President — Al LaFrance; 315-682-2050
Vice President — Ed Wright
Treasurer — Tim Evans
Secretary — Rich Palmer
Minutes of Meeting
May 10, 2012
– The pledge of allegiance was said
– Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.
– Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
– Nothing new on NYSTA’s bear hunt raffle other than they are dropping the ball.
– We need instructors! Next class will be at the Fur Rondy in Fenner on July 7. If interested, contat Al LaFrance or Rich Palmer for details.
– Morrissville College is going to hold Sportsmen Ed. Classes. We are fully behind this decision. Trap class tentatively set for Oct. 14.
– We will be doing the Sports Show in January. We will need help so please keep that in mind.
– The Spring Banquet was well attended. Any pros or cons, any suggestions? Let me know. Mike Kraus won Trapper of the Year, congratulations. Bob Evans was inducted into our Trapper Hall of Fame, well deserved.
– So far, four birds have been entered into our Turkey Contest and Mike Kraus is currently leading.
– Our club is buying one table and extra dinner seats for the NRA Dinner. Contact Al if you want to go. We are also sponsoring a $100 item for the auction. Dinner is June 15th at Rusty Rail in Canastota, starts at 6 p.m.
– The Crossbow Coalition has 485 members, good job. To get the crossbow legal in all hunting seasons, they need to hear from people by hand-written letter. Without letters, this legislation will not pass. Please take a few minutes and write a brief letter to your assemblymen and senators. A simple letter takes only a minute.
– Al was reimbursed for banquet items and newsletter expenses.
– We have two new members. Good to have you.
– Thanks to Mike Kraus for the food. It was very good! Also, Mike Ashley brought some turkey. Very good also!
– Door prizes, Mike Kraus won the ammo and Ralph Ashley won the knife.
– Madison – Annual Banquet is May 17th at Solsville Hotel. Call Tim Evans for details.
Minutes of Meeting
June 14, 2012
– The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
– Minutes of last meeting were read and accepted.
– Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
– Results of our Turkey Contest:
Al LaFrance – 1st Place
Mike Kraus – 2nd Place
Mike Ashley – 3rd Place
Congratulations to all!
– Crossbow Bill passed in the Senate and goes to the Assembly.
– Summer Rondy is July 6 and 7 at Nichols Pond. There is a Trapper Training Class scheduled for the 7th.
– We’re wondering what happened to the NYSTA Bear Hunt?
– Ralph Ashley brought two crock pots of food. Thanks Ralph (Paula). It was great!
– We received a scholarship application from Anthony Ashley. A motion was made to give $500.00 to one applicant or $250.00 each to two applicants. Applicants have until the July meeting to apply.
– There were three guests from the Nedrow Sportsman’s Club, and discussion about moving our meetings to their club, in an informal union of our two clubs. Watch for more info to follow.
– There will be a work day on August 4 at the Nedrow Sportsman’s Club. Please be there by 9 a.m. This is a join workday between our two clubs at our soon-to-be new home. Come join us and check it out.
– Door Prizes – Ed Wright won a new hat and Harvey won a tail stripper.
Madison County Federation Banquet had great food, but a low turnout.
– August 4th – Workday at Nedrow.