Trapper & Predator Caller was created with a singular purpose: offer practical, comprehensive information for those who harvest fur and call predators. Each edition offers insights from experts with years of experience, offering ways to enrich trapping and calling knowledge. From beginners to veterans, Trapper & Predator Caller has something for everyone.
• The noise of feeding birds on hanging bait brings in bobcats to the author’s cubby sets, writes Dennis J. Alberts.
• Jim Spencer reveals the ultimate, universal lure. The features that catch your attention when you glance at your trapping area are likely the same features furbearers are looking at.
• Snaring for coyotes in deer country can be a challenge, Serge Lariviére says, but a few simple steps can help trappers avoid finding deer in their snares.
• Lance Homman shows why calling song dogs at night with nothing but the moon and snow to light your way adds a new dimension of intensity to the hunt.
• Overlooked game calls can be useful on the calling stand, Donald Wilson explains, especially when calling educated predators.
• Jill Easton lays out the benefits of a detailed account of set locations and which lures or baits were used. This can help prevent lost traps and improve your success in following seasons.
• ‘Semi-rural’ trappers with full-time jobs can overcome the challenges of time and location to run a successful trapline, according to Mike Schoonveld.
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