President — Ricky Williams, 278 The Oaks Ln., Blenheim, SC 29516; 843-528-3195;
Vice President — Scott Turnbull, 330 Mountain Estates Road, Pickens, SC 29671; 864 901-1854;
Secretary/Treasurer — Jim Fitzgerald, 610 Stegall Road, Pelzer, SC 29669; 864-201-1672
Fur Bearer Biologist — Jay Butfiloski, P.O. Box 167, Columbia, SC 29108; 803-734-3609
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $25
• Family membership with subscription to T&PC — $30
• Junior with subscription to T&PC — $10
• Sponsor with subscription to T&PC — $50
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SCTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Jim Fitzgerald
610 Stegall Road
Pelzer, SC 29669
Greetings Fellow Trappers!
It was good to see everyone at this year’s convention. We would like to say a big thank you to all that help put on a successful meeting; and we would like to say welcome to our new members. We had a very productive discussion about the new legislation that we want to propose. We will keep you posted as that progresses.
This is the perfect time to remind our members about our new fur buyer and pick up agent for Fur Harvesters; who’ll be travelling through the state, starting in mid-February. He wants to buy green fur, and he will pick up and ship finished fur to Fur Harvesters. We will let you know about the exact schedule as the date gets closer.
We hope everyone has a successful trapping season, and wish y’all the best of luck, and a very blessed Holiday Season!
Happy Trappin’. — Scott Turnbull
I was wanting to know how much a beaver pelt is selling for this year
Thank you