President— Ron Leggett, 7308 Monroe Rd., Boonsboro, MD 21713; phone: 301-432-8480
Vice President — Butch Glenn, 9 Jeanna Lane, Falling Waters, WV 25419; phone 301-465-0196
Membership Secretary — Reed Muse, 3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048; phone: 410-795-8076; cell: 410-790-6475; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Jaime Glenn, 9 Jeanna Ln., Falling Waters, WV 25419
Treasurer — Ed Davis, 5122 Paw Paw Rd., Cambridge, MD 21613; phone: 410-228-8181
NTA Director — Jerry Heimbrock, 12027 Pennterra Manor Lane, Thurmont, MD 21788; phone 937-681-1708
Membership Options:
• Yearly individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• 3-year individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $70
• Lifetime individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Yearly family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27.50
• 3-year family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Lifetime family membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $400
• Yearly junior (17 and under) membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MFT, Membership Secretary
Reed Muse
3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048
Hello fellow trappers, this will be my first report as president, first let me say that I’m proud to take over the leadership of a great group of people.
I know that most of you know me from the years that both me and my wife have been in the association and I’m sure that you also know that I will work my hardest to assure that we continue to expand and grow as an organization my intent is for us to be proactive, by taking our message to the lawmakers and not waiting until a trap bill is introduced and then scrambling to get our message out. I want us to be seen at as many events as we can, the more we educate the non trappers, the better they will understand what we are all about.
The only way we can accomplish these things is to work as a well-organized group, with each member doing all they can to help. I look forward to hearing from all of you with any ideas you may have and look forward to your continued support.
— Anita Moore
Congratulations go out to newly elected MFT President Donald Moore who ran unopposed. Vice President Butch Glenn, Treasurer Ed Davis and Recording Secretary Jamie Glenn all kept their offices and also ran unopposed. The election for two Directors at
Large retained Richard Garrettt and elected Robert Colona. Congratulations go to all of them.
A storm threatened the crab feast Friday evening and we did work right through what little rain that did fall. The two hundred crab feast tickets we printed were sold out by mid afternoon Friday. We bought, cooked and served 17 bushels of crabs. We did run out of crabs, but everyone was served. Only the ones going back for seconds or thirds got shorted a little. The Stevens Family Blue Grass Band played during and after the crab feast and was great entertainment, as usual.
We had a few more supply dealers this year. Tailgaters were lacking. I saw lots of supplies changing hands. The mood was upbeat, due mostly to the higher fur prices seen in the late fur sales. It appeared a good time was had by all.
The food was all delicious. We owes such thanks to the members who work so hard year after year in the kitchen. This includes members and wives.
Many thanks to Tommy and Mary Tucker who were convention chairpersons and thanks to all the volunteers who helped at the convention in any way. You make the convention go so much more smoothly. It keeps any one person from having too heavy a load
The auction had lots of donated items and brought in more money than last year. The auction seems to be a big attraction each year. Thanks go out to all who donated. You know who you are.
The General Membership meeting was held on time and went very smoothly. Guest speakers were Paul Pedito and Harry Spiker of the Md DNR, Dave and Karen Linkheart from NTA, and Allan Ellis who has just published a new magazine called Maryland Hunting Quarterly. Free samples were available.
North American Fur Auctions presented MFT with a check for $246.57 which is a percentage kick back for Maryland Furs sold through NAFA.
The normal meeting reports were given and all were brought up to date on MFT business. MFT is now on Facebook and our Web Site address is maryland There will be a Jr Trapper Day held on Oct 9th at Hurlock, Md. and a FBU Banquet held on Mar 31st, 2012. Further details are available at our Web Site.
Our cash raffle was held with 1st prize winner ES Diefenderfer $500 cash, 2nd prize winner C Dolan $250 cash, 3rd prize winner Craig Mask $150 cash and 4th prize winner Joyce Holmes $100 cash. Thanks go out to Anita Moore for heading up the raffle again this year. 100 or more sellers were James Wilson, Butch Glenn, Bill Blank, Roger Ringgold, Charlie Burbage, Melvin Littleton, James Campbell, and Tommy Tucker. These eight trappers accounted for a high percentage of the total sales. Most of them do this year after year.
An Ocean City trip package was split in two with one half raffled off at the end of the crab feast and the second part auctioned off during the state auction. Thanks go to Mike Richardson for obtaining the OC trip once more. These OC trip donations have raised many, many dollars for Maryland Fur Trappers over the years. Thanks again, Mike, from all MFT members.
The MFT Awards went to the following. Hall of Fame – Mary Tucker, Leadership – Ron Leggett, Trapper of the Year – Tommy Tucker, Director of the Year – Roger Ringgold, Benefactor – Mike McWilliams, and Presidents Awards were to Tommy Tucker and Barbara Joyce. Barbara Joyce could not attend, but sent in a letter which was read by Ron Leggett.
New President Donald Moore stated he wants MFT to be more pro active and Allan Ellis was made our Media Coordinator.
Our next Directors Meeting is scheduled for October.
— Roger Ringgold
Congratulations go out to Dist 8 member Donald Moore as our new MFT State President. I am proud of the fact that Dist 8 members were well represented at the convention, especially in view of the low turn out we have at meetings. Thanks trappers.
The convention was great. More on the convention in the Convention Report. I was honored to receive the Director of the Year Award. Thanks to any and all who remembered me. After getting home, my mail contained a large envelop from North American Fur Auctions containing three top lot awards. One each for beaver, red fox and muskrat. Thanks go out to NAFA for recognizing my efforts.
Trapping season for fox and coon is fast approaching. If your gear is not ready, you better get to it. I bought cable stakes at the convention and will be trying them for the first time this year. I also bought dog proof traps to try. Actually my supply list stretched quite a bit further than most years. Now to put them to good use.
Dist 8 encourages members and guests to attend our meetings. Come and share your wisdom with the rest of us.
Dist 8 meetings resume in October. We meet the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM during trapping season at the home of Bob Calloway. His address is 14313 Cherry Lane and is located near Tuckahoe State Park between Centreville, Md and Ridgely , Md. Call Bob at 410-634-2501 for further directions.
I am easy to reach, if I can be of help to anyone.
— Roger Ringgold, 410-634-2552,