New York State Trappers Association March 2010 Report

President — John Rockwood, 114 County Route 30A, Williamstown, NY 13493; phone: 315-415-4946; e-mail:

Vice President — Wayne Jones, 9152 River Road, Marcy, NY 13403; phone: 315-768-8115; e-mail:

Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:

Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196

Legislative Liaison — Dave Miller, 11311 gay Road, Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707

NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071

FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, 41 Apple Ring Road, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453

JTI Chairman — Al West, 5 Hillcrest Ave., Queensbury, NY 12804; phone: 518-793-3662;

Membership Options:

• Junior Membership – under 16 years of age with subscription to the Trapper & Predator Caller and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $15/yr

• Basic Membership – any age, NYSTA Newsletter, no subscription to T&PC — $15/yr

• General Membership – any age with subscription to the T&PC and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $25/yr

• Family Membership – One magazine subscription to T&PC and the NYSTA Newsletter — $30/yr

• Lifetime Membership – any age with lifetime subscription to T&PC, NYSTA Newsletter, special membership credentials and placque, etc. ­— $750

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033


Greetings Trappers:

It has been a few months since my last column here in the T&PC. Most all things in the trapping world here in New York have been pretty quiet all fall and winter thus far. No news certainly is good news sometimes!

NYSTA has been informed that the regulations change package that our JTI Committee has been working on jointly with the NYSDEC’s FMT is proceeding on schedule. This package contains many positive changes for NY’s trappers. There will be more information forthcoming on that package as we will need to write letters and e-mails of support of this package when it’s entered on the State Register for a public comment period.

Our annual Spring Meeting and Membership Conference is scheduled for the last weekend in April and will be held in Morrisville, NY. There will be another outstanding group of speakers and presenters at that conference. There might even be some old trapping videos shown of famous trappers from back in the 1960s and narrated by one of our own. I’m sure it will be an event you won’t want to miss. Watch for more information here next month as well as in the “Traplines” newsletter.

Pat Arnold has been spearheading a new project. She is developing a Trappers Camp for youth ages 12 to 15. She has spent considerable time and energy on this project and assures us that the first one is set for this year. It will be one held in Western New York and will accommodate 25 students on a first come, first served basis. There will be about three days of hands-on trapping experiences for these youths over the Columbus Day holiday weekend.

A Trappers Training certification course will be given as well as demos by accomplished New York trappers and DEC personnel. Students will set and tend traps. Any furbearers harvested will then be used for skinning and fur handling demonstrations. Watch for applications and more information in upcoming NYSTA “Traplines” newsletters and/or contact Pat Arnold by phone at 315-644-4643 or by e-mail at

There have been some problems with members receiving their T&PC magazines with their membership. This has even included Life Members. I’m not sure still where all the blame lies, but I’ve been told this is a recurring problem that has been an issue before. A change in magazines has been discussed by the Board of Directors. Two other trapping magazines have both made offers to NYSTA. Both are willing to give us adequate space for Association News if we decide to change what magazine we supply to our membership.

However, before making any such changes, we’d like to hear from you, the members. Please let one of your officers or your Regional Director know what your thoughts are about this. Treasurer Dale Gamba has informed me that he believes he has all problems with subscriptions resolved at this time. He has spent much time resolving these problems with the T&PC subscription department. However, Dale said that if there are any members that are still not receiving their T&PC magazines, please contact him and let him know.

Last summer, my good friend Joe Van Houten brought the idea of a pelt donation program for NYSTA to my attention. As many of you know, Joe was the first ever recipient of the NYSTA Fur Handler of the Year Award. Within months of receiving that award, Joe was diagnosed with cancer. After a long, hard-fought battle, he has just received word that his cancer is in total remission. I waited a bit to announce this program as I wanted Joe’s donation of 12 beautiful fishers to be the first donation. Joe generously donated those fishers to NYSTA to start the program off.

This program will help provide NYSTA with additional needed funding to pursue outreach programs, development of educational materials, legislative efforts, etc. The donated skins will be auctioned off at the various fur sales held across New York State by our affiliates. If you’d like to help make this program a success for Joe, for NYSTA and for all of NY’s trappers now and in the future, please consider donating a skin or several if you can. You can donate directly at several of the fur sales or by contacting VP Wayne Jones or myself for more information and drop-off locations. Information is also listed on the NYSTA Web site as well as the NY Trappers Forum.

I sincerely hope all of you have enjoyed a great season thus far. The weather has been pretty good for us, fur prices look far better than predicted and there is demand for our hard earned furs. Spring beaver and muskrat trapping will be starting soon. I can hardly wait! Best of luck to all of you.

— John Rockwood


The January Meeting of the Cattaraugus County Trappers Association was held, as usual, at the Cooperative Extension building in Ellicottville. After the usual opening, we moved on to our fur auction results. First of all, our auction was a success. We more than doubled last year’s number of lots. Nearly 300 lots this year. The results are as follows:

Beaver — Average price of $17.04; High price of $35.50

Raccoon — Ave. $6.55; High $16.00

Beaver castors — Ave. $32.83; High $40.50 per pound

Coyote — Ave. $14.25; High $22

Deer hide — Ave. $4.13; High $4.25

Mink — Ave. $9.92; High $13.50

Gray fox — Ave. $15.67; High $25

Red fox — Ave. $9.62; High $17

Muskrats — Ave. $5.95; High $7.70

After expenses, the club will about break even, which is what we strive for. We hold this auction NOT to make money but to provide a place for the trappers and hunters to sell their furs at the best price possible. Thanks to all who helped out. We are already thinking about next year’s auction.

John Milks said he has the application for us to send a kid to DEC camp this summer. We have a kid all lined up and the motion was made and passed to send him. We also got an award from the DEC for sponsoring a kid each year and Terry Daily is going to make a frame for it.

Plans are now moving forward to hold our club dinner on April 18 at the Cattaraugus United Methodist Church. We look forward to a big turnout this year as we are inviting the Erie County trappers also and another too.

Derwood Say said he was going to ask the person who has THE LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE animal show if they would come to our Sportsman Show this summer. He claims it would be a great addition for our show. It was also reported that we were going to need more helpers at our show this year. Also the National show is not the same week as ours this year so we should get some more of our usual vendors back.

It was a lucky night for Derwood Say as he won both the $50 jackpot and a trap to boot. February’s meeting is on the 18th at Ellicottville. Anyone interested in joining should call John at 716-557-2523.

— David Allen


President Bill Howe called the meeting to order at 5 p.m., Jan. 17, 2010. 12 members were present.

The 50/50 was won by Butch Jenks. Joan M won the gloves donated by Butch J. Les Wedge won the lure donated by John Hahn and Mark Slocum won the big button that I didn’t see what it said on it. Jim Hickey won the pheasant feathers donated by Bill land Diane Klager.

President’s list:

Bill had check from IFH to cover the sale of the blanket at the Rendezvous. IFH next fur auction will be March 6 at Pompey, starting at 8 a.m.

Hugh is still going to get projector from Dale S, just hasn’t had time yet, and we don’t need it yet.

Bill has gun raffle tickets available for anyone to sell, don’t be shy.

Discussion on fur auction prices. Les Wedge had prices from auctions just held. Prices definitely vary from auction to auction, buyer to buyer and area to area. Dale Beckwith had prices from the Tioga County auction. Once again buyers were scarce.

President has list of furs that our inventory needs. Discussion on our price list. We will update it.

John and Mark Slocum discussed that the January Cortland Federation meeting Federation is looking for input from all member clubs on the Pheasant program.

Should they keep it or find another direction for their efforts to promote the County Sportsman’s programs (i.e. fishing derbies, etc.). They also noted that the Federation needed to raise the yearly dues for each Club. Motion made by John Slocum, 2nd by Hugh McDonald that we OK the dues raise by the Federation from $25 to $50 per year.

The Association also voted to recommend that the Federation eliminates the Pheasant Program and find other channels for its efforts in conservation and educational programs. Maybe more kids to camp or kids fishing derbies.

Bill announced that there will be a Trapper Training Course at Solon on April 3, 2010. Spread the word  Pre- registration is a must, see Al La France or Bill Howe.
After the flurry of nominations for officers was ended the secretary cast one vote for the slate of officers nominated. Pres: Bill Howe, VP: John Slocum: Treasurer; Joan Manz, Secretary: Art Manz.

Those individuals that missed out should remember, there is always next year.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.

Minutes were accepted as written. Art noted the Taylor Valley Unit management plan will be discussed at public meeting on Jan. 28 at the McGraw High School. All are invited to attend and contribute. After much discussion, it appears some of us will be there. Remember, no one will protect your rights on this land for you. If you are concerned about how the land use might change, be there and be heard.

In the round table, Les discussed the auction prices again. Butch Jenks discussed membership in the State Organization and National Trappers.

John Slocum reminded the Club to pay the Solon Club for our Newsletter ad.

Lee Stockton once again reached into his bag of tricks and did a demo on all sorts of stuff. Art loved the floating Muskrat set. If it ain’t modified, it ain’t Lee’s.

The food was served by “Hugh” the chef.

Next month’s food will be by Shirley the gourmet.

Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.

Respectfully submitted.

— Art Manz


Our January Fur Handling Seminar hosted by Collins Conservation Club was very successful with 75 kids and adults in attendance. Many traveled far to check out this unique event, and were not disappointed. We had our club table set up with handouts and the fur game for kids. We welcomed new memberships from Tim Price, Bob Danelski and Joe and Wendy Weber. We renewed Bill Arthur’s family and Rena Conrath. We raffled off a coyote pelt, sold some tails and faces and had a good 50/50.

Thanks to our following members: Hoot Gerling, Mike Koestler, A.J. Pachucinski and Rick Wattengel, for their efforts in teaching first hand, the best techniques for putting up furs. A special thanks to Hoot for getting the clubhouse ready and for bringing in his collection of put up furs for all to examine. We like to refer it as his Good, Bad and Ugly! Many were surprised to see all the youngsters getting a hands on skinning lesson. Rena, Hunter and Brad did a fine job while learning valuable skills to help them in their own fur sheds. Watch for a repeat next year with a new separate station just for the kids.

At our new year meeting, we discussed the Federation’s ballot vote regarding the possibility of a mandatory Habitat Stamp adding $5 to your licenses, which we unanimously voted no. Rick brought to our attention about the letter that the D.E.C. sends along with pelt seals. He will compose a letter stating our concerns about some of the wording regarding how the seals must be attached to unskinned beavers. The suggested method is for the tag to be immediately attached and that it be put through the nostril. A recent situation was brought to our attention that prompted this discussion.

The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Club will be holding an awards banquet on March 6 at Father Justin’s Knights of Columbus in Cheektowaga. Tickets are $40 or $70 for a couple. The night consists of a nice sit down dinner with open bar all evening, raffles, door prizes, as well as a great silent auction. We will donate a coyote pelt for that auction. During the awards we will honor our Trapper of the Year, Debbie, with a plaque. Last year, E.C.T.A. was awarded the Club of the Year. We have tickets if anyone is interested in attending.

At the last Federation meeting, our club was one of the five selected to send a kid to the D.E.C. camp, sponsored by the Federation. We selected Rena, Joe Craft’s granddaughter to go to Camp Rushford this summer. She was already excited!

The WNY Outdoor Expo at the fairgrounds in Hamburg will run from March 11-13. We will need workers for the booth again, call Patti if you can help at 716-337-2556.

If you get the chance to check out the NYSCC Grass Root News, you will find a nice picture and article on our Herb Eble winners, the five future trappers!
Our meetings are held the second Tuesday monthly, at 7:30 p.m., Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. All are welcomed.
For club correspondence, mail to E.C.T.A., 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons, NY, 14091.

Our next meetings are March 9 and April 13. Call if you would like to do a short demo at any of these meetings. Please remember to renew your memberships, return your DVD’s, call John for t-shirt orders at 716-549-8957, and bring a friend interested in trapping to the next meeting.

The club’s e-mail address has changed to Please update your addresses if you got lost in the shuffle.

— Patti Wattengel


Minutes of Meeting

Jan. 10, 2010

10 Members present

• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

• Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.

• Treasurer’s report read and accepted.


• More Raffle tickets were turned in, it gets drawn at the Sports Show.

• By-Laws were discussed and corrections are needed, such as:

The Fur Sale date will be done away with. We will have a Fur Sale, but the date will be adjustable. The By-Laws state only members can sell fur, that will be done away with. Ten percent commission for ALL sellers will be implemented. Secretary will be responsible to update the archives each month and year. These changes will be sent out over the next couple of months and then voted on.

• Our December Fur Sale: Lonnie Zehr and Jeff Backus rescinded their offers to reimburse any money to the sellers. Sellers can contact both with any questions or comments.


• Al ordered fox, coon and coyote tails from Tom Gebo, We should have them for the Sports Show.

• Discussion on Coyote and/or Turkey contests for 2010: We would like your input on a spring turkey hunt for the members of IFH and Cortland County Trappers only $10 per bird, weight, beard and spur length combined to determine the winner. Prize depends on how many sign up.

• Had a discussion about bear hunting, and was informed Clarence Walton is willing to sell at half price another bear hunt to raffle off, if we want to.

• The Madison County Friends of the NRA have a one-week Bear Hunt Raffle. It is a $1,600 value. Only 100 tickets, sold at $20 each. Call Al for a ticket.

• Al and Tim submitted invoices for reimbursement, was voted and approved.

• Possible Trap Class 4/3/10 if we can get the Solon Sportsman Club.

• We owed $50 to Cortland County Trappers for one of the items we auctioned off for them at the Fur Rondy in Sept. I forgot to pay them.

• Ed Wright won the trap and Gary Stoddard won the hunting video.


• None


• The Northeast Sports Show will be held on Jan. 22-24, 2010 at the NYS Fairgrounds. Our raffle items will be the same as last year. Please sell your tickets as the drawing will be at the end of the show.

• Marathon Fur Fish & Game (not the magazine) auction Feb. 27, 2010 at 10 a.m. Call Greg at 607-745-5809 for details.

• NYSWMA seminar Feb. 27, 2010 in Owego, N.Y.

• The March Fur Sale is set for March 6 at the Pompey Rod and Gun Club.

• THE NEXT MEETING IS Feb. 14 Valentines Day (sorry Ladies). Remember the gate is open from 12:45 to 1:10 p.m. Bill you did a GREAT job as the gate keeper, where’s the key master? (Ghostbuster’s movie)

Respectfully submitted.

— Rich Palmer

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