President — Curt Haberman, 500 Pennsylvania Ave., Somers Point, NJ 08244; phone: 609-927-5773; e-mail:
Vice President — Dick Webber, 577 Macopin Rd., West Milford, NJ 07480; phone: 973-697-1814; e-mail:
Secretary — Jay Mounier, 1765 Dutch Mill Rd., Franklinville, NJ 08322-2122; phone: 856-697-1007; e-mail:
Treasurer — Steve Decker, P.O. Box 197, Netcong, NJ 07857; phone: 973-448-0145; e-mail:
Membership Officer — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722; phone: 908-783-3090; e-mail:
NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; phone: 908-832-6998
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.00
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30.00
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
• Senior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NJFH, Membership Officer
Ron Diehl
852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722
NJFH members,
We held our spring meeting and fur drop off March 22 and we had a lot of members attend. While I was disappointed nobody stepped up to be president or help Jay with the secretary job, I did have some members contact me about possibly taking over next year. It is very important for people to step up NOW to keep the NJFH going.
On July 18, the NJFH will have its annual BBQ and meeting at Vicky and Steve Decker’s house. This is a very relaxing day with great food and even better company. Vicky and Steve make everyone feel at home and its fun to be around fellow members and trappers! This meeting is also a very important meeting because we take care of a lot of NJFH “stuff,” including the convention, Jamboree, decoy show and Trapper Education. So, be sure to mark your calendar and all members should be receiving a newsletter with all the details of the BBQ.
I hope everyone will be satisfied with the results of the NAFA May sale. I don’t think it will be a great sale, but I’m hoping for a good clearance. Sorry for the short report, but it’s been some long days at work and there isn’t much time for writing.
I hope you are having a good Spring!
— Curt Haberman
Well I finally got in touch with the people who make our Lifetime Member plaques and they are done. If you are a lifetime member and have not gotten your plaque, let me know and I will see to it you get one.
Don’t forget, the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is looking for supporters. If you have not heard about them, they are very involved politically in supporting the hunters, trappers and fishermen of NJ. For more information, go to their Web site, This is a new group, but they are shaking up Trenton. They can use some support.
— James DeStephano