President — Bruce Vandervort, 5338 US Hwy 101, Humptulips, WA 98552; phone: 360-288-2466; e-mail: brucevandervort@hotmail.com
Vice President West — John Consolini, 17030 Marmount ST SE, Monroe WA 98272; e-mail: itrap4you@yahoo.com
Vice President East — George Brady, P.O. Box 535, Pateros, WA 98846; phone: 509-923-2326;
e-mail: cascadeb@televar.com
Executive Secretary — Ralph Dobson, 711 196th Street NW, Arlington, WA 98223; phone: 360-652-2132; e-mail: rlph.dobson@gmail.com
Treasurer — BJ Thornily; 63 Redmond Rd., Republic, WA 99166; phone: 509-775-2936;
e-mail: bobbiemike@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Bob Maier, 38 Francis Dr., Walla Walla, WA 99362; phone: 509-529-9568;
e-mail: bob_maier@hotmail.com
Membership options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 18) with subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Associate (non-trapper) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Senior Citizen (over 70) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
• Lifetime membership — $250
• Lifetimer subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
Dues entitles members to all newsletters, meeting notices, discount entry to workshops and the annual rendezvous. All monies are used to protect your right to trap.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
(A non-profit organization.)
PO Box 3687
Arlington, WA 98223
A few things to report although this has been a slow month. I’m writing this a couple weeks before the Spring Business meeting so there should be more news next report.
First off some sad news. We lost two long standing members of the association. Denny Lund and Doodle Stewart. Denny was an active supporter of the association and will be sorely missed at all our functions. I attended his funeral and it was quite crowded. A quiet fellow, he leaves a lot of friends. Rest in peace Denny. Doodle may not be known to a lot of you because he had not been active in the last few years. He attended last years rendezvous and looked to be in good shape for his age. It came as a surprise to me of both of their passing.
George Sovies estate has still not been settled. We have had indications that we will get his business but it is still up in the air. I honestly think it is being drawn out to benefit the lawyers. I was hoping it would be settled by the Spring Business meeting but at this time I’m not sure when it will finally be settled.
A little reminder about applying for a new trapping license. At the present time the process remains the same. We have a link to an application at watrappers.com.
Starting September 1st you will have to go to a license dealer to get your trapping license. You can go through Olympia after that but it will cost you an additional $105. If you get your license before September 1st you will save $5.60 as it will be going up that much when it goes to the dealers.
I have reserved a table for the association at the NTA Western Regional in John Day OR so if you plan to attend stop by. We’ll have a chair for you to set down and take a load off while we shoot the breeze.
I have a meeting in the works with the sponsor of our trapping bill but the Legislature has went into extended session to deal with the budget mess so I can’t say when it will be.
About all I can think of for now.
— Bruce Vandervort