President — Ken Mills, 13004 W H-40 Hwy, Rudyard, MI 49780; phone: 906-478-6631
Vice President — Lloyd White, 2739 W M-28, Dafter, MI 49724; phone: 906-632-6071
Secretary — Jim Neitling, PO Box 171, Kinross, MI 49752; phone: 906-495-5233
Treasurer — Mark A. Spencer, N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760; phone: 906-292-4779; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $21
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $16
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NGLFH Secretary
Jim Neitling
PO Box 171
Kinross, MI 49752
Summer is just about over and what a summer. I know one thing for sure that the heat and humidity sure take the fun out of everything — for me that is. I know some people like the heat but give me a 70 degree day anytime and I will be as happy as a pig in mud. I know for that in some places they had more rain than they wanted but in others they had nothing. Good old Michigan weather.
Not much going on so far this summer except for the usual work around the house. The old famous honey-do list never gets any shorter.
By the time some of you get this letter the NTA convention in Wisconsin will most likely be over (August 5-8 in Marshfield, Wisconsin, not too far for Yoopers) but there will be plenty of others to attend. The Michigan Trapper and Predator Callers convention which will be held in August from the 26th to the 28th at the Evart Fairgrounds.
The real big convention will be ours in September from the 17th to the 18th at the Kinross Fairgrounds. There will be lots of drawings which will be held all day long during the convention. There will also be lots of demos that will be put on by local trappers. Here is a partial list of the demos that will be going on during the convention and the times will be announced later. Bob Steinmetz will do beaver trapping, Galen from Otter Creek will do fisher, Richard Clark will put on a skinning demo for kids prior to them going to the lake for the trapping demo that will be put on by Ken Mills, Mark Spencer will do coyote, Jim Neitling will do GPS and how to make a walking stick for your old age, Lloyd White will do weasel or skunk trapping or maybe both, and we will have someone put on a demo about the proper beaver caster preparation. If you would be interested in doing a demo, please call Lloyd White at (906) 632-6071. We are always looking for new demos and those willing to do them.
There will be lots of dealers so if you need any last minute supplies you will have the chance right there, and there will be no shipping cost. Enclosed is a convention flyer. If you want to, tack it up at your local grocery store or gas station or, give it to a friend.
Gene and Vera Harrison will once again put on their world famous fish fry.
We will also have an election of officers. The president, secretary and 3 director positions are up for grabs.
If anyone is interested in running for one of these positions notify Ken Mills or myself. We need new blood in the organization. Otherwise you will have the same old farts as before. We are also looking for prize donations. If you wish to donate, you can send the donation to me listed below.
There will be plenty of camping available with full hook up or primitive.
We will have the Adopt-A-Highway pickup on the 15th of September; this is the Wednesday right before the convention. We will meet at the gas station at the intersection of M80 and I75 at 6:30 p.m.
During the meeting that we had in Gaylord on the 21st of July, it was decided that we will put the Traverse City expo booth on hold for a couple of years due to lack of interest. We also renewed our affiliation with the Fur Takers and the United States Sportsmen Alliance.
It was brought up at the meeting that the young lady that was doing the kidney worm study in the U.P. mink sent us her report and in it there were no signs of the kidney worm in the mink that were sent in. There were 77 mink sent to her for study. She would now like the mink from the Northern Lower be sent to her for study. There will be more info later on this. She said that she is going to try and make it to our convention and talk on this subject.
Anyone whose membership expires Sept. and Dec. 2010 will not get a renewal slip in this letter. There’s just too many. If I don’t see you at the convention, I’ll mail renewal slips with the October newsletter.
Some of our members have been busy teaching our youth.
Ken Mills put on a demo for the young school kids in Rudyard. He mostly talks about the animals and the wetlands. Rich Stowe put on a Trappers Education course in Alpena. There were 8 students and 7 of them were new trappers. Our newest lifetime member is John Wahlers. He is also the Saginaw Bay Area coordinator for Trapper Education. He has just certified 8 trappers and soon will be certifying 18 more.
There isn’t much else so I hope to see some of you on down the line, maybe at a convention or two.
— Jim Neitling