Q: I would like to get started on ’coon calling. I would like to use mouth-blown calls. What are the best calls? Do you change calls from early season to late season? When is the best time to call? [Read More]
The Answer Men
Late-Season Coyotes Require Strategy Change
Dave Morelli offers a solution for a caller’s difficulties bringing in late-season ‘yotes. [Read More]
Enclosed Traps Good in Certain Situations
The esteemed panel of experts field questions on enclosed traps, rabbit screams, ‘Coon Cuffs and more. [Read More]
Extreme High-Fashion Industry Drives Fur Markets
Question: I was shocked that so many trappers apparently have hung up their traps because of low pelt prices, or is it because more and more people don’t want our product? Is this huge decline common across the USA as well? Shouldn’t we be told this by NTA or editors of trapping magazines? [Read More]
Start From Scratch When After ‘Grubbing Skunks’
Question: Any good tricks for catching skunks when they are in their grubbing mood? [Read More]
Storing Traps With Springs Depressed Has Little Effect
Does it weaken the springs of body grip-type traps if you leave the safety hook in the set position year-round? [Read More]
Process to Create ‘Rank’ Fish Oil Bait Takes Time
Q: I catch thousands of pounds of scrap fish each year. I would like to know how to process fish to get the oil from them. I would also like to know how I can preserve scrap fish and package it to sell for trap bait. [Read More]
Store Urine in a Cool, Dry Place
Q: How do you store fox and mink urine? [Read More]
Use Unscented Detergent to Clean Rubber Jaw Traps
Q: Since lye is no longer sold in stores, what would you recommend to clean rubber jaw traps? [Read More]