President — Gene Pritchett, 107 Seaboard Road, Jesup, GA 31545; phone: 912-586-6905
Vice President — Gary Newman, 1182 Hwy 107, Denton, GA 31532; phone: 912-375-3795
Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; phone: 229-449-9533
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Tommy Key, P.O. Box 1005, Pine Mountain, GA 31822; phone: 706-628-4686
Legislative Director — Ted Gustin, 494 Eastside Drive, Thomaston, GA 30286; phone: 706-648-1951
NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Rt. 1, Chula, GA 31733; phone: 229-382-2499
F.T.A. Director — 92 Rocky Point Road, Covington, GA 30014; phone: 404-402-2207
Executive Director — Chris Johnson, 2448 U.S. Hwy 411 S.E., Fairmount, GA 30139, phone: 706-337-5608
General Organizer — Teresa Keys, 3158 East Fairview Road, McDonough, GA 30252; phone: 770-388-7951
Membership Options:
• Regular membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Tommy Key
P.O. Box 1005, Pine Mountain, GA 31822
We’ve finally started getting some much needed, rain in our neck of the woods, thank goodness. As long as I can remember, before the advent of center pivot irrigation and after, I cannot recall ever seeing hundreds of acres that would normally be in cultivation with nothing growing. Dry land corn fields mowed down without producing a single ear. Dry land cotton and peanut fields planted but not a single plant showing. I’d hate to be a farmer without irrigation.
The catalogs filled with camouflage and winter clothing having started arriving and even though it’s still hot it’s easy to start day dreaming about hunting season and trapping season.
The GTA annual convention is scheduled for October 1 & 2 in Barnesville. Make plans to attend and encourage others to attend as well, the more the merrier! The Barnesville location is a great place for a convention, plenty of inside as well as outside space. And the trap line is always in interesting and productive country. It’s also a good time to start purchasing trap line supplies from the dealers present (an opportunity to support our own).
Now’s the time to start asking for items for the auction also come, bring a friend, and items for the auction. You’re sure to have a good time.
See you there!
— Steve Rainey