President — Janet Hodge, 28 VanHorn Dr., Glenville, WV 26351; 304-462-5985;
Vice President — Roy Link Wood; P.O. Box 141, Winona, WV 25942; 304-574-0810
Secretary — Briana Hodge-Frederick; P.O. Box 775, Glenville, WV 26351; 304-997-1863;
State Organizer — Scott Whytsell; 304-354-6965
NTA Director — Curt Tallman; 304-652-1151;
FTA Director — Brian Casto; 6198 Parkersburg Road, Sandyville, WV 25275; 304-273-3055;
Presidential Advisor — Harold Stutler; 304-275-0388
Presidential Advisor — Corbett Patton; 304-772-5468
Field Editor — William Healy; P.O. Box 187, Smithville, WV 26178; 304-477-3301;
Membership Options:
• One-year membership with newsletter only — $15
• One-year membership with T&PC — $27
• One-year junior membership (under 16) with T&PC — $19
• Lifetime membership — $150
• Lifetime membership with T&PC — $300 (payment plan can be arranged)
Complete membership application on first page of association section and mail dues to:
WVTA Membership Secretary
Briana Frederick
P.O. Box 775
Glenville, WV 26351
The WVTA held their annual Convention in September at the Gilmer County Recreation Center in Glenville, WV. It was one of the largest conventions held. There were many demos during the weekend and several vendors to sell trapping supplies. Trappers Education classes informed the students of how to set traps and snares properly, regulations, and wildlife diseases to name some of the things taught. A big Thank You to all the instructors, volunteers who prepared the students lunch, and all the donors who made the Trappers Education Classes a big success. Also, thanks to all who gave donations for the auction.
There were many winners of the Top Lot Awards for all those hours of volunteer work greatly appreciated by our President, Janet.
Scott Schimmel received the WVTA Hall of Fame Award this year.
Fur Prices are expected to be about the same.
For more information about WVTA go to
Hope each of you have a safe hunting and trapping season and we will look forward to seeing you at the January Fur Auction. — Glenda Schimmel, Media Committee Chairman