President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81643; 970-268-5554; latham@centurylink.net
Vice President — Dan Gates, P.O. Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215; 719-275-4077
Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; 719-471-0739;
Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 Country Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; 719-743-2552; ashmore@esrta.com
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, PO Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; 303-569-2953
NTA Representative — Otis Latham, PO Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645; 970-268-5554; latham@centurylink.net
Historian — Marvin D. Miller, Historian, 29156 Summit Ranch Drive, Golden, CO 80401
Membership Options:
Membership dues including T&PC – $30
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Another rendezvous convention has come and gone and what a success it was. I won’t bore you with the details as I think Secretary/Treasurer Cheryl Oleyar has the final numbers for money, attendance, etc. Needless to say it was an overall success. Special thanks need to go out to the many sponsors that helped pull this off. Sportsmans Warehouse,
Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Budweiser, Pueblo Toyota, Tomahawk LiveTrap, KLRN 1400 A.M., Star Country 104.5 F.M., Big D Motorsports (Arctic Cat), Canon City True Value Trailers and Equipment, Hardscrabble Taxidermy, Bookcliffs Fur, Texas Trappers and Fur Hunters Association, Pueblo Sporting Goods, East Texas Wildlife Damage Control, Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous, Schroeder Cage Traps and Colorado Rid-a-Critter. Also, a special thanks goes out to Auctioneer Myles Downare, our Trapper Church Minister Fred Ellis and our Entertainer Jim Young. A big thanks to Major Boddicker of Crit’r Call, Tom Beaudette of High Country Control, Jeff Dunnier of East Texas Wildlife Damage Control, Derrick Brixey of Hardscrabble Taxidermy, Don Clifford, Ethan Gates and President Otis Latham. These guys conducted all of our demo’s.
The Parks and Wildlife Exhibit’s were a hit and a special thanks to DWM’s Zach Holder, Bob Carrochi and Justin Krall, as well as Area Wildlife Manager Jim Aragon who allowed us to put Warden Zach Holder in the dunk tank. This was a big hit. Law Enforcement Chief Bob Thompson ran the Operation Game Thief Trailer and Southeast Regional Manager Dan Prenzlow also interrupted his busy schedule and attended as well. Special praise goes out to David Ritchie with the Trappers of the Past Camp that was sponsored by the Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous.
The raffles were a great success as well and a special thanks to Shelby and Sky for braving the elements and putting up with trapper humor. The Trappers Obstacle Course provided lots of laughter with Ethan Gates taking home 1st place and the .22 Mag Deringer but he almost got his butt kicked by Joy Latham. The number of vendors and tailgaters far exceeded what anyone could remember and the camping numbers were exceptional.
The Spearman Ranch allowed us to use this beautiful setting and a major thanks goes out to the Jack Webb family for not only helping us in site preparation but the overall event as well. I personally need to thank the people that jumped up and helped such as Cheryl Oleyar, Joy Latham, Joey Herman and the Herman family, T.J. Best, Butch and Mike Anderson, Ethan Gates, Kasey Wachtendorf, and a big giant thanks to my best friend and wife Karen who I couldn’t have pulled this off without. She herself had over 200 hours not counting what she helped me do which totaled over 500 hours. We pulled it off from start to finish. Dan and Shirley Gray supplied the grub on site with breakfast, lunch and the barbeque dinner and a big thanks goes out to them as well.
Additionally, all of the donors that are too numerous to mention need to get a big slap on the back as we had a record auction and event. None of this could have been done without all of the people that put a little faith in me and did whatever it took to support this event for the benefit of the association.
Judging from the amount of praise and the interest from sponsors, vendors and participants regarding next year in New Castle we are on the road to putting on an event that is not only enjoyable, but is for the association and for the promotion of education about the traditions, heritage and wildlife management aspects of what we engage in.
Start making your plans for next year and save your pennies because it will take 45 cents a month for the next 11 months to cover your gate fees. Catch an extra squirrel or small muskrat and you’ve got it covered.
On a side note I also attended the September Wildlife Commission Meeting in Montrose as we continue to build on our Parks and Wildlife relationship and being recognized in the new Path Forward initiative and how the agency looks to provide recreational and wildlife management opportunities in the State on both Public and Private Lands. Until next time, get your traps together and get ready for the upcoming season. — Dan Gates
Annual Membership Meeting Minutes, September 1, 2013
President Otis Latham called the September 1, 2013, CTA Annual Membership Meeting to order at 10:57 a.m., at the Rendezvous site at the Spearman Ranch, Fremont County, CO. The secretary and a quorum were present.
The minutes of the February 10, 2013, Annual Meeting were approved as read. The financial report was read and filed.
President Latham reported that he and Dan Gates have been involved in finalizing the furbearer management plan. They are encouraging the CPW to use $2,000 from the CTA to purchase trail cameras for kit fox and bobcat studies. Our $1,000 donation to the California Trappers Association defense fund was greatly appreciated. President Latham also took the initiative to call other western region trappers associations to encourage them to donate as well.
Vice President Gates has made encouraging inroads with the Sportsman’s Warehouse and the CTA will be allowed to promote trapping instruction through their stores. He also worked with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to get trapping included in their “Path Forward” program. The stretch raffle brought in $2,000 plus, the 52-card raffle, $1,040, and “Dunk-a-Warden, $565. The trap snap game netted $87. Volunteers to take down Rendezvous tents and other equipment are greatly needed. He thanked Butch Anderson and TJ Best for donating many hours helping set up. The insurance for the shooting contests cost $800 and may not be available at all next year. The Rendezvous Committee will explore alternatives.
Southwest Director Kevin Herrman said they are checking out sites for the next Rendezvous. He and Joey have used the Heritage Days booth for educating the public about trapping.
Metro Director Gary Crawford reported that he and Marvin Miller attended a fundraiser for Miss Rodeo Colorado. He announced the 2014 Miss Rodeo Colorado is Rhianna Russell from Conifer. She has ordered a red fox coat.
Bill Curns presented the Fur Auction report and financial statement in Greg Ashmore’s absence.
$270,732 worth of furs and related items were sold to 82 buyers. The dates for the 2014 fur auction are February 5 and 6. The Secretary will see that the website is updated.
Denver Western Stock Show Booth Manager Don Clifford reported three $1,000 scholarships were awarded from the Bill Rogers Memorial Fund. He will see that the scholarship terms are changed so that the scholarships can be renewed. $250 has been donated to the National Miss Rodeo Fur Coat Fund, and Miss Rodeo Colorado’s coat is almost done.
Raffle Manager Mary Gutierrez reported Whittington Camp scholarships were awarded to Arvada youngsters Jacob White and Cayden Crosby. We need two applicants by Fur Auction time. She thanked everyone for the $2,000 in raffle tickets sales over the weekend. The raffle license fee will increase to $100 when it is renewed.
Wildlife Commission Liaison Opal Watts said Vice President Gates represents us well at the commission meetings. The CTA is building good rapport with the CPW. She encouraged members to attend a commission meeting when it is held in their area. The Parks & Wildlife Commission will be meeting in Lamar Nov. 14-15 and in Pueblo Dec. 12-13.
Historian Marv Miller announced his resignation. He has been collating material and has received pictures from Hershel Brewer. He said Dick Hane is willing to take his place as Historian.
Marv Miller moved that the membership dues stay at $30 with a T&PC subscription and $25 without. The motion was adopted.
Vice President Dan Gates, Secretary-Treasurer Cheryl Oleyar, and Northeast Regional Director Alan Nall were re-elected by unanimous consent. President Latham appointed Kevin Herrman as Southwest Regional Director.
He re-appointed Opal Watts as Commission Liaison, Greg Ashworth as Fur Auction Director, and Don Clifford as Denver Western Stock Show Booth Manager. New appointees were Dan Shirer as Raffle Manager and Dick Hane as Historian.
Cheryl Oleyar moved that the secretary mail an evaluation form to all members who attended the 2013 Rendezvous, which will include a financial statement of income and expenses of this Rendezvous, a check box at the bottom to volunteer to help, and space for additional comments to be made, with a deadline included for responses to be received, and that the Board will then review the responses and make recommendations to the next Vice President. The motion was adopted.
The meeting adjourned at 12:34 p.m. — Cheryl Oleyar
A spirited member drive over the past 12 months has increased the CTA’s membership from 183 to 228! The winner of the new member contest is Otis Latham who recruited 15 new members!
For those of you who could not make it to the Rendezvous, you missed a great event. Due to the generosity of nine sponsors, more than 300 attendees enjoyed many amenities, including a big tent for meals and activities and free beer on Saturday evening. The live auction included many useful and fun items. The raffles had great prizes, enticing many to buy tickets. Our thanks to all who contributed to the association in this way!
Thanks to our Vice President’s initiative and the generosity of many, the treasury is in great shape! Members who are interested in receiving a financial statement from the Rendezvous may request one by contacting me. — Cheryl Oleyar