President — Al LaFrance; 315-682-2050
Vice President — Ed Wright
Treasurer — Tim Evans
Secretary — Rich Palmer
Minutes of Meeting — Oct. 11, 2012
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Officers elections were held, all stay the same
The crossbow bill has stalled, yet again
We voted to continue doing the Eastern Sports Show, the Solon Fur Rondy and Carpenter’s Brook, but we need help.
We’re in good shape on tails. We may need some more furs though.
We had 26 registered for our trap class and only 19 showed. Cortland had 39 sign and 29 showed. Too bad we turned people away before the classes started. It gets frustrating when we give up our time for these people and they don’t have the courtesy to show but can write negative articles about us in the local paper.
Al brought bass for dinner. Very good! Karl’s bringing food for Nov. No skunk, please!
Madison – Talked about air gun use, feral hogs and needs fur to replace the ones that came up missing.
Cortland – The Fur Rondy went well for them. Of course, they had many members attend.
Onondaga – None reported.
Dec. 15 – Fur Sale at Pompey Rod and Gun Club
Dec. 23 – Christmas Banquet at Al’s Village Diner 4-7 pm. Call Al at 633-2030 to RSVP! Remember, it’s free to members.
Jan. 11-13 – Coyote Hunt
Dues need to be in by Dec. 1 along with any business ads
Next meeting is Sunday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. at Pratts Falls.
I’m interested in purchasing coyote and fox pelts. I’m hoping that your organization can point me in the right direction. Barbara Peterson.
does membership include a subscription to Trapper and Predator Caller? Is there anyone active in Oswego County?