South Dakota Trappers Association June-July 2010 Report

President — Anna Hermanson, P.O. Box 922, Hot Springs, SD 57747; phone: 605-440-0227; e-mail:

Vice-President — Ray Maize, 28658 Tree Farm Place, Pierre, SD 57501; phone: 605-295-0416; e-mail:

Exc. Sec./Treasurer, Public Relations FTA Director
— John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE Watertown, SD 57201; phone: 605-886-8501; cell: 605-880-4165; e-mail:

Secretary — Terry Olson, 921 North Harth, Madison, SD 57042; phone: 605-256-6311; e-mail:

Youth Education Coordinator — Aaron Doyscher, Box 247, Volga, SD 57071; phone: 605-627-6558; cell: 605-690-4095; e-mail:

NTA Director — Jerry Westphal, 17342 297th Ave., Agar, SD 57520; phone: 605-258-2142; e-mail:

Tanned Fur Coordinator — Steve “Pete” Peterson, 22251 448th Ave., Ramonda, SD 57054; phone: 605-482-8131; cell: 605-291-8945; e-mail:

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $13
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
SDTA, Treasurer
John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201

I would like to start off by thanking everyone who made the journey to Webster for our Spring Convention. It was nice to see old faces and hear about everyone’s trapping adventures. I would also like to thank Galen Sichmeller for all the footwork he put in to make the convention a success. I would further like to thank those who put on demos and gave presentations: Jacqui Ermer, Howard Heidelberger, Rod Sauer, Dave Skiede, and Jon Frohling.

I would also like to thank Georgia Sichmeller for preparing and serving a wonderful lunch. The association truly does appreciate the efforts and contributions from everyone involved in making our convention a success. Thanks also go out to Pete Peterson and all those who participated in the skinning bee.

Our spring convention was a big hit this year. We had over 100 people in attendance and would like to thank everyone who came and participated. We had 12 new members sign up at our gathering, and would like to welcome each and every one. This convention was filled with trapper information and news.

Blair Wait from the Game Fish & Parks came and gave an update about the issues in trapping that the Game Fish & Parks is looking to face in the near future. One of those issues is the idea of changing the regulations to allow beaver trapping year round. This would allow animal control trappers to trap and eliminate problem beaver without first obtaining a permit.

Another issue brought up involved a proposal for the use of trap tags on public land. This issue is not a new one, but seems to have been reintroduced to the GF&P again. A third issue Blair mentioned was that we have the option to work with the Game Fish & Parks to change our non-resident trapping allowance to a reciprocal non-resident trapping season.

This would change the regulation from allowing any out of state resident to trap in South Dakota to allowing only residents of states who allow South Dakotans to trap in their state to trap in South Dakota. To do this we will need to contact a member of the South Dakota legislature to sponsor legislation to change the wording of this present law from non-resident to reciprocal non-resident. This issue seemed to be favored by those in attendance at the Spring meeting. Blair gave a very brief report about the Pine Marten in the Black Hills.

He mentioned that the ones that are there seem to be doing well, but there would likely not be a trapping season for the next 30 years due to their breeding patterns. He also suggested that perhaps the SDTA could help fund the relocation of more pine martens in the Black Hills. During this statement he also mentioned that there is no current plan of the GF&P to introduce river otter in the Black Hills. He also mentioned that the antis haven’t given up. A South Dakotan resident has suggested changing the trap check law statewide down to 24 hours.

This sounded as though it isn’t something currently being pursued, but is something that we need to be aware of that will possibly be discussed by the GF&P. All of these were issues that were presented by Blair that the GF&P will be discussing in the near future. If you have any input please contact myself or another director. The SDTA is asked for input and if you were not at the convention we do not necessarily know what your feelings on these issues are. Your emails and phone calls are welcome and appreciated.

A report was also given by Jacqui Ermer about the river otter. She gave a presentation stating that the otters tend to prefer tributaries over larger faster moving bodies of water. She stated that any sightings or signs of otter should be reported and can be done through the game fish and parks. Nominations were also taken for our NTA director position. A nomination was made for Dennis Tilden. Nominations are still open and anyone that would like to make a nomination should contact one of the SDTA directors ASAP.

We had several door prizes and grub stake raffles that were given away at our Spring Convention. We gave away a $50 gift card to the Sportsmans Cove in Webster to Joann Corr. This was sponsored by the Sportsmans Cove and Pheasants Forever. We also had a drawing for several grub stake raffles. The winners of the muskrat grubstake drawings were Ray Maize of Pierre and Drake Hallings of Bryant.

The winner of the Beaver grubstake drawing was Charles Riggins of Sinai. The raccoon grubstake recipient was Jake Halling of Lake Norden. The final winner of the Cabela’s Gear Bag and Schmitt Enterprise gift certificate was Wayne Heilman of Clark. Supplies for the raffles were donated by Minnesota Trapline Products, Schmitt Enterprises, Inc., Cabelas, John Almquist, Dave Jellis, and Doug Hoftiezer, and Galen Sichmeller.

I would like to let everyone know I have published our new website. Our website is if you have anything you would like to be seen on the website or any suggestions for change please feel free to contact me by email

We are working hard to plan a full schedule of events for our Fall Rendezvous which will be in Flandreau, SD on September 17th and 18th. We are working to make this event a more family friendly gathering. That being said, we are looking for ideas on events that we could help make the convention more family friendly including developing a plan to include more activities targeted towards our women attendees. Anyone having any creative ideas is welcome to contact me or any other director. We want to be sure every member of the family enjoys themselves at our rendezvous.
Thank You. — Anna Hermanson

Hello fellow trappers. I’m reporting on the Sioux Falls Water Festival. First, I want to thank Martha Poppenga, Gary Fawbush, Howard Heidelberger and Charlie Eich for helping me make the show a great success. This year like other years there was between two and three thousand students that came thru in the two days. Numerous students had there picture taken with the fur hats on or touching the soft fur.

When talking to teachers the SDTA has one of the best exhibits there; this is something every SDTA member should be proud of. The show gives a lot of students a chance to touch the beautiful soft fur found in the great state of South Dakota. It’s a chance that a lot of them would never have had except for the SDTA members efforts.

I had an enjoyable experience that I just have to tell you all about. On the 23rd of April it was Grandparents Day in the school of the two oldest grandchildren. After we were settled in; the teacher asked my granddaughter to introduce us. After the introduction, the teacher recognized Martha; and told the class that these were the people who had the fur at the Water Festival. Then she asked how many of the students tried on the fur hats. I was amazed that almost all of the class raised their hands; it impressed me that so many of their faces were just beaming with excitement from remembering that day.

What an experience for Martha and myself. This is truly what it is al about!!! The joy the students had on their faces, the chance for students to try on a real wild fur hat and touch wild fur created a lot of excitement and impressed them. A truly great chance for the SDTA to touch the heart of these young people. That fact that the teacher asked the class to raise their hands truly shows her approval. What a day!!!

The next Water Festival will be in Brookings on May 11th; but by the time you read this the show will be over. Don Lockwood was in charge of this show; hope you had a fun time.
As I understand the Spring Convention was one of the biggest ever. I would like to have attended; but this winters back problems wouldn’t let me. My hat is off to Gaylen and Georgia Sichmeller and Richard Hoops for organizing the food, demos, and all of the advertising you have done. You did a lot of work to make it a huge success.
Thanks. — Gary Poppenga

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