Illinois Trappers Association January 2011 Report

President — Paul Kelley, P.O. Box 75, Hudson, IL 61748; phone: 309-726-1443; e-mail:

Vice President — Carroll Williams RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; phone: 618-516-2275;

Secretary — Dean Corgiat, 620 Clarksville Rd., Pittsfield, IL. 62363; phone: 217-285-4984;

Treasurer — Timothy M. Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd., Petersburg, IL 62675; phone: 217-632-3521;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

ITA, Treasurer
Tim Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd.
Petersburg, IL 62675


Trapping season has been if full swing now for several weeks, and I know some may have already hung there traps up for the season by the time they read this. I hope everyone has had a chance to get out to make a few sets, and enjoy his sport we all love. I got out and trapped for a few day’s, but my wife has had three surgery’s since our fall convention, so I have been tied up with her going back and forth to the doctor the last few weeks. I hope everyone remembers to put some fur back for our two fur auction coming up in January. The first one will be on January 8th, 2011 in Odell Illinois at the community building. The second sale will be in Fairfield at the Wayne county fairgrounds on January 22,2011. I hope to see everybody there, and hope to hear some good trap line tales as well.

There has been an election in our state, and we have some new folks that will be coming to Springfield this spring. I will be working on trying to find out where these new legislators stand on trapping. I ask those that have a new legislators in your districts to try and find out where they stand on trapping, and to make contact with them so you my let them know where you stand on certain issues that effect use. I would also like to remind everyone that it is not only issues that pertain to trapping that effect use. Gun bills, and bills dealing with animal welfare issues, and bills that deal with the workings of the department of natural resources are all issues that trappers need to keep an eye on. I have a feeling with the new crop in Springfield this spring, that we will have to keep a sharp eye on what new legislation might come down the road at use.

Director Joe McCall from Varan is recovering from open heart surgery he had right as season started. I hear he is doing better, but will have to stay off the trapline this season. We wish you the best Joe, and take care of yourself, we need you brother. Trappers all across America lost a great friend in George Scalf from Iowa this past month. George was a life member of the NTA, and served as general organizer, and also served on the executive board as well. Please keep the Scalf family in your prayers

Communications is something that this association is needing to work on, and I would like to hear ideas from our membership on how we might go about doing that. Information moves at neck break speed now, and I feel a strong association is an association that is and stays informed, but we need input on how to accomplish this. I am open to new ideas on this matter, and would like to hear from the membership on this matter. I hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday season, and I wish everybody the best and a happy new year. Till next time God bless.

— Mike Gragert


Well hope all are having a great season. i have talked to several trappers that have said that there coon catch is way down again this year. I hope you are not one of them. I also hope that everyone saves at least 1 coon for the coon raffle at the ITA fur sales Jan 8 at Odell or Jan. 22 at in Fairfeild, Ill. Also, I wanted to let you all know that Mr. Joe McCall is doing better now for those who did not know, Joe had a stroke and ended up getting admitted to the hospital and undergoing a 5 way heart bypass.

He is recovering but the dr said no trapping or hunting for a least 3 more months so Joe will miss this trapping season. But Joe’s wife said that the old buzzard is getting better and will be out there next year. Lord willing. Hope to see you all at the fur sales. More later.

— Neal Graves

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