President — Larry Bowden; 605-745-5888; bowdens@gwtc.net
Vice-President — Jeremiah Heath; 605-892-5153; Kala.adams@jacks.sdstate.edu
Secretary/Treasurer — Tuffy Halls; 605-890-2009; tuffhalls@hotmail.com
WSDFHA Houndsman Coordinator — Brad Tisdall; 605-786-6101; sdmuleskinner@aol.com
Youth Education Coordinator — Bill Morrow; 605-890-1860; bptmorrow@yahoo.com
Youth Education Coordinator — Joe Bowden; 605-209-7377; bowden.jiw@gmail.com
Website Coordinator — Jim Halls; 605-484-0487; jimhalls@goldenwest.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Family membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Tuffy Halls
P.O. Box 25
Hot Springs, SD 57747
What a busy springs this has been for WSDFHA.
On April 11th we went to Pierre and met with SDGF&P about fur harvesting and trapping items. Lots of items were on the agenda and it was a very lengthy meeting. Some of the topics that were discussed were trap check requirements, covering muskrat floats, east and west river bobcat seasons, mink season dates, beaver season dates, live baits in cage traps, removing traps and snares from public land (by May 1st), trapping walk in areas, body grip traps on public land and non-resident use of dogs for coon hunting. Ideas and opinions were exchanged and I feel that it was a productive meeting.
WSDFHA had a booth at the Rapid City gun show on April 12th. Jeremiah Heath and Joe Bowden manned the booth selling raffle tickets and distributing info.
We held our spring convention on April 27th in New Underwood. We had a nice variety of demos and youth trapper education followed by the business meeting and open forum.
The 2014 WSDFHA raffle gun was on display at the spring convention and ticket sales were good. This years gun is a Henry Golden boy rifle in 17 HMR caliber. It has a bobcat engraved on the stock and bobcat tracks on the forearm. The winner will also get a nice rifle case with the “Henry Repeating arms” logo on it. If you haven’t gotten tickets to sell please contact myself or Tuffy Halls. Tickets are still only $5 each. This is a great fund raiser and we need your help selling tickets.
Tuffy and I went to the SDGF&P commissioners meeting at Custer State Park on May 1st. GF&P presented two proposals to the commission. The first one was to prohibit the use of live bait at trap and snare sets and locations. The second was to remove all traps, snares and stakes from public land and right of ways by May 1st. I testified in support of both of these proposals.
GF&P will not have the bobcat harvest summary complete until July. Any proposals they might have will be presented at the August commissioners meeting and be finalized at the October meeting.
Our fall convention date will be September 7th at the New Underwood Community Center. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Sincerely. — Larry Bowden