President — Bruce Vandervort, 5338 US Hwy 101, Humptulips, WA 98552; 360-288-2466;
Vice President West — Marsee Wilson, 13190 Avon Allen Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98273; 360-424-7580
Vice President East — George Brady, P.O. Box 535, Pateros, WA 98846; 509-923-2326;
Executive Secretary — Ralph Dobson, 711 196th Street NW, Arlington, WA 98223; 360-652-2132;
Treasurer — Tammy Rice, PO Box 604, Moses Lake, WA 98837; 509-855-4902;
NTA Director — Bob Maier, 38 Francis Dr., Walla Walla, WA 99362; 509-529-9568;
Membership options:
• Regular Membership (18 And Older) — $25
• Junior Membership (Under 18) — $5
• Associate Membership (Non-Trapper) — $10
• Family Membership — $30
• Senior Membership (Over 70 and must be a former paid member whose dues are current) — $0
• Lifetime Membership (One-Time Payment) — $250
• To receive Trapper & Predator Caller through WSTA (members only) — $12
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
(A non-profit organization)
PO Box 3687
Arlington, WA 98223
Dues entitles members to all newsletters, meeting notices, discount entry to workshops and the annual rendezvous. All monies are used to protect your right to trap.
If you missed the Rendezvous, you missed a great time. I was told by several it was the best Rendezvous we’ve had in several years. I have to concur. Attendance was up a little even though it was pretty hot. We changed a few things up like moving the auction to the dining area. What a great move that was, more comfortable chairs and air conditioning. We had changed the raffle, had a few drawings during the auction and it all seemed to be well received. Actually raised a bit more money this year than last. We talked it over after the Rendezvous and I think we can improve things, so expect it to be even better next year.
The demos were great this year. It is positively amazing how innovative we trappers are at coming up with ways to make cage traps work. Can you believe there were five tables set up with nothing but new trap designs. Mostly just a trap with a small improvement. We build on each others’ ideas. The result is fur on the stretching boards. Believe me when I say I took careful note of some of the new twists guys have come up with.
Big class at trapper training too and we figured out how to keep them around all day. Signed up a bunch of new members. Even a few stayed around through Sunday morning. They gave us some valuable insight into what newcomers want out of the Rendezvous.
Should mention we had a bunch of new vendors too and NAFA had a table too. I think they sold a lot of supplies.
To me the most impressive thing about the Rendezvous was how people are stepping up and taking responsibility for things. We had so much help I actually was able to kick back and really enjoy myself. That has not always been the case. Jack and Ralph had help at check in. Ken took charge of the raffle and the drawings. Mike and Darrell had the auction covered from start to finish. Sharon turned out a wonderful dinner and I believe she had no problems getting help.
Specially need to mention Eric Degman. He kind of keeps a low profile, but as Rendezvous Coordinator, he kept the demos moving, found help for the kids games and with me was the last to leave Sunday. Also, he didn’t get upset when I drafted him to repeat the job next year.
Another thing I think you will be pleasantly surprised with, John Consolini volunteered to take over the job as Editor of the Newsletter. He has some new ideas and a new format that I think you will all enjoy. We have been searching for some help for Ralph who frankly has been doing about three people’s jobs of late. This will lighten his burden considerably. We’re still looking for a Membership Secretary and had a couple of guys volunteered. Ralph is working with them to see which one is best suited. An old saying goes “Many hands make light work.” It really is true.
Thank you every one that pitched in.
Good news, bad news part of the report. I’ll give you the bad first. George Bernathy passed away. First Alan and now George. We all know death is inevitable, but it still is a hard blow when we lose a friend.
Good news in Bobbie and Mike Thorniley were at the Rendezvous. Most probably don’t know but Bobbie had open heart surgery earlier this year. It has been a long road of recovery for her, but I can report she looked great. She even helped at check in. Can’t seem to keep her from working. It was good to see her back.
Puyallup Fair coming up so hope to see some of you at the booth, helping out I hope. Lots of people to talk to about trapping there.
All that comes to mind for now so I’ll catch you down the road. — Bruce Vandervort