Arkansas Fur Trappers March 2014 Report

ASSOCIATION CONTACT — Arkansas Fur Trappers Association, P.O. Box 1681, Greenwood, AR 72936; 479-651-3597;

President — Brad McDaniel; 479-651-3597

Vice President — Greg Griffith; 479-774-1434

Secretary/Treasurer — Mark Alexander; 479-310-0692;

General Organizer — Donald Wilcox; 479-997-8559


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10

• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22

• Family membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $13

• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25

• Lifetime membership with plaque (without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller) — $100

• Commercial membership/sponsorship — Please contact an AFTA officer for pricing and information.


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Arkansas Fur Trappers Association

P.O. Box 1681

Greenwood, AR 72936



Land trapping season is about wrapped up, and oh boy it sure has been a cold one. Extreme cold, ice and snow make for really tough conditions to keep a line in good shape for any length of time. For January, we’re supposed to see average highs of 54 and average lows of 33, bet we put a dent in those statistics this year.

We had a steady stream of visitors and signed up several new members at our trappers booth at the 2014 Beast Feast in Van Buren, AR last month. Momentum Church sure knows how to organize an event. There must have been 25 or so vendors there all promoting the great outdoors plus free BBQ, hot dogs and lemonade. A wild game cookoff, big buck contest and gun raffle rounded out the festivities. Thanks to Momentum Church for allowing us to attend.

The Butterfield Trail District Boy Scouts held a Trapper Rendezvous at Rogers Scout Ranch south of Booneville last month. AFTA was represented by a member doing trapping demonstrations for the boys. Just like the early fur trappers getting together at end of season to trade and sell, the scouts were there trading gear, supplies and odds and ends. Very good to see the boys learning about their heritage.

AFTA has several members from outside Arkansas and we would like to recognize and thank you for your invaluable support. As we grow, we hope to be able to attend regional and national conventions and meet some of you face to face.

Anyone that has catch or fur pictures they’d like to show off, email them to us at and we’ll post them to the fur page on our website. Include your name and any other details, or feel free to remain anonymous. — Mark Alexander


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