President — Tony Howard, 170 Thomas St., Sarepta, LA 71071; 318-423-7860; mahoward@centurytel.net
Vice President/Youth Coordinator — Wesley Blanchard, 12479 Lewis Rd, DeRidder, LA 70634; 337-375-1932; Slugger145@yahoo.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Rob McKay, 5464 Bobbie Lane, Bossier City, LA 71112; info@louisianatrappers.com
NTA Director/FTA Director — Sam J. Smith Sr., P.O. Box 335, DeQuincy, LA 70633; 337-786-2691; sambogator@msn.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including T&PC — $20
• Family membership with T&PC — $25
• Lifetime memberships with T&PC — $300
• Senior (over 65) lifetime membership with T&PC — $150
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
LTAHA, Secretary/Treasurer
Rob McKay
5464 Bobbie Lane
Bossier City, LA 71112
Hello trappers. Here we are with season on us and I hope you have done your scouting and are prepared to catch some good old Louisiana fur. Remember our season runs from Nov 20 – March 31 but you can set one day prior to the season opener. If you would like a copy of the fur trapping regulations, please log on to the LDWF website and there is a printable pamphlet. Rumors of record fur prices have more people getting back into trapping and I think that is a good thing. The more trappers that we have in the state, the more people we have to keep the trapping tradition alive in our great state. If you know of a trapper who is not a member of our association, please encourage them to join. This is easily done on our trapping website at Louisianatrappers.com. I hope this season you find your traps full and remember to take a kid trapping and try to introduce trapping to someone new.
We held a board meeting earlier this summer and Ryan Schafer our sec/treasure announced new shirts are in and this time with pocket tees. By the time this article runs, our website store should be up and running for you to purchase the new shirts.
To get the most bucks for your fur you should properly stretch and put up your fur and send it to auction. But, if you are like me, someone who works all the time and sells their fur green, don’t forget that at our annual convention in April that we will have a fur buyer or buyers on site paying market value for your fur.
We are staying on top of the bobcat issue in the state that allows the mass killing of bobcats by hunters. We believe that to shoot a bobcat and let it lay is a waste of a valuable resource. Stay tuned in the next several months as we have folks in Baton Rouge staying on top of this issue.
Hunt and fish day was held on September 28th in Woodworth, Many, West Monroe and Baton Rouge. We did not get many of our members to volunteer to go help work a booth and for that I hate to hear it. We live in a state with few trappers to population and I would hope that each and every one of you would step up once a year and help spread the gospel of trapping. We have the same few people in the association doing 99% of the work every year. (Planning convention, demos at convention, working booths, speaking at schools etc…) To those few folks doing all of the work as vice president of this association I say thank you and keep up the good job. More opportunities for you to help will be arising in the future and we will be reaching out and I hope that you stand up to the challenge and help us out. You may contact any officer if you are interested in helping out. Until next time, may God Bless you all and I hope you have your best season ever. — Wesley Blanchard