President — Ken Mills, 13004 W H-40 Hwy, Rudyard, MI 49780; phone: 906-478-6631
Vice President — Lloyd White, 2739 W M-28, Dafter, MI 49724; phone: 906-632-6071
Secretary — Jim Neitling, PO Box 171, Kinross, MI 49752; phone: 906-495-5233
Treasurer — Mark A. Spencer, N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760; phone: 906-292-4779; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $21
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $16
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NGLFH Secretary
Jim Neitling
PO Box 171
Kinross, MI 49752
Trapping season has come to an end for another year and it is time to get the equipment cleaned up and checked for another season. I say this but never do it until I have to.
I hope everyone had a good season and got what they wanted for their fur. From what I have seen the last fur auction went well and the prices were real good.
The weather is turning out to be our typical springtime weather. It sure was cold this last winter with not much snow except for you guys that live down state. It seemed like that every snow storm that went through went south.
We had a meeting in March and we got some info on the DNR meeting that was held early in March. The following is potential changes for the 2011 season. Increase the otter limit to 2 in the northern lower peninsula. Extend the muskrat and mink season into February statewide. Use a .22 firearm to dispatch trapped critters in the shotgun zone. The addition of opossum and raccoon to the species that can be called at night with a call. The zones A and B for fisher and pine marten would be eliminated and the entire U.P. would become one zone and the season would be 15 days in length and the bag limit would be only 1 fisher or 1 pine marten. We will possibly loose the cable restraint method of taking coyotes or fox entirely. These are recommendations that will be made to the NRC for the upcoming season. I will get the final updates out as soon as I find them out. There will not be another fur taker’s meeting with the DNR until the year 2013.
There was a report on the trapper’s dinner and it sounded like it went real well and everyone had an excellent time and great food and some of the guests won some nice door prizes at the dinner. Thanks to the DNR officer and the representative from Fur Harvesters Auction that spoke at the dinner.
Rick Marshall won the skinning machine at last years convention and he has decided to donate it back to the organization for a prize at this year’s convention. A big THANK YOU goes out to Rick for his generous donation.
We donated $200.00 to Fur Takers of America.
We have 4 jackets left so if you are interested in one let Mark Spencer know and he will tell you what is available and the price. We are checking into the possibility of getting sweatshirts with our logo on them to sell to who ever wants one. If we can get some good shirts for a decent price we will have them for sale. They will be hooded, pull-over style.
The Adopt-A-Highway pickup schedule is as follows. July 13th and September 14th. We meet at the gas station at exit 378 and M80 at 6:30pm.
Our next meeting will be May 18th in Rudyard at the Lutheran Church at 7:30pm.
We have some good news and some bad news. I will start with the good news. Mark “ The Elder” Spencer received the Jules Peron Award from Fur Harvester’s Auction House. This award is like our Hall of Fame. There is only one awarded each year and sometimes it is not given out. Congratulations Mark on a well deserved award. Now for the bad news. Jim Gale, one of our members, passed away this past month. Jim was a great person who made donations of his pack baskets to the organization. He made these by hand and were the best that I have ever seen. He said that he learned to make them at the Trapper’s College of which he attended several times. He and his wife were true outdoors people. They would camp out in just a tent and it did not matter how cold it was out. Jim, you will be missed.
HI from Penny. Just a word about Trapper & Predator Caller renewals. PLEASE as soon as you receive your renewal slip, send it out to me. They send out about 4 months in advance of expiring. If you wait until the expiration date of your magazine to send it back to me, you WILL miss magazines. I send out the assoc. renewals at the end of each month. They take 2-4 weeks to process it and then you get your magazine. If your subscription expires with the March issue, that issue comes in February. Also if you are a lifetime member, you only need to send the cost of the magazine – $12.00. Thanks.
— Jim Neitling