President — Virgil Schroeder, 3471 Earlwyn Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527; phone: 608-764-5218; e-mail:
Vice President — Lee Sillars; phone: 715-218-5041; e-mail:
Secretary — Dorothy Abrahamson, 508 E. 9th Ave., Stanley, WI 54768; phone: 715-644-0644
Treasurer — Pam Mather, P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305; phone: 608-335-2700; e-mail:
NTA Director — Chris Bezio, 5479 Hawthorne Dr., Pulaski, WI 54162; phone: 920-822-3427
Trapper Education Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; phone: 715-754-2121; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Ken Kasper, P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940; phone: 920-446-3815;
Trapper Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, P.O. Box 483, Baraboo, WI 53913;
phone: 608-356-3621
Future Trappers of Wisconsin Coordinator — Jennifer Roever, W14399 Highway 45, Tigerton, WI 54486; phone: 715-754-5317
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (under 17) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime (under 62) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Lifetime (over 62) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $100
• Husband & wife lifetime — $400
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
WTA Treasurer
Pam Mather
P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305;
Summer is going by too fast. As I write this letter, we are preparing to leave for Ohio and the National Trappers Association Convention. By the time you read this, it will be the Wisconsin Trapper’s Association Fall Rendezvous that we will be looking forward to.
The Board of Directors met back in June at the MacKenzie Center. It was a good, productive meeting. Some of the things discussed concerned membership fees. It was decided to change the dues for all of the WTA membership categories. The Board also decided to give Trapper Education graduates one year of free membership to the WTA, excluding the Trapper & Predator Caller publication.
I attended as many of the District Rendezvous’ that I could. They were well run and well attended. The District Directors are doing a good job promoting their districts.
The next thing of course is the Fall Rendezvous to prepare for. We need to be selling raffle tickets. Also, be looking through all that good trapping stuff to see if you have something to donate for the Friday night auction. Things in good shape, new or used, will be accepted. It’s always fun to see what type of donations come. I need to remember to look for stuff myself. Time seems to fly fast and September will be here before we know it.
Also, remember the elections for Vice President and for Secretary. The Vice President has a lot of responsibilities as he chairs several committees as well as filling in for the WTA President. The Secretary keeps track of the minutes of meetings and records them. Both are very important jobs and deserve our careful consideration. So check out the candidates and then exercise your privilege and responsibilities as members and vote.
The Personnel and Finance Committee is working to restructure the Public Relations position and have their suggestions ready for the Fall General Meeting on Saturday evening. It will be important for you to hear. It’s also important for the committee to have your input and ideas.
I am keeping close tabs on it through George Meyer. He is confident that it will be signed shortly.
Governor Doyle has not yet signed the “Green Fur Bill” as of this writing. I am keeping close tabs on it through George Meyer. He is confident that it should be signed soon.
I have also been in contact with legislators on the changes taking place in the bobcat hunting and trapping seasons. At this time, nothing definite has been decided.
For now.
— Virgil Schroeder
Greetings fellow trappers and families. The big Wisconsin Trappers Associations fall rendezvous is coming upon us. These cool summer days we have been having make us think fall was here all summer. Now is the time to start making those trapping supply lists so you know what you have to pick up while enjoying the trapping demonstrations.
Go through your traps and trapping equipment and check for missing parts or broken so you can order and get these ready after the rendezvous. This way you will have more time scouting possible trapping fur areas and get permission to trap there.
The Personnel and Finance Committee has created some outlines of job duties of position that can be applied for thru the Personnel and Finance Committee members. In the past, we have relied on a few people to run certain programs that are part of Wisconsin Trappers Associations day-to-day working operations and event functions. We need you the Wisconsin Trappers Association members who are interested to step forward and help us out. We need your knowledge and hard working ethics to lighten the load that some Wisconsin Trapper members are shouldering by themselves.
Call myself or one the Personnel Finance committee members and find out what is involved:
Bryce Larson 920-693-8734
Michael D. Leiser 715-570-6692
Mike Abrahamson 715-644-0644
Dan Carroll 608-847-5538
Some of the positions described in article Personnel and Finance Job Descriptions are on another page in this magazine. On some of these position more than one person can be working together on positions.
The job can go smoother and faster with more than one person working on a job, plus more than one person knows duties in case the other person is sick or unavailable. Please come forward and call one of the Personnel and Finance Committee members now. Thank you for your consideration.
I’m asking Wisconsin Trappers to help support the Wisconsin Trappers Association by buying and selling the Wisconsin Trappers raffle tickets. THE PRIZES FOR THIS FALL RAFFLE WILL BE DRAWN THIS FALL SEPT. 12 AT MARSHFIELD. If you can buy a book of tickets or just buy one as every little bit helps in this fundraiser to support Wisconsin Trappers Association educational endeavors and promoting our trapping heritage.
On the marten project, I helped Jim Woodford the biologist in charge of the marten project put up new marten signs around the project area. This informs trappers that no ground foothold-type sets are allowed. We signed the area east and south of Eagle River in the Nicolet National Forest. Ray Teske, one of the persons who built the slow release cages for the marten project, made new holding boxes for this year’s marten project.
These boxes had some changes as warranted from field experiences of biologists and field personnel in last year’s project in Minnesota. If you see Ray, thank him for al his time and materials donated to the Wisconsin Marten Project.and other great events at the rendezvous.
Bring your family and friends and enjoy the Wisconsin Trappers Fall Rendezvous at Marshfield, WI on Sept. 11 and 12. See you there.
— Lee Sillars
I am not sure where the summer went, but it is coming to an end and the best season of all is about to start up again for us.
Trapping season is close and I trust everyone has equipment ready and permission to trap on all the land that you need. Just remember to trap smart and be aware of where you are placing traps in regards to others that use the same area for other outdoor activities.
The district rendezvous are coming to an end, I was able to make a few this year and had a good time. I also came up with some ideas for our own next year and will share them at the winter meeting and see what everyone thinks.
The fall rendezvous is right around the corner and District 2 will again be involved with helping to man the gate along with other districts. Please make an attempt to work for a couple of hours so the load is not a burden to just a few people. There is also the auction so if you have any used trapping items you would like to donate bring them along also.
There will be elections for the Vice President position and the Secretary positions so don’t forget to vote. If you cannot attend the rendezvous, you can request an absentee ballot from the Secretary and send that in. If you are not sure if you will attend, I would suggest you get the absentee ballot and vote, if you do show up, that part is already done.
At this time, there is no one on the ballot for the Secretary position so if you know someone interested have them run as a right in and start campaigning for them.
There is some activity in Madison on various items that could affect how things go for trappers. Make sure you stay active in this and call or write your representatives and let them know how you feel. Representation in my area has been proactive for the sportsman and they do return calls or letters to let you know what is going on.
It was a very active year for District 2 so far. The summer rendezvous was a success for the most part. Of the major prizes, one went to each District this year on the drawing. Trapper Education classes were well attended and seemed to be very active.
Maybe this is the trapper’s way of creating their own stimulus plan and not waiting for the government to step in? I was able to spend one night at the class in Boyd in July and there were a lot of questions and hands on for everyone. We were unable to get in at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair, but will check earlier for next year and see how that works out. I will be at a Youth Day in Stanley at Chapman Park on Aug. 22, if anyone would like to stop by and help out give me a call.
There was a few members helping out in other districts this year with trapper ed classes and other activities, this is a good thing. Everyone can use a little extra help to get things going sometimes. I enjoy going to other rendezvous and classes as there is always something to pick up on and learn something new. Plus you can meet new people and maybe get to try trapping in a different area or environment.
When you are shopping for trapping supplies don’t forget to support the vendors that support us for our rendezvous. If it weren’t for them we would not have much of a show.
They are asked at every show they attend to donate and I am sure they would all appreciate some business their way when you are looking to buy.
Don’t forget to sell/buy your tickets for the fall rendezvous. This is our money maker for the year and with all things considered we could really us a boost in ticket sales. You must remember that if it were not for the WTA there would not be a District 2 or any other district for that matter in the state. So please buy some tickets and sell as many as you can for the benefit of everyone.
Once again it is an honor to serve the district as your director. If there are any questions/comments or concerns of any sort feel free to contact me and voice your opinion about them. There might be issues out there I am not aware of and can’t work to find resolutions to items I am not aware of.
See you in Marshfield.
— Mike
Even though the day started out with rain, I would have to say that our rendezvous was a success. We had over 100 people attend. There was very little food left and our raffles did well. Though the economy isn’t doing well, our district raffle amounted to almost $2,200. Thanks to everyone on a job well done. Our total income from the district raffle, Chinese raffle and food sales amounted to $3,333.
The total rendezvous expenses amounted to $1,704.90, so our profit was $1,628.10. The first prize gun went to Dave Ryder of Trempealeau. The second prize G.P.S. went to Randy Glaunert of Independence. The third prize chair went to Jim Helgeson of Independence and the fourth prize traps went to Danny Lehrke of Chaseburg. I would like to thank all the vendors and demo participants, the president of the W.T.A., Public Relations Chairman and other District Directors that attended our rendezvous.
Especially, I would like to thank all those who worked Friday evening and all day Saturday to make this happen. Our chairman, Chuck Glowcheski and his crew did an excellent job.
At our Summer meeting, a motion was made and seconded to hold our 2010 rendezvous on June 26 at Arctic Springs again. Also, a motion was made and seconded to buy $100 worth of W.T.A. raffle tickets and allow up to 400 to be used at the auction at our rendezvous in Marshfield.
The W.T.A. Fall Rendezvous will be in Marshfield on Sept. 11, 12 & 13. Our District 5 is in charge of the auction again on Friday evening. We need at least six people to help with this so please let me know if you can be available. Don’t forget Saturday evening is the General Membership meeting and there are a couple important issues to be voted on. Also the Secretary and Vice President are up for election this year.
Get your tickets in for the W.T.A. raffle drawing because that will be held also at the Fall Rendezvous. My phone number is 608-323-7422. See you there!
— Greg Repinski
Greetings District 6,
Please read the minutes from our last meeting.
Minutes – District 6 Meeting, 06/20/09, North Wood County Park
Meeting called to order by District Director, Michael Leiser.
Pledge of Allegiance
Secretary’s Report – March 6, 2009
Motion by Dan Carroll, second by Jim Winkler to accept minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Jan. 1–June 19, 2009
Motion by Jim Winkler, second by Maynard Breunig to accept treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
District 6 Report
Presented by District 6 director, Michael Leiser.
• Michael explained that he and Mike Nicholson had purchased items from the dealers at the rendezvous to be used as raffle prizes. Motion by John Irwin, second by Don Campbell to approve the purchases.
Motion passed.
• Ron Peters introduced discussion to allow the district director some leeway to purchase items per his discretion. Members discussed having a dollar amount limit. Motion by Dan Carroll to authorize the acting district director to spend up to $300 to purchase items from vendors at the District 6 Rendezvous. Second by Maynard Breunig. Motion carried.
• Motion by John Irwin, second by Dan Carroll to approve up to $250 discretionary funds for the district director to purchase items for other events.
WTA Report
Presented by WTA president, Virgil Schroeder.
• Assembly Bill 150 and Senate Bill 112, which authorizes the possession and sale of green fur, was passed in the legislature in May. Virgil believes that the Governor will sign the bill into law.
• There are plans to increase WTA yearly membership fees by $5 and Life memberships will be going up “substantially.” This will be voted on at the fall meeting.
• Trapper Ed. graduates will continue to receive 1 year free membership in WTA.
• In order to raise money for WTA, members are encouraged to:
o Sell fall raffle tickets
o Bring items for the auction at the fall rendezvous
o Encourage districts to buy tables at the Spring Banquet.
• The 2009 Spring Banquet “broke even.”
• There has been discussion about the possibility of restructuring the public relations position. The August issue of the Trapper will provide more information about this.
• Chris Bezio will have tables at the 2009 NTA Convention in Ohio promoting the 2010 NTA
Convention in Wisconsin.
WTA Report
Presented by WTA vice-president, Lee Sillars.
• Read an e-mail regarding the bobcat study.
• Talked about our marten study
• Discussed otter and fisher quotas.
NTA Report
Presented by NTA representative, Chris Bezio.
• Gave an update on trapping bills in various states.
• Talked about booth spaces at NTA.
• Informed members that they need to help at the 2010 NTA Convention.
• WTA will run the two bars. 10 – 12 members from each district will be needed to work at the bars.
• The main gate will be manned 24 hours each day of the convention.
• There will be a workers’ raffle. Tickets will be distributed based on the number of hours volunteers work.
• 100 volunteer shirts and hats are available.
• WTA will receive 50 percent of the gate fees and 100 percent of the bar proceeds.
• Someone with artistic ability is needed to design the logo for the patch, shirt, and advertising for the convention. 2010 will be the 51st NTA Convention.
Old Business
• Ron Peters inquired about getting a district trailer. He was informed that the money is unavailable. Trappers Ed. has money, but is unwilling to distribute it.
New Business
• Discussion was held concerning changing the location of the district rendezvous to Marathon Park in Wausau. The rental fee is $162.00 per day. Motion by Al Nickel to hold the 2010 District 6 Rendezvous at Marathon County Park. Second by Ellen Elia. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
• Maynard was directed to reserve Marathon Park for the third weekend in June.
• Motion by Dan Carroll to authorize Director Michael Leiser to select an alternate location if Marathon Park is unavailable. Second by Al Nickel. Motion carried.
• Ron Peters requested that a record of District Directors’ attendance and voting record at WTA Board of Directors Meetings be made available.
• Scott McAuley informed members that the Wood County Clean-up is scheduled for July 11 at 8 a.m. (ATV’s may be used.)
• Ellen Elia informed the membership that a liquor license needs to be purchased for the WTA Fall Rendezvous.
Motion by Al Nickel, second by Maynard Breunig to adjourn, Motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mike Nicholson
Next District 6 Meeting: Saturday, Sept. 12, 7 a.m. at Marshfield Fairgrounds
District 6 trapper education materials (traps, furs, etc.) are being stored at Al Nickel’s home. Instructors need to contact Al when they need these training items. Al can be reached at (715-570-8718) or
County Directors-ADAMS Terry Beeman (608)564-7761, CLARK James Mertens (715)669-3046, JACKSON Rene Rommel (608)488-4753, JUNEAU Dan Carroll (608)847-5538, MARATHON Maynard Breunig (715)845-9999, MONROE Shannon McCracken (608)823-7277, Dale Ritter (608)269-7256, Dan Willis (608)343-6295, PORTAGE Ron Arneson (715)423-2206, Mike Nicholson (715)341-5708, WOOD Jim Winkler (715)886-3362.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve the District 6 membership. Do not hesitate to contact me with your questions, concerns or suggestions. I can be e-mailed at or phoned at 715- 570-6692.
— Michael D. Leiser
Greetings District 8 members. I have detailed much of the WTA activities in my WTA Magazine Report. I will only highlight a couple points as there will be much for your read and review in our Rendezvous Issue.
Districts 8 and 10 are in charge of setting up, managing and taking down the demo area.
We can use help Thursday afternoon to setup. We can use help Friday and Saturday, introducing demo presenters, helping them and maintaining the area.
Plan your calendar so you can make this event. We want you there and your attendance at our general meeting will be greatly appreciated as we have many items to review, discuss and decide upon. If you cannot make the event, please contact our Secretary Dorothy Abrahamson for and absentee ballot. The fall rendezvous is one of our three major fundraising events. We appreciate your support.
Please review the many articles and minutes in the WTA Magazine as these will highlight much the work the BOD and Personnel and Finance Committee have worked on since our January 2009 BOD meeting. Much of what we have been working on these last six to eight months will be part of the agenda at the general membership meeting. Your input will be appreciated.
I will be setting up a booth with our fur kit and trap demo at the Sheboygan Gander Mountain Store on Saturday, Aug. 22 from roughly 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will not be having demos this year. I hope to talk to some store visitors and sell some food. If you are available to help on that day, give me a call.
Tentative plans for this winter is a District 8 winter meeting and fur sale at Maribel. The date will be late January or early February on a Sunday when the grounds are available. Looking to expand the sale a bit, start earlier, with a meeting in the middle and a speaker.
I am looking at having a donation lot of fur to sell as a fund raiser. More on this as I get dates set.
I am really trying to find ways to contact past Trapper Ed grads and begin a potential membership list so we can work on gaining members in District 8. We are up about 25 over the last two years, but growth is something we need to work on.
MARSHFIELD 2010 NTA NATIONAL! We will need a good 100 volunteers to put on a good national. Plan your calendars for August of 2010. District 8 needs to step up and help make this a successful event for the NTA and our fellow trappers from the USA and other nations that will visit us for a day or a week. Maybe we can setup up a District Camping area etc. It is never too early to plan.
Plans change but the failure to plan is worse. I encourage you to support the National Trapping Organizations and join if you have not done so already. The NTA and the FTA work on our behalf.
Next year Wisconsin trappers have a chance to say thank you to the NTA for all that you do for trappers and trapping. Jack Hill is working to create an FTA chapter in Wisconsin. I have not been able to make the meetings to this date, but I encourage us all to support Jack and his efforts to get this chapter up and running.
The last event or “demo” on Saturday at the Fall Rendezvous at 4 p.m. will be an open forum with both the presidents from the FTA and the NTA there to talk about the organizations their goals, visions and take questions from those of us that attend. This is a good opportunity to meet the leaders of the national organizations that work on our behalf.
I spend most of my time at the fall rendezvous working the demo site area. I hope to see you there.
— Bryce Larson
Howdy District 9 trappers,
The summer is almost over and fall is coming fast. If you were one of the helpers or stopped by and attended the meeting, thanks very much. We will be looking for some members to help with the fall rondy in Marshfield. So don’t be shy and stop over and say hello.
We are always looking for ideas or ways to cater to the members. We will be looking for a center location for our spring meeting and this will be very important to attend. Dates will be posted later.
With the economy as bad as it is and low fur prices, it would be nice just to get out and enjoy nature. Try new sets and new traps, and maybe and a new lure. Catch ya at Marshfield.
— The gang at District 9
Just in case this issue comes before our district rendezvous, District 10 has reserved the Edgerton Conservation Club grounds on Aug. 22, 2009, for the summer rendezvous. The event will be free for WTA members and youth 16 years of age and younger. Non-WTA members will be charged a fee of $3. Lunch will be provided by the Edgerton Conservation Club at a modest cost. Trapping demonstrations will run throughout the day and trapping supply vendors will be present.
Trapping demonstrations will include muskrat, mink, raccoon, coyote, beaver and cable restraints. The rendezvous will run from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. A business meeting will be held prior to lunch. We will hold the District 10 50:50 ’coon raffle and draw the raffle prizes at 3 p.m. Raffle tickets are being mailed to all District 10 members and extra tickets are available from Scot Stewart or at the rendezvous.
Our District will be helping with the demonstration area at the WTA Fall Rendezvous in Marshfield again this year. We will need three or four district members to help with set-up on Thursday and to introduce speakers on Friday and Saturday. Call Scot Stewart to offer to help. Thanks.
I hope this update finds all of you well.
— Scot Stewart