Trapper & Predator Caller was created with a singular purpose: offer practical, comprehensive information for those who harvest fur and call predators. Each edition offers insights from experts with years of experience, offering ways to enrich trapping and calling knowledge. From beginners to veterans, Trapper & Predator Caller has something for everyone. Discover more with a subscription.
• Standardize your equipment and sets, eliminate the unnecessary and become a more productive trapper.
• A tribute to America’s oldest trapper, 96-year-old Ray Morehouse.
• Beaver trapping across state lines with a legend proved to be a challenging adventure for this veteran trapper.
• Predator callers hunt in the fall to take young, naive song dogs that are eager to come to the call.
• Some simple trap modifications can be made to almost any trap to help avoid theft on the trapline.
• Successful predator hunters scout hard because no matter how well you call, it won’t work if the song dogs aren’t there.
• Learn a few new tricks, get a little extra help in the fur shed and enjoy some company by occasionally teaming up on the trapline.
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