President — W.R. Brecheisen Jr., 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1074; e-mail:
Vice President — Roger Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-2076
Secretary — Donna Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-6017
Treasurer — Pauline Brecheisen; 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1770; e-mail:
NTA Director — Russell Voelker, 11816 K-16, Hwy., Valley Falls, KS 66088; phone: 785-945-6750
FTA Director — Robert Currie, 926 M St., Belleville, KS 66935; phone: 785-527-2449
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $25
• Junior (14 & under) with subscription — $15
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
KFHA, Treasurer
Pauline Brecheisen
24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720
Hope all is going well to each and everyone out there in the fur shed. The first auction is now over. The markets were down, but each dollar you get is still more than you had. No one is forcing you to go out and harvest the furs and nobody is forcing you to sell your harvest. It is totally unnecessary for anyone to throw a fit in a public place and in front of a group of people that were there to make the best of it.
Auction results were as follows:
Badger — Four sold, High $10.50, Average $4.63
Beaver — Nine sold, High $6, Average $5.05
Bobcat — 11 sold, High $48, Average $23.23
’Coon — 548 sold, High $15.50, Average $8.30
Coyote — 26 sold, High $11, Average $8.27
Mink — 1 sold, $10
Muskrat — 17 sold, High $3, Average $2.81
Opossum — 27 sold, High $0.50, Average $0.31
Red Fox — 9 sold, High $13, Average $ 9.11
Skunk — 2 sold, High $0.50, Average $0.38
Until next time, happy furharvesting.
— Roger Macy