President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853-0015; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Adam Duryea, 80406 Victoria Springs Rd, Merna, NE 68856; phone: 308-643-0430; cell: 308-643-9178
Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913
Treasurer — Dave Kuhlmann, 70767 626th Ave., Pawnee City, NE 68420-2570; phone: 402-852-6173
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Doug Eskew, 41521 Rd. 764 Gothenburg, NE 69138; phone: 308-537-2919
NTA Delegate — Jason Reynoldson, 2142 State Highway 14, Albion, NE 68620-5033; phone: 402-395-6805; cell: 402-649-3832
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155
Web Site — Tom Riblett,;
Hello Everyone,
By the time you are reading this, around the 25th of August, Fall Convention will be a month away. Where did the summer go? Time to make plans to attend and get motel reservations, if needed. Doug Eskew and his crew are working diligently to make this a good convention and have some new activities that will be fun and interesting for everyone.
Jane Gustavson, Game & Parks, who heads up their State Fair activities called to tell me to contact Jaime Parr, State Fair Board, to see about having a booth there. I have called and left messages twice and as yet haven’t actually talked to her. However, I would like to get some calls from people who would like to work in our booth. I’m hoping we would be able to get a space Labor Day weekend.
I haven’t been fishing lately, so I don’t have any good ones that got away. The local newspaper had a picture of a man with a 47# flathead that he caught in Sherman Reservoir. After pictures, he released it back, so there’s at least one big one there.
Steven Neff of Gretna worked the trapping segments at the 2010 Gretna Outdoor Skills Camp (eastern 4-H Camp). This makes 3 years, I think. I’m somewhat disappointed that I wasn’t able to get someone close in that area to lend him a hand or spell him.
Anyone who knows Steve should be sure to thank him at the next opportunity!
That’s all for now.
— Don Miller
Convention season is here! I would like to thank Dave Hastings for representing our association at the FTA Nationals. I was not able to attend due to doctors appointments and physical therapy sessions. Next years FTA convention is being held in New York state.
I had an unexpected break with the therapy so was able to head for the Minnesota Trappers Association convention this weekend. Over the years while serving as the FTA National Organizer I made countless friend across the country. The larger state conventions provide an opportunity to visit with many from several states.
The NFH fall Convention is looking to be one very good event. While at the Minnesota Convention several dealers indicated they plan to grace us with their presence in Lexington. They have or will be calling the event organizer Doug Eskew at (308) 537-2919 or (308) 325-0243 to reserve tables space or ask of the areas features. Motel reservation may be made at any of the following establishments. Comfort Inn (308) 324-3747, 1st Interstate Inn (308) 324-5601, Gable Inn (308) 324-5595, Holiday Inn Express (308) 324-9900, Minuet Man Motel (308) 324-8400, or Super 8 Motel (308) 324-7434.
I hope everyone has the September 24-26 dates marked on their calendar and plans to head for Lexington. Camping? No problem there is plenty of room! Dealer setup is the afternoon of Thursday the 23rd but no demos will be given on that day. Remember to bring items for the White Elephant Auction. This is one of two fundraisers that keeps our association running. The other is those raffle tickets I hope you have returned to Don. If not bring them to the convention. The only way to have a chance at winning is to participate.
See you in Lexington!
— Roy Greenfield