Looking to replenish your lure supply? Need new traps? How about a little refresher course on how to catch coyotes?
Good news. The season before the season is about to begin.
If you are fortunate to live in the Upper Midwest, the summer of 2007 offers a convention dream schedule, with the Fur Takers of America and the National Trappers Association rendezvous slated for Minnesota and Indiana this year.
The Minnesota Trappers Association is the host organization for the 2007 FTA national rendezvous.
As of May 5, more than 55 exhibitors had booked booth space in six dealer buildings at the Carlton County Fairgrounds in east-central Minnesota.
With the strength of Minnesota as a trapping state, a large number of tailgaters is expected. The demo schedule features nationally known trappers such as Paul Dobbins, Johnny Thorpe and Newt Sterling. Minnesota trappers Tom Olson, Todd Roggenkamp, Gabby Hayes and Rally Hess are also slated to present demonstrations. Paul Wait, editor of The Trapper & Predator Caller, will present a classroom session about trapline photography.
The FTA national banquet is at 7 p.m. June 15, with the benefit auction slated for 5 p.m. June 16.
For information about camping, tailgating and show hours, log on to www.furtakersofamerica.com/convention.htm.
The Elkhart County Fairgrounds will host the 48th Annual NTA convention.
Supply dealers from throughout the United States have committed to attend the largest of four NTA conventions in 2007.
The demo lineup is headlined by Hal Sullivan, Ron Leggett, Jim Spencer, Gerald Schmitt and Carroll Black. Matt Jones, Clint Locklear, Bob Jameson, Mark June and many more notable trappers are scheduled to share tips and tactics guaranteed to help you catch more fur.
A large benefit auction, dinner and dance are part of the annual festivities. Camping and tailgating space is still available.
For more information, log on to www.nationaltrappers.com/2007nat.html.
Be sure to visit The Trapper & Predator Caller booth at the FTA and NTA national rendezvous, and log on to www.trapperpredatorcaller.com for convention updates.