President — Gene Pritchett, 107 Seaboard Road, Jesup, GA 31545; 912-586-6905; cell: 912-424-0438;
Vice President — Lewis Todd, 9969 Ga. Hwy 102 W, Mitchell, GA 30802; 706-598-2554; cell: 478-232-1040;
Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; 229-449-9533;
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Holly Zerwig, P.O. Box 613, Metter, GA 30439; 912-682-7256; 912-314-3438;
Legislative Director — Lee Riley, 331 Lake Drive, Pine Mtn, GA 31822; 706-977-8108
NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Rt. 1, Chula, GA 31733; 229-382-2499; cell: 229-445-1388;
F.T.A. Director — Mike Gibson, 912 Kersey Road, Elko, GA 30125; 478-952-2105
Executive Director — Randy Zerwig, 35978 Ga Hwy 23 N., Metter, GA 30439; 912-685-6222; cell: 912-682-7256;
General Organizer — Travis LeMay, P.O. Box 1564, McDonough, Ga 30253; 678-395-1708; cell: 678-395-1708;
Membership Options:
• Regular membership including T&PC — $25
• Lifetime membership with T&PC — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Holly Zerwig, P.O. Box 613, Metter, GA 30439
Well, the convention came and went and I didn’t even get a chance to think about it! It was early mornings and late nights at the peanut mill. They had recently added grain bins for corn storage and we were busy receiving corn as farmers hurried to get that harvest in and prepare for picking peanuts. This month will be more of the same as the peanuts come in.
Then it will be November, time to make last minute preparations for trapping season, the peak of the rut, and hopefully (according to the Almanac) cool/cold weather.
Here’s six signs you’re a trapper. (1) When you walk, you spend more time looking down than up. (2) You see the “perfect place” wherever you travel. (3) Cool weather puts a spring in your step. (4) If you’ve ever stopped and cut the hind quarters off of a road-kill deer for bait. (5) If you’ve ever picked up a road-killed coon, fox, etc. and added it to the fur pile! (6) You can’t pass a bridge without stopping to look for sign.
I guess our next get together will be in January at the competition. I think Tommy told me it will be back on the banks of the Flint. I like that place. Everybody make plans to attend. If you try it, you’ll like it!
So long for now, happy hunting, be safe, enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember we have a lot to be thankful for. — Steve Rainey