President — Fred J. Becker, 8 Grove St., Clinton, CT 06413; 860-669-2847;
Vice President West — Jules Perreault, 1271 Durham Road, Wallingford, CT 06492; 203-284-8051;
Vice President East — Mike Cote, 50 Hopevalley Road, Hebron, CT 06231; 860-228-2404;
Treasurer —Eric Schupp, 45 First Ave, Enfield, CT 06082; 860-796-8284;
Secretary —
NTA Director —
FTA Director — Herb Sobanski Jr., 194A Abbe Road, Enfield, CT 06082;; 860-874-3172
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• 2-year membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $48
• 3-year membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $64
• 15-years and under — $10
• Lifetime — $350
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Connecticut Trappers Association, Inc.
Attn: Secretary/Treasurer
P.O. Box 1633
Wallingford, CT 06492
Its a brand new trapping season and we have a lot to do this year. This years Legislative Session is a long term, and with that said I am anticipating a hard battle in the State Capitol. I need ALL C.T.A. members to ready themselves for the upcoming fight. I also need C.T.A. members to actively get involved in different committees. Our fall rendezvous and election of Officers went really good despite the rain and our house raffle was a successful end to a wet day. I also want to thank Toby Edwards of Fur Harvesters for a great day of talks and demos, the man is always welcome to any of our events. Hopefully in the future we might have a friendly composition between Fur Harvesters and N.A.F.A. I also want to thank Chip Stahl for his Coyote demo. We have a few new Officers this term as President: Frederick J. Becker, Vice President West: Jules Pereault, Vice President east: Mike Cote, Secretary: Donald Dandelski, Treasurer: Lori Pereault. I also want to give a special thank you to Alan Hout of W.C.S. for the invite to his open house, Alan it was a spectacular sight to see you in your operation along with watching demos through out the day. So with that said be safe out there on your trap line and remember that you are a Representative of the laws so obay them. — Fred J. Becker