President — Al LaFrance
Vice President — Ed Wright
Treasurer — Tim Evans
Secretary — Rich Palmer
Minutes of Meeting
March 13, 2011
10 Members present
• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
• Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.
• Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
• Al still hasn’t heard back from either magazine in regards to how they want the subscriptions paid for.
• Tom Gebo is out of fur, but will keep us in mind when he gets more
• Al picked up the Bob Evans Memorial plaque; VERY nice.
• The Spring Turkey Contest is a go, contact Al for applications if you don’t receive one with the newsletter. The application deadline is APRIL 20th, NO EXCEPTIONS! $10 per bird entry, same as last year.
• Something new – The Club will purchase a Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun. For a special Members Only drawing at our Christmas Banquet. Adult members will be given a ticket towards the gun at each meeting they attend. They will also receive a ticket for each sponsored event they attend or participate in, excluding Banquets. If you do not get a ticket then shame on you!
• The MAY MEETING will be held at the French Fort in Liverpool at 5:30 p.m., we need a good turnout because they are making a big event of this for us, possibly making the news. The French Fort asked if we can display our mounts with them, we voted and agreed it will be good for everyone if we do. It’s better for the mounts to be seen everyday as opposed to 6-10 days when we do our shows. We’re also making plaques to promote the club.
• Advanced Strategies had their yearly Banquet that Al and Gary attended and displayed their mounts. They thanked us for our support and had a nice slide show of their yearly outings.
• Advanced Strategies will hold a Carp Derby on June 11th, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Baldwinsville, we’ve been invited to attend and asked to help. I’m bringing a rod and bait and my nephews. It will be $15 a person to enter.
• NRA is having their Banquet in June, we voted to sponsor a $150 item; the club will be buying 2 tables on a first come first serve basis. Contact Al for details.
• Al was reimbursed for postage and 2 locks for the club.
• Harvey won the door prize trap.
• Tim gave us details on Madison County and Gary talked about the Onondaga Federation of Sportsmen details. Thanks to you both.
Minutes of Meeting
April 14, 2011
14 Members present
• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
• Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.
• Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
• Al still hasn’t heard back from either magazine in regards to subscriptions.
• Tom Gebo is out of fur, but will keep us in mind when he gets more.
• There are 14 people signed up for the Turkey Contest. Deadline is past.
• Al explained the ticket process for the Members only raffle in December.
• The liability insurance has been paid for the club.
• Discussed the fur prices from our sale, most were satisfied. As usual, the poor quality of a few items brought down the averages. Thanks to all that showed up and helped.
• Al won the door prize, a 110 conibear and Gary won the mosquito foothold.
• Bill discussed the Maplefest for Cortland County Trappers Assoc. and how well it was attended. He also discussed the amount and placement of the stocked trout. Thanks Bill and Shirley for the hard work. Tim discussed the amount and placement of the stocked trout. Thanks Bill and Shirley for the hard work. Tim discussed the Marine license and trout stocking in Madison County. Gary talked about the DEC building, a road and a boat launch in the Clay Marsh.
• June 2nd – NRA Banquet at the Rusty Rail in Canastota, N.Y.
• June 11th – Advanced Strategies Carp Derby, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Baldwinsville.