President — Virgil Schroeder, 3471 Earlwyn Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527; 608-764-5218;
Vice President — Scott Zimmerman, W9209 Bobolink Rd, Reeseville, WI 53579; 920-927-3420
Secretary — Shawn Bazile, N11950 Cty Rd E, Tigerton, WI 54486; 715-881-0707;
Bookkeeper & Membership Assistance — Steven Van PO Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575; 888-601-8727, Ext 105;
NTA Director — Scott McAuley, 621 13th street south, Wisconsin rapids WI 54494; 715-323-8955;
Sergeant at Arms — Doug Gorst, 3941 Cty Rd. E, Pittsville, WI 54466; 715-884-6452
Trapper Ed Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; 715-754-2121;
Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, 1P.O. Box 26, Boscobel, WI 53805; 608-356-3621;
Historians — Mary Cassidy & Larry Vanderhoef; W 10513 County Road P, Plainfield, WI 54966; 715-366-2453
Web Site Coordinator — Brent Straka, 7936 Cty A, Lancaster, WI 53813: 608-732-3548
Future Trappers of Wisconsin President — Maegan Loka, W4260 Spring Creek Dr, Tomahawk, WI 54487; 715-453-4223;
Future Trappers of Wisconsin Coordinators — Dan and Nicke Shumaker, FTW, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; 715-754-2121; email:
Membership Options:
• Three-year individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Individual membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Junior (under 17) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Family Membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Lifetime membership (under 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $500
• Lifetime membership (over 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Husband and wife lifetime membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $600
• Future Trappers of Wisconsin membership (under age 19) without Trapper & Predator Caller — FREE
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305;
Hello trappers. I am writing this letter after attending the Nebraska Furtakers Convention in Crete, Nebraska. They had a well attended convention. I noticed trappers checking the vendors for the best deals on the supplies they still had need for. Many had lists they were crossing off. The closer we get to the season the more serious it becomes. Heading for Kansas next weekend. It’s good to observe other states and the ideas that they have for procedures and fundraising as well.
In thinking back to our Fall Rendezvous, I’m grateful for all the volunteers that work to put things together to make for a successful rendezvous year after year. Thanks especially to Chris and Vicky for all that you do.
By the time you read this, the trapping season will have probably opened. I’m interested to see how the first season of wolf trapping goes. I’m hoping that no matter what type of critter is being trapped that trappers are aware of and following regulations. Making sure to ask for permission builds good relationships and is good PR for trappers in general.
Have a productive and safe trapping season. Catch ya’ later. — Virgil Schroeder
Trapping season is right around the corner and I have a few important notices for you …
I spoke with Steve Muchow, the Sauk County Highway Commissioner recently. Just like last year, the Sauk County Highway Department will be working to inspect and clear out culverts along US, state, county and township roads before winter. This work will disturb traps in or near culverts and can take place until the snow flies, so please keep this in mind as you start your trapping season. Mike Green, one of our local game wardens, said that the highway workers DO have permission to snap the traps and set them aside in order to get their work done. Mike Green has spent some time with Highway Department workers to show them what to watch for and how to snap those traps safely, if necessary. Although the Highway Department folks were attentive about learning what to look for, keep in mind that a trap could conceivably be overlooked, dug up or buried with some of their excavation equipment. Last year we got through the season without any major problems, because the Highway Department workers and the trappers both went out of their way to work together on this. Here’s what we can all do to help:
If you can avoid trapping near culverts on any of those roadways early in the season, that would be a great idea. If you plan to set traps near culverts in Sauk County before the snow flies, the Sauk County Highway Commissioner has asked that you call the Sauk County Highway Department at (608) 355-4855 as a courtesy and notify them of the locations. If you trap near a culvert and find your trap has been snapped where some obvious excavation has taken place, just reset after the work is done and be friendly to your county highway workers. Steve Muchow reported very few problems last year (once word got out) and thanked us for considering their situation.
Anything we, as trappers, can do to help make this season go smoothly for everyone and avoid any negative publicity would be greatly appreciated by everyone. Please mention this to all of your trapping friends and neighbors who may be trapping in Sauk County. Let’s keep negative publicity about trapping out of the media, and let’s keep traps off the fingers and toes of our highway workers! Thanks so much, guys. I really appreciate you spreading the word on this.
Our next District 9 meeting is Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at Trader’s Bar & Grill at 6147 Highway 14, Arena, WI 53503 (Phone 608-588-3622, on the web). Trader’s is located on the north side of Highway 14, just east of the Wisconsin River bridge. We will hold our District 9 elections at this meeting.
After our meeting, we will hang around, talk smart and order some lunch from Trader’s. We will also have door prizes and some raffle items to win! We would appreciate if members can bring a door prize or raffle item to contribute. Everyone is welcome, and it’s been nice to start seeing some new and returning members joining us for meetings.
If you would like to be added to our District 9 email list, or if your email address needs to be updated, please send your current email address to me at and I will update my email list. I will also be happy to send copies of our meeting minutes out to you as well. Email is our quickest and cheapest way to get information out to those of you who have access to computers, so please take advantage of it if you can! If you would like to reach me by phone, you can also call me via the WTA phone system at (888) 601-8727 ext 209. That toll-free number transfers directly to my home phone.
Have a fun, safe and successful trapping season! — Patrice Rhodes, District 9 Director