President — Aaron Hitchcock, 9331 Sister Lane, Mulberry, AR 72947; 479-997-5361; AHITCH81@YAHOO.COM
Vice President — Charlie Bass, 6755 Bethesda Lane, Batesville, AR 72501; 870-698-1154;
Secretary/Treasurer — Gary Gray, PO Box 493, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; 870-403-2469;
NTA Director — Mike Fischer, 13823 Masoner Road, Lonsdale, AR 72087; 501-939-2325
Editor — Gary Helms, 1092 Vanderbilt Rd., Texarkana, AR 71854; 870-772-3834; TrapperGWH@aol.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Family membership with subscription — $27
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ATA, Secretary/Treasurer
Gary Gray
PO Box 493
Arkadelphia, AR 71923
Hello Trappers,
Well, I hope everyone is having a good season. I finally got to take Nick, a young man in our area, to go set some traps. A lot of the area we are trapping has already been trapped, but we found a few culverts to setup. With a little help, Nick has caught his first gray fox, beaver, mink, along with 4 raccoon. I think he might be in a good spot for fox, because he also caught 4 possums, and 6 skunks. Nick is already looking forward to next year.
I attended a fur sale at Chandler, Okla. on Feb.1st. Like all the other organizations that I have had the opportunity to visit, the people are always very friendly. As the sale went along the bobcats were strong, otter were lower than last year, and the average on raccoon, and beaver were pretty low. I am hoping the fur prices will advance by the time of our sale on the 15.
The ATA Spring Convention is to be held May 10th, 2014 at the Northwest Arkansas, Fairgrounds in Harrison Ark.
Wayne Watson is the coordinator,and has already planned some demos, such as coyote, raccoon buckets, and fur handling. For more information call Wayne Watson at 479-283-7004.
The Southeast Regional is to be held Oct, 9th, 10th, & 11th, at the fairgrounds in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. It will be hosted by by five states, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, & Oklahoma.
Jack Smith from Mississippi is spearheading the event,and Tim Ross, and Dub Shankle are helping with the coordinating in Arkansas. We will give more information as it gets closer.
If you have any questions or ideas contact,
Jack Smith at 662-794-0311
Tim Ross at 870-678-2874
Dub Shankle at 479-997-5052
Till next time,
Hoping your traps are full. — Aaron Hitchcock