President — Dan Gates, PO Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215; 719-275-4077; Dan@ColoradoRidACritter.com
Vice President — Joe Herrman, 250 CR 127 #19, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601; 970-309-0865;
Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; 719-471-0739;
Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 County Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; 719-743-2552; ashmore@esrta.com
Raffle Manager — Dan Schirer. 531 County Road 326, Silt, CO 81652; 970-618-1366; schirer@sopris.net
Historian — Dick Hane, 1971 Frontage Road, Fruita, CO 81521; 970-683-1402; rchane@msn.com
NTA Representative — Dan Gates, PO Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215; 719-275-4077; Dan@ColoradoRidACritter.com
Membership Options:
Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $30
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Happy Holidays,
Hopefully you are satisfied with this years election winners. I know I was getting tired of the commercials and name calling. We have to deal with the cards that we were dealt, but we can not remain silent.
The November Commission meeting had Citizens Petitions presented regarding a total Lead Ammunition Ban like the one that was passed in California. It would include any lead bullet from pellets to muzzle loading round balls and everything in between. Another Petition to stop hunting in an area where a legal Moose Hunter was accosted by non-hunters was also submitted. The meeting was actually after this writing so I will have to update you on both issues next month. I will be attending the December meeting in Colorado Springs and will continue to follow-up. We signed on with a letter of opposition on both issues with the Congressional Sportsman’s Foundation. Many other organizations signed on as well.
The fur harvest summaries have been published from last season and while monitoring will continue it is important for all harvesters to submit legitimate information when asked to do so. The Bobcat harvest was up a little to just over 2000 and some areas of concern have been brought up do to female harvest. The Northeast and Southwest are of particular concern. Not catastrophic but continued female to male harvest ratios might trigger some further concerns based upon the formula that has been used. I personally have tried to limit the harvest of kittens and tit belly females and given the difference in price if you catch something that you know is not worth much, turn it loose as it would be better served to possibly breed, not add to concerning numbers and please the fur buyer as well. The market doesn’t want low grade goods.
I have been in conversations with several people about next years rendezvous location and it is becoming more and more difficult to find a place. The flooding in the Northeast part of the state has taken a lot of places and a concern about our shooting events also limits our options. As usual the insurance will continue to be an issue as well. We are trudging forward but the waters are murky. Any ideas or suggestions let us know.
Attention board members I will be sending out an email shortly and would like your feed back about association business as your input is needed.
Hope the holiday seasons treat you well and that prime furs fill your stretchers. I hear Santa Clause might be in need of new artic fox trim on his attire. — Dan Gates
It is hard to believe that this is my last report for 2014. Like they say, “Time goes fast when you’re having fun.” And it is a delight to serve the Board and members of the Colorado Trappers Association. What a great bunch of people!
We welcome these new members: Joel Bartholomew of Highlands Ranch; Don Bergstrom from Dolores; Bill Meyer of Ordway; Marty Schwindt from Burns; Tom Powis of New Castle; and Greg Spaulding from Bagley, MN. We’re so glad you are a part of our organization!
Our next scheduled events are:
Jan 10-25, 2015 CTA booth at the National Western Stock Show in Denver at which we sell fur pelts and articles made from fur. Contact Don Clifford for more info: 303-775-5468.
Feb 8, 2015 CTA Membership Meeting at Lincoln Co. Fairground in Hugo, 11:00 am.
Come on Sunday to check in your furs for the Auction and attend the meeting.
Feb 11-12, 2015 CTA Fur Auction at Lincoln County Fairground in Hugo. Contact Greg Ashmore: 719-760-0539.
We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year! — Cheryl Oleyar, Secretary