Predator Hunting Tip: Secure New Ground in the Offseason

This is an excerpt from the article “Conditioned Coyotes,” which appeared in the August 2014 Trapper & Predator Caller issue. By Lance Homman The most obvious way to avoid overhunting your predator calling territory is to amass as much country as you can … [Read More]

Scout for Water When Hunting Desert Coyotes

By Ted Stotler The most important thing to remember when hunting desert coyotes is that before you hunt coyotes, you have to hunt water. Desert water sources are much fewer and farther between than in any other type of habitat. … [Read More]

Predator Hunting Tip: Mix Up Your Sounds

This is an excerpt from Jared Blohm’s article “Schooled,” which appeared in the April-May 2014 Trapper & Predator Caller issue. By Jared Blohm Although some predator hunters swear by sticking with one or two go-to sounds on each stand, Hunters … [Read More]

Sounds to Use for Calling Red Foxes

This is an excerpt from Andrew Lewand’s article “Seeing Red,” which appeared in the January 2014 Trapper & Predator Caller issue. By Andrew Lewand Most red fox hunters rely on prey distress sounds for their calling efforts. The truth is that certain sounds are more … [Read More]

Scientists: Red Foxes Use Magnetic Field to Help Them Hunt

A Discovery Channel video shows how red foxes pinpoint field mice buried deep beneath snow using their incredible hearing and the magnetic field of the North Pole. “He almost always comes up empty handed, unless he’s facing north,” the narrator … [Read More]

Shotguns Versus Rifles — a Predator Hunting Exercise

By Randy D. Smith A simple exercise can demonstrate the value of a shotgun for predator calling. Bring a half-gallon milk jug and a shotgun the next time you go out target shooting with your predator rifle. Set the milk … [Read More]

Judging Distance at Night While Predator Hunting

By Dave Kaprocki Before you can learn to judge distance at night, you have to know what kind of light-beam your light produces. Is it a small hand-held light, a 6-volt headlight or a large spotlight? Your light source determines … [Read More]

Canadian Motorcyclist Chased by Wolf, Takes Pictures

Being chased by a huge wolf is the type of thing many people have nightmares about, but a Canadian motorcyclist who experienced it earlier this month says his encounter was “more exciting than scary.” On Saturday, June 8, Tim Bartlett, … [Read More]

Video: Mountain Lion Fishes in Montana Stream

A mountain lion was filmed on a trail camera recently as it tried to catch spawning rainbow trout in Montana’s Blackfoot River. It was a surprising find for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials. “I’ve never heard of a mountain lion fishing,” … [Read More]

Appeals Court Backs Minnesota DNR on Wolf Regulations

A court decision issued yesterday by the Minnesota Court of Appeals has upheld the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ authority to set wolf hunting and trapping seasons. “This decision affirms that the DNR, as directed by the Legislature, set the … [Read More]