President — Craig Sweet, 1825 Kirkwood St., Saint Charles, IA 50240; phone: 641-764-2758
Vice President — Randy Mitchell, Iowa Fall, IA; phone: 641-648-6787
Secretary — Patty Kempf, 3371 130th St., Jamaica, IA 50128; e-mail: itasecretary@iowatelecom.net
Treasurer — Chris Grillot, 2769 110th Ave., Wheatland, IA 52777; phone: 563-374-1074;
e-mail: itatreasurer@fbcom.net
FTA Director — Gene Purdy, 521 Edwin Place, Fontanelle, IA 50846; phone: 641-745-8841
NTA Director — George Scalf, 123 N. Madison Ave., Ottumwa, IA 52501; phone: 641-682-3937;
e-mail: iantadtr@mchsi.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $250
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA Secretary
Patty Kempf
3371-130th St.
Jamaica, IA 50129
Greetings to all. As you read this, beaver-trapping season will be very close to being closed. It closes on April 1. I hope you had an enjoyable trapping season. I know I did, even with the bad winter, and will find out about prices later this month after the auction.
The ITA had a booth at Pheasant Fest in Des Moines on Feb. 26-28. A lot of people, not just from Iowa but from other states as well, were glad to see the ITA present at the event representing trappers. A lot of good PR for trapping has been accomplished by attending this event the past four years. The amount of people who do not know what dog-proof traps are or that they are used by trappers is unreal. People also stopped by the booth inquiring about bodygrip traps and how they operate. They left feeling more at ease with handling them after being shown. We also have the video “Destroying the Myth” showing during the event. The number of people who stand and stare when the segment of the video showing the ’coon and fox being released from traps will amaze you — pictures are worth a thousand words.
Most adults are so focused on the t.v. they are like a small kid watching a cartoon. Miss Iowa, Anne Michael Langguth, was present Saturday to sign pictures and talked to many people during her visit. Her mother Nancy came along with her. Both enjoyed the event and took many pictures while there. My thanks on behalf of the ITA to Anne Michael and Nancy for taking time to attend the event. I also want to thank Spencer and Joice Hill, Dwayne and Linda Kay, Tex and Judy Adams, Cody and Tracy Hutton, John and Judy Newlin, Jeff and Patty Kempf and Gene Purdy for taking time to help in the booth during the weekend.
Last month, I reported on House File 2139 which would require anyone who traps on public road right-of-ways to have permission from adjacent landowner or tenant to trap. I can tell you that HF2139 did not make it out of committee so this issue is dead for this legislative session. Thanks to everyone who sent letters or contacted the key committee members on this issue.
If you did not read last month’s column, the ITA Board of Directors voted to increase membership dues due to an increase in the cost of the T&PC. New membership prices are $10 w/o publication, $20 w/publication, $200 Lifetime w/o publication and $400 Lifetime w/publication.
All members who were on a current lifetime payment plan would remain at the old rate. The last dues increase was found to be in 1994.
The 2010 ITA Fall Convention will be in Sigourney from Sept. 10-12. If anyone would like to reserve an inside dealer spot, contact me at 515-306-9385 or hightoweria@aol.com with your request. The ITA will also be minting another pure silver medallion with a raccoon on the back for this year’s convention. You can contact Eric Rector at erector@co.wright.ia.us or contact me at the number or e-mail above to reserve your medallion.
The Next ITA Board of Directors meeting will be Sunday April 11 at 10 a.m. at the State Tree Nursery in Ames. All members are welcome to attend.
Better go for now. Take care and enjoy the outdoors this spring!
— Craig Sweet
April 1 will bring to a close beaver season in Iowa. Be sure that all your trapping gear is removed by this date to avoid a citation.
April brings showers and Happy Easter greetings, with the Seventh Annual NTA Southeast Regional Convention scheduled for April 9-11 in Calhoun, Georgia. It also brings spring turkey hunting to Iowa.
May brings flowers and morel mushrooms and the Sixth Annual NTA Northeast Regional Convention in Greenwich, NY May 21-23. This is in central New York, northeast of the capitol, Albany, and very near the Vermont border.
May 22 will be the date for the annual Youth Field Day, held in Ottumwa at the Izaak Walton League grounds. Several new features are being added to give the attendees an exciting experience. The theme chosen is Youth of Today, Sportsmen of Tomorrow. Why not get involved in an event such as this in your area? We must recruit youngsters into our sports and this is a great way to do it.
FBU Banquets are being held in various locations. I’ll have a full report on my March 20 banquet next time. Be sure to attend an event in your area. These are really fun events and are held to raise much-needed funds for FURBEARERS UNLIMITED.
— George E. Scalf