President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763
Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681
Secretary/Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-4534;
Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Cortland Country Trappers of New York
Secretary Art Manz
Box 14
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m., July 21, 2013, by President Bill Howe. The 50/50 was won by Hugh McDonald and the trap donated by Howe’s Trapping Supplies was won by Art (Woodchuck) Manz.
Gun raffle tickets are still available from the President. Bill went over our fur inventory and we need furs. Bill will see what he can get for us.
Our Rendezvous is Sept 8. 2013, discussion held on event preparation. No Fur buyer available to give seminar on fur prep. Too bad. Les, Greg, Lance, and Hugh committed to do a demo. Bill will check on food for rendezvous. Discussion held on our advertisement efforts. Passing of Dick Purdy noted, he will be missed. Les will check with Ray Nolan to see if he could discuss the role of the State Org. and the things going on in Albany at the Rendezvous.
Remember to let any Vendors you know that they can set up at no cost at the Rendezvous.
We discussed our annual dinner and reached no conclusions. Bill will do demo in Aug and Hugh will bring the food.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Al Martak noted that he would not be renewing his membership. Noting the distance he travels to get here and time it takes. Al will be missed by the Association. He is always welcome back.
Dale Beckwith will make up flyers for our Rendezvous again this year. Thanks Dale.
Lance Smith has his demo ready and Art has to learn something. Thanks Lance.
Rich Beckwith has brought pizza and the natives are ready.
Motion to adjourn carried at 6:15pm
Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz