Colorado Trappers Association October 2014 Report


President — Dan Gates, PO Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215; 719-275-4077;

Vice President — Joe Herrman, 250 CR 127 #19, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601; 970-309-0865;

Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; 719-471-0739;

Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 County Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; 719-743-2552;

Raffle Manager — Dan Schirer. 531 County Road 326, Silt, CO 81652; 970-618-1366;

Historian — Dick Hane, 1971 Frontage Road, Fruita, CO 81521; 970-683-1402;

NTA Representative — Dan Gates, PO Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215; 719-275-4077;


Membership Options:

Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $30


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

CTA Secretary/Treasurer

Cheryl Oleyar

1362 Hillcrest Ave

Colorado Springs, CO 80909



Well another convention has come and gone and what a success it was. I moved up from Vice President to President and am willing to continue to move forward for the overall benefit of the association. I will make this short and sweet due to time constraints and will fill in more information in the next issue. A big thanks to all our Sponsors including Sportsmans Warehouse, Cabelas, Colorado Rid-a-Critter, Glenwood Springs Ford, Tomahawk Live Trap, Budweiser, Advantage Builders, Paramount Wildlife Management,, Bitter Creek Forge, Schroeder’s Cage Traps, Bookcliffs Fur, Big D Motorsports, The National Predator Hunters Association and Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

A special thanks to all the Parks and Wildlife Staff including the dunk a warden guinea pig Perry Will. Also, I need to thank Levi Atwater, Bob Thompson and Michael Blanc with CPW as well. Our demo guys included Mercer Lawing, Jason Bruce, Bruce Bartow, Don Clifford, Todd Fairchild, Dan Uhrich, Roy Bradley and George Bosick. Thanks to the Uhrich Family for the hard work and volunteering. Also a big thanks to the Herrman Family as well as Dan Schirer and his wife Shelley. My son Ethan and wife Karen were fantastic as well. Also, to our Secretary/Treasurer Cheryl Oleyar and the past Board Members as well as the new ones that offered to sacrifice themselves as well. A big thanks goes out to Regg and his supporters who put the Mountain Camp together while showing the “Trappers of the Past.” What a big draw that was, cannons and all. The local Cub Scout Troop 220 helped pull off feeding everyone throughout the weekend and the many vendors that we had allowed people to pick up all their supplies for the upcoming season. Thanks to our Past President Otis Latham and helping with a smooth transition. More information to follow in the next issue as we continue to promote and maintain the tradition and heritage of trapping and furharvesting in the centennial state.

Good Hunting this Fall. — Dan Gates



Congratulations to these new officers and directors who were elected at our August 31 Annual Meeting: President – Dan Gates; Vice-President – Joe Herrman; NW Regional Director – Kevin Herrman; SW Regional Director – Dan Uhrich; and NE Regional Director – Randy Smith. We thank retiring officers Otis Latham, Jim Hooks, Alan Nall and Opal Watts for their leadership and generous contributions of time and talent over the years.

In addition, these people were nominated by members and received the following awards at our Rendezvous: Trapper of the Year – Joy Latham; Professional of the Year – Otis Latham; Junior Trapper of the Year – Lexie Uhrich; and Workhorse of the Year – Cheryl Oleyar.

Raffle ticket winners will be announced in the next issue. We are still trying to contact some of the lucky winners!

When you buy a CTA raffle ticket, you help send a young person to the NRA Whittington Center’s Adventure Camp. Here is the letter we received from Cole, a scholarship recipient:

Dear Colorado Trappers Association,

Thank you so much for giving me the scholarship to go to the NRA Whittington Adventure Camp. I shot over 500 rounds of ammunition from rifles, pistols, shotguns. We also shot archery. I learned lots of skills on how to be more accurate with those firearms and all safety precautions to take when around firearms. My favorite gun I shot was the Barrett 50 caliber. We shot it at targets that were 1,000 yards away which was awesome. They also had a white silhouette target of a buffalo and it was 1,123 yards away. We were shooting it with a .308 savage rifle which was spot on.

My favorite demonstration was the trapping seminar because they told us all the uses that fur and parts of the furbearers are used for. They also showed us how to use snares, footholds, conibears and cage traps.

In order to pass the New Mexico hunter safety course, we did a one mile loop in which we had to spot animal shaped targets. We had to decide whether the shot was ethical and safe or not to shoot. One other thing we did was go to Cole Canyon and camp. While there we set up all the cook, sleep and medicine tents with little or no help. During our camping we also cooked our own meals. One of the best things about the camp was getting to meet people from all over the country, getting to know them and becoming close friends over the 13 days.

Not one part of this camp was bad or boring. Our days from dawn till dusk were shooting and learning skills we needed to become marksmen. I really appreciate I was picked to go on this life changing trip to the greatest shooting center in the United States. I hope that you will continue to send young adults to this amazing camp.

Thank you, Cole Hoffman (Fruita, CO)

If you know of a young person (ages 13-17) who would love to go to a camp like this, he/she may write a letter expressing his/her interest, to Dan Schirer, 531 County Road 326, Silt, CO 81652. We plan to send two young people to the NRA Whittington Center Adventure Camp next summer.

We have learned of the passing of two long-time CTA supporters. Sandy Brinker, wife of Jerry Brinker, passed away on August 3rd. Hershel Brewer, 2005 CTA Trapper of the Year, left us on August17th. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these dear friends.

The minutes of our Annual Meeting, other reports from the Rendezvous and the winners of those great raffle prizes will be included in the next issue. — Cheryl Oleyar


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