Pennsylvania Trappers Association September 2010 Report

President — Brian Mohn, 134 Fairview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526; phone: 610-562-1790; e-mail:

Vice President East — Joel Whitehead, RR#2Box 90, Thompson, PA 18465; e-mail:

Vice President West — Ned Weston, 120 Swope Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061; phone: 724-894-2239; e-mail:

Secretary — Tereasa Houtz, 300 Flint Lane, Landisburg, PA 17040; e-mail:

Treasurer — Chad Kijowski, P.O. Box 614 , Dayton, PA 16222; phone: 814-257-9846;

Editor — Russ Ford, 309 Pine Dale Road, Carlisle, PA 17013, phone: 717-249-7271, fax: 717-249-8509; e-mail:

NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150; phone: 724-962-4260; e-mail:

FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; phone: 570-278-2553;

Public Relations Director — Mike Gontor, 87 West 7th St., Jim Thorpe, PA 18229; phone: 570-325-4974; e-mail:

Membership Options:

Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Individual membership without subscription — $10
Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5
Lifetime membership with subscription — $300
Lifetime membership without subscription — $100

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

PTA Treasurer
Chad Kijowski
P.O. Box 614
Dayton, PA 16222


Greetings everyone,

We are all busy with the district’s trapping schools, fall conventions and meetings. There never seems to be enough weekends in September to get everything done. Let alone all the trapline preparation for the upcoming season. I know my daughters and I have several workdays ahead to get everything ready. I understand we all get caught up in our own hectic lives, but as trapper, the approaching fall and winter season is like spring to the farmers. You harvest only a much as you sow. While I’m speaking of sowing the seeds. How can you help insure the future of trapping and wildlife management?

For one, the trapping schools are a great asset, than we have the Cable Restraint and Successful Furtaking certification classes hosted by the PTA for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Together they add a number of well-trained trappers to our group, and I thank all the volunteers who give some of their valuable time and knowledge.

I look forward to the approaching trapping season and my plans are flexible as to where this season will take me. When I have all the crops harvested my schedule permits for me to focus more on furharvesting. With all the expanded opportunities we have this year I’m sure I will venture into some new territory.
I hope to see many of you at this year’s banquet on Sept. 18th in Lebanon. Ralph and Mike are planning a great night out.

Until our paths cross, take the straightest one.

— Brian Mohn


Hi to All,

Well things are slowed down for this time of the year. Not a lot to write about at this time. Most likely in the next few months you’ll will see some more things going on in your Districts. Please try to attend those that you can get to.

Get your “TOYS” ready if you haven’t done so yet. It’ll soon be the time you are waiting for. I have been busy with my many preparations for my up-coming New Mexico Exposition. This trip will be my 1st time to try trapping out there.

Hoping to leave about Mid- Sept. & to return about 4 months after that. Looking forward to this Adventure & hoping for a GREAT TIME THERE!!!!
If I can, I’ll try to get my reports to you from out there. We’ll see.

In closing: I wish to thank the D2 Director for his remark as to what I wrote about in my last column. Yes it was my opinion — STILL IS! But not only was it mine it was also that of many of you out there.

I received Calls, e-mails and letters from many & NOT ONE had anything but Praise for the words I put in print. So perhaps “My Opinion” is also that of a lot of you out there.

THANKS for all of your responses!

Till next month. TAKE CARE!

— Russ Ford


We are having a Trapping School on Aug. 14th at Moraine Sportsman’s Club in Butler County. As of this report we have had some of our members put on displays at 5 County’s Youth Field Days this Year.

We are going to set up a display at the Dayton Fair on Aug. 15th through Aug 21st. We can always use help manning the display through the week.
We need a Secretary for the District. Any member wanting to help can call me. Next year at the PTA Convention, in June, My office term is up. I will not be running for the Director position again. So we will need a member to step up to be the Director for a while. I intend to be around to help out and work at the different Events.

Coming up we’ll have our regular Fall Expo on Sept 18th. It will be at the Armstrong Hunting and Fishing Club. On Pony Farm Road in West Kittanning.
I hope our members realize that last month’s personal opinion of the PTA Editor was just that. So take it for what it is, not as the policy of the PTA.
For more info, contact.

— Greg Bell


Hi all,

Just a couple things to update you on this report. For anyone who didn’t get any of the convention items at this year’s convention, we still have limited supplies of shirts, patches, hats, chairs, and mugs left. I will have them at our upcoming events if you want to check them out. Forgot to put that in last month, but wanted everyone to know.

The County fairs will be starting up by the time you read this. We will be hosting a booth at the Washington and Westmoreland County Fairs this year, and will once again have a rifle raffle there. If you want to man the booth and help out at either fair, let me or John Wilkinson know and we can make plans. If you are at the fair, make sure to stop and say hello and buy a chance on the rifle. The Washington Fair runs August 14-21, and the Westmoreland Fair is the week of August 20-28.

You should receive your fall newsletter this month with our upcoming events and district scholarship essay contest. Let’s get some of the college aged students writing for us. We also are planning a district 3 picnic August 28, at Cedar Creek Park. Details are in the fall newsletter and hope you can attend.
Our Trapper’s School will be held on September 25, in Fayette County, near Acme, Pa. This is always a great event for trappers young and old, so if you or anyone you know is interested in a day of learning, let me know at 724-348-6721 to register. Class is free and we even supply lunch, sounds like a deal that can’t be beat.

The Fall Rendezvous will be held on October 10, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. This is a good place to pick up your last minute supplies, etc.
Till next time.

— Dave Eckels


I apologize for not writing recently and offer no excuse other than life seems to get busy and these deadlines roll around before I’m ready. I don’t get bored but it seems like I won’t be able to keep up forever. I just bought my hunting and trapping licenses for next fall and it seems like I sold my fur only yesterday. It was a bit different this year being able to purchase a fisher and bobcat permit with my license. This adds more excitement to the upcoming season but also puts more pressure on us by offering more opportunities to take advantage of. I always feel a sense of responsibility to the PGC to fulfill their expectations of me as a trapper.

Hopefully you were able to attend the state convention in Washington, Pa. where my supplies were purchased and I picked up a new book to help me learn some new tricks. I keep thinking I can do better if I just get more education and experience. We’ll see. I did see quite a few familiar faces at the convention and encourage all of you to attend next year if you can, it’s a good time.   

Our spring meeting was held on May 16 at Gander Mountain in Windber and was well attended. It was decided to again have a cash calendar fund raiser in December 2010 and the tickets should be ready by August. The trapper school will be held on August 12th at Camp Harmony in Hooversville, PA.

The next meeting will be held at Gander Mountain in Windber, PA on September 19, 2010 at 2:00 PM. Please come out and support your association.
An election of officers was held at the fall meeting and following is the results: Director – Harry Wade, Assistant director – Mark Vatavuk, Treasurer – Pat Wess, and Secretary – Deborah Sedlemeyer.

Please feel free to contact Pat Wess @ (814) 262-9455 or me with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. I can be reached at (814) 686-0497 or e-mail me at Thanks for reading.

— Brian Stern


District 7 had our summer picnic on July 25 and even though it rained we had a good turnout. Jim Kauffman from East Stroudsburg University then gave a presentation about his otter research project. Future events include our trapper training day and cable restraint class on August 14. Sept 18 is our mini-convention at the Booneville campground being held with the Sugar Valley Historical Societys-Good Old Days-.

On June 12, John Carey and Bill Becker worked at a youth field day at the Southern Clinton Co. Sportsmens club where 40 to 50 kids participated. On August 28,Mike Kilcoyne and his son will represent d-7 at the youth field day at the North Montour Sportsmens Club. These men deserve a big thank you for helping the youth in our area learn about trapping. Until next time.

— Pete


I just got off the phone with Bill Kalinauskis. He is on his way home from the Troy Fair, and was telling me what a great turnout the Fair had this year. Thanks to Terry and Oliver Lutz, Max Simcoe, and everyone else who manned the District 9 booth this year.

I have been remiss in my duties as District 9 newsperson as of late. No excuses – the Trapper and Predator Caller deadline just keeps slipping away on me. Hopefully I’ll do a better job in the future. We have quite a few events planned for the rest of the year. Looks like Joe Rusin and George Fila will be doing an information seminar at the Pike County Youth Field Day in August. The Harford Fair is coming up, and we will be looking for folks to man the booth. The Bradford County Youth Field Day is the same weekend as the Harford Fair, and we will have someone there to do trapping with the kids. September 11 and 12 is our trapper training school at Camp Lackawanna. There are still a few openings for the school, so if you are interested call me at 679-2318, or Bill at 942-6895. The cost is $25. September 18 finds us at the Triton Hose Co. for our mini-convention. If you are a dealer and would like to set up, there is no fee and the spots are first come, first served. We start at 9:00 AM. September 29 is the Susquehanna County Youth Field Day. Call me if you have kids who are interested in attending

We have our fur sales scheduled for December and February, and our coyote hunt will be January 28, 29 & 30, 2011. All this not to mention the hunter ed. courses and other events we get involved with in the meantime. All these events would not be possible if we did not have our loyal members who donate their time and effort. Thanks to everyone who helps out. And if you would like to get involved, get in contact. We can always use more help.

I heard that the State Rendezvous was a great one this year. I didn’t get to go due to prior commitments. Thanks to District 3 for doing a great job. The convention next year will be at the Schuylkill County Fairgrounds hosted by District 11, and I understand that District 4 has been awarded the 2012 convention, which will be the PTA’s 75th anniversary.

I received my bobcat permit in the mail the other day. This year the season is open to anyone who gets a permit. Their appears to be plenty of cat activity in my area. Get out there and claim your trophy.

— Ed Price


As I write this, our meeting at Millcreek is still a few days away so I’ll have to tell you what went on in next month’s column. Hopefully you were able to attend and already know.

The PTA State Banquet is fast approaching. Ralph has done a lot of work in getting prizes for the tables and auctions. There is still time to order tickets to attend this event. They are $25 each or $45 per couple; 16 and under are $12. Call me at 717-367-2637 or email The banquet is Sept. 18 at the Eagles Club in Lebanon. Tom Hardinsky will be presenting a program on Beaver Management. I need to have a final count for banquet by Sept. 13 so that will be the deadline to get tickets.

I want to give you the info on the trapper training schools again even though 2 of them will be held in just a couple of days. I want to thank in advance all who help in any way to make these schools a success.

Berks / Schuylkill County – Sept. 11 @ Auburn Fish & Game

Contact: Ron Smith (570) 294-6270

Dauphin County – Sept. 25 @ Dauphin County Anglers & Conservationists

Contact: Mike Spittle (717) 367-2637

Lancaster County – Aug. 28 @ Millcreek Sportsmen’s Assoc.

Contact: Terry Suter (717) 393-4738

York County – Aug. 28 @ Starview Sportsmen’s Club

Contact: Brett Spangler (717) 384-8752

Our next business meeting will be at Middlecreek Wildlife Center on Sunday, October 3rd at 2 p.m. in the parking area by the sunfish pond.

Till next month.

— Mike Spittle

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