Georgia Trappers Association August 2014 Report

President — Russ Carter, 287 David Road, Baxley, GA 31513; (912) 367-4887; cell (912) 256-1721;

Vice President — Mike Gibson, 291 Kersey Road, Elko, GA 30125; (478) 952-2105

Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; 229-449-9533;

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Randy Zerwig, 35978 GA Hwy 23 N, Metter, GA 30439; (912) 685-6222; cell (912) 682-7256;

Legislative Director — Lee Riley, 331 Lake Drive, Pine Mtn, GA 31822; (706) 977-8108

NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Route 1, Chula, GA 31733; (229) 382-2499; cell (229) 445-1388;

Executive Director — Travis LeMay, P.O. Box 1564; McDonough, GA 30253; (678) 395-1708;

General Organizer — Kelvin Mosley, 515 Cleon Moseley Lane, Reidsville, Ga 30453; (912) 237-7696; cell (912) 585-6769;


Membership Options:

• Regular membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25

• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer

Holly Zerwig

P.O. Box 613

Metter, GA 30439



To paraphrase a well known call to duty: “Now is the time for all good trappers to come to the aid of their Association!” If you weren’t trapping, or even born, in the 1970s there would be no way for you to relate to what trappers from that era, in Georgia, were going through. Anti-trapping legislation was introduced into the Georgia legislature every year. Rallies by groups opposing trapping were common events on the State Capital grounds. Influential writers for newspapers, such as The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, which was delivered Statewide at that time, regularly dedicated editorial space calling for an end to trapping. Public hearings drew huge crowds at the Capital and around the State. It was a scary time for the few trappers who were paying attention and concerned about losing their right to trap.

We attended as many of those hearings and rallies as we could, often vastly outnumbered by the opposition. We wrote letters to newspapers to off-set the often hysterical, misinformation put out by those opposed to trapping. We sucked up our pride and called legislators we only knew by name, hoping to gain some influence. It was basically an uncoordinated reactionary response. What else could we do?

What if we started an organization that represented all of the trappers in the State? What if we set out to exert our influence on local legislators and the DNR? How could we influence the regulatory process to help protect trapping for the future? What could we do to educate other sportsmen and the non-trapping public to see trapping and trappers in a positive light? Out of all of this conflict and uncertainty the Georgia Trappers Association (GTA) was born.

As you can see, our proud heritage is one of conservation and education and that is what has sustained our organization and protected our right to trap. At no point was the purpose of the GTA to simply serve as a vehicle for a few individuals to satisfy their particular needs or further their economic interests.

Through the years of its existence the GTA, like any other organization, has had to struggle to maintain its original purpose – conservation and education. However we are now in unchartered waters as a small group of our members, in an attempt to further their own needs, NOT the GTA’s, and their economic interests, seeks to commandeer the organization and mislead its members.

WE (loyal members of the GTA) HAVE NO INTENTION OF ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN! What can you do? Contact your regional director and let them know that you support the original mission of the GTA (conservation and education). Get involved; attend director’s meetings, participate in the annual trapping competition, attend the annual convention, and project a positive image for trappers and trapping.

To paraphrase another well known saying; “All it takes for the undesirable to win is for good men to do nothing.” The GTA needs ALL of its good men to come to the aid of their organization. Let’s not have any “I wish I had…”


Rusty Johnson — (229) 445-1388

Dan Eaton — (706) 399-2561

Mike Gibson — (478) 952-2105

Tommy Key — (706) 249-0336

Lewis Todd — (478) 232- 1040

Steve Rainey — (229) 886-8996

— Steve Rainey



Hey all, I trust this finds everyone enjoying their summer! I know it’s been a fantastic summer for me! I won a trip to Africa and boy was it awesome! If you can ever go, please do it. It was the most fun I have ever had on a hunt! The country is just gorgeous.

We have a lot going on in the GTA. We have the Buckarama coming up in Atlanta and Perry look for us there.

I will be hosting the 2nd annual golf tourney to benefit the scholarship fund. Last year was a success we raised over $800.00 in 1 day and a good time was had by all. The golf tourney will be held in Augusta Ga at the Jones creek golf club in September 15 2014. If you would like to play, have a team, or would even like to sponsor a hole give me a call 706-399-2561.

Also looking forward to the GTA annual convention being help in Barnesville Ga 4-5 Oct 2014! We will have a discussion on some possible law changes for a bigger land trap and snares, make sure you’re there so your voice is heard.

See you at the convention! — Dan Eaton


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