President — Ron Elliot, 7244 W. 500 S., LaPort, IN 46350; phone: 219-785-2972; e-mail:
Vice President — Frank Lamm, PO Box 110, Lebanon, IN 46052; phone: 765-676-5600, 866-907-PEST; e-mail:
Secretary — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
Treasurer — Travis Allen, 6862 Jackson St., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-585-3284; e-mail:
NTA Director — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
FTA Director — Doyle Flory, 2094 Fir Road, Tippecanoe, IN 46570; phone: 574-498-6354;
Furbearer Biologist — VACANT
Directors of Membership — Randy Sowder, Bill Crum and Jim McIntyre
Our recent Trapper Education weekend at Danville had eight students. All were given personal instruction on setting traps and snares, we harvested raccoons for skinning demos, and had a very good class. Instructors in addition to myself were Travis Allen, Bill Lewis, Tom Setser, Dane Setser, Dennis Cobb and our CO Jeff Wells.
Next on my agenda is the NTA national convention and BOD meetings in Wisconsin. If you have a concern or question about the NTA let me know and I will bring it up. Hope to see some of you at the convention.
Our state convention will be here very soon. Sept. 17 & 18 at the Miami County Fairgrounds in Peru. Soon after that we have trapper education weekends planned for Salomonie Reservoir, Kingsbury F&W Area, and Raccoon Lake. Contact an officer if you would like to attend and possibly help instruct.
Elections are coming up and you will be receiving your ballot in the Fall Newsletter sometime in August. If you have an article for our newsletter it needs to be in our hands by July 15th. — Stu Grell