Cortland County Trappers of New York February 2014 Report

President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763

Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681

Secretary/Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-4534;

Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Cortland Country Trappers of New York

Secretary Art Manz

Box 14

Cincinnatus, NY 13040



The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm Dec 15, 2013 by President Bill Howe. The 50/50 was won by Greg Schmidt, Hat donated by John Hahn was won by Dick Firshing, and gamble donated by Dick F was won by John Hahn and donated back and won by Hugh McDonald.

Don’t forget fur auction by lFH at Pompey on Dec 21. Harvesters coyote hunt coming up, applications are available.

Hugh McDonald and John Hickey donated videos to our library. Butch made report on the library.

Discussion on our Rendezvous. Motion made by Hugh McDonald 2nd by Les Wedge that we hold our Rendezvous on the 2nd SATURDAY in September starting in 2014. Motion carried.

Result of elections: President Bill Howe, Vice President John Slocum, Secretary and Editor of the Newsletter Les Wedge, and Treasurer Art Manz. Thank you Les.

Demo in Jan by Lance Smith, food in Jan by Les Wedge.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.

Interesting start to the roundtable: Dick Firshing and John Hahn told the story of Dick’s accident while trapping, shot himself in the hand. The story is interesting and a lesson in how we get a little careless sometimes. Even the best of us. It sounded more like CSI than a hunting accident by two experienced trappers. Talk to Dick and John if you weren’t at the meeting.

Les Wedge is mentoring some students and they are doing well. Les is participating in the winter bird count program. Club agreed to pick up the tab if Les puts his Fur bearer of the month series into one package for us. Fisher season discussed again.

Butch has a training course coming up Jan 11 at Newfield, thirty signed up already. Butch, Lance, Bill, Hugh will go over the video library and update it to the 21st century.

Hugh McDonald noted that competition has helped increase the price of furs. The prices also put a lot more trapper’s in the field. Hugh discussed missing some minks and the reasons. Art learned that the direction you put the jaws could affect the result you get.

Greg discussed Bear caught in trap by tongue. DEC tranquilized and released, unharmed. Discussion on the amount of ticks and fleas on a Coyote.

Dale Beckwith has seen Lee Stockton and he is still doing OK. Club wishes him well and a Happy New Year.

Demo by Hugh McDonald held everyone’s attention, nice job Hugh.

Food by Hugh enjoyed by all as usual.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM/

Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz


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