Secretary/Treasurer — Darlene Bradford, 2365 N. 45th E., Idaho Falls, ID 83401; phone: 208-522-0348; e-mail: scalenet@onewest.net
Fur Sale Director — John Contor, 587 W. 200 S., Blackfoot, ID 83221; phone: 208-785-5761
Public Relations Director — Kenn Johnson, 119 3rd Street, Idaho Falls, ID 83401; phone: 208-346-4221
Elections Director — Todd Smith, 1015 E. 49th N., Idaho Falls, ID 83401; phone: 208-522-6703
Legislative/Fish & Game Director — Milton Olsen, 4942 S. 45th E., Idaho Falls, ID 83401; phone: 208-522-0863.
NTA Director — Rick Phillips, 770 E. 150 W., Tetonia, ID 83452; phone: 208-456-3045; e-mail: rnaphil@juno.com
Membership Options
• Regular membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20.50
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller— $25.50
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller— $15.50
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
UpSRTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Darlene Bradford
2365 N. 45th E.
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Our annual fur sale was held on January 29, 2011. We didn’t have any record volumes of fur. Prices were definitely up and trappers present were quite satisfied.
Thank you to all who chipped in and got the necessary work done. Thanks, also, to Kenn Johnson and his family for providing the food concession. They were over the top this year.
Following are the sale results. Averages include all lots of each species. Well handled, seasonally caught furs always bring the most money and those lots brought up to 25% above average. Learn to handle fur properly and you’ll get a bigger pay check.
— John Contor