Otter
3:00 pm – Doran Miller, MO- Otter fur handling
4:00 pm – Adam Albsmeyer, IL- Muskrats
5:00 pm – Don Robinson, MO- Otters
6:00 pm- Building closes
6:30 pm- ITA hall of fame banquet and white elephant auction and drawings. There will only be 70 tickets for this banquet, so buy your tickets when you get to the convention ASAP.
Sunday Oct 2nd
8:00 am – Church service and fellowship
9:00 am- clean up of fairgrounds volunteers needed